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*#* Food *#*

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by mr_blue [Ignore] 05,Mar,19 21:54  other posts
What are you munching on ?
Let's talk food
What's a national dish you recommend?
What really tastes like chicken?

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By Sickboy [Ignore] 25,Dec,19 19:24 other posts 
Today I have mostly been eating Beef!

By Ray10754 [Ignore] 25,Dec,19 08:04 other posts 
very simple dinner for me,3/4 inch ham steak,pineapple slices,mashed potatoes,green beans,garlic bread and a nice green salad,

By mr_blue [Ignore] 19,Dec,19 02:40 other posts 
How do you have your Christmas dinner!!!
Do you like a good stuffing in your bird?

Wtf do you do with a vegan !!!
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Dec,19 06:09 other posts 
I make a bone in Black Forest ham in my smoker for Christmas along with baked corn potato filling cranberry jelly and chocolate meringue pie lots of pie
By #601496 25,Dec,19 07:56
Christmas Eve it's a pit roasted pig but for Christmas we have one big meal from 3pm till 9pm give or take. It starts with finger food (empanadas, pastelitos,shrimp, sliced Cuban bread, baguettes, olives, and artichoke hearts). For main meal we have Honeybaked ham. Roasted potatoes and carrots with onions. We also have Ñoqui in a light tomato sauce and meat ravioli on same sauce. Two types of salad, Russian (fancy potato ) and lettuce and tomato

By #599073 25,Dec,19 02:57
I agree, a Pennsylvania rattlesnake has to be put into the pan - because it's too cold for the snake outside in the wintertime.

By mr_blue [Ignore] 22,Aug,19 15:45 other posts 
How do you cook your steak ?
By #574505 22,Aug,19 16:53
Right now I'm smoking some Ribs
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Aug,19 16:57 other posts 
Do you roll them or smoke them in a pipe?
By #574505 22,Aug,19 17:05
O so funny
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Aug,19 17:16 other posts 
Thank you.

By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Mar,19 05:02 other posts 
Pennsylvania rattle snake taste a lot like chicken
By phart [Ignore] 06,Mar,19 15:11 other posts 
I wouldn't know what a rattlesnake taste like. If I spotted 1 of those bastards,he would wind up like the Copperheds do around here,scattered accross the yard with a shotgun or full of holes from a 22.
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Mar,19 17:58 other posts 
Hahaha I'm right at home with snakes I live in the Appalachian mountains in Pennsylvania so I'm used to them
By phart [Ignore] 06,Mar,19 18:08 other posts 
I stepped on a 4 foot copper head.I didn't know till I moved and I heard a noise.I kept my eyes on him and called a neighbor with a 12 gauge,problem solved.
By t-rex [Ignore] 09,Mar,19 21:04 other posts 
While you were still standing on him ?
By phart [Ignore] 09,Mar,19 21:06 other posts 
no I got off of him and when he moved I looked down and saw him where I was standing.I kept my eyes on him and called on the cell phone to get the neighbor down with a gun,If I had walked away,he would have crawled off to be a hazard again later.Never take your eyes off a snake if you have some way of getting rid of it.
By t-rex [Ignore] 09,Mar,19 21:33 other posts 
You are lucky he didn’t get pissed about you stepping on him
By #372661 07,Mar,19 19:17
Are there many copperheads in your parts?
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Mar,19 19:32 other posts 
Yeah I get surprised by one every so often hiding in my fire wood pile
By phart [Ignore] 07,Mar,19 22:23 other posts 
that is where this 1 was.I cut and stack wood during the cooler part of the day during the summer months.I have since cleaned up around my wood pile and started stacking it higher off the ground so those little slithery bastards can't hide so well.
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Mar,19 05:10 other posts 
I can smell when there close by they let off a slight cucumber smell
By t-rex [Ignore] 09,Mar,19 21:08 other posts 
I get more copperheads, I think because I have water close by, I have always heard they like to be near water, but I don’t know that this is true
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Mar,19 21:48 other posts 
Yeah they suck they can't kill me but when bittin they can make you sick as hell

By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Mar,19 19:48 other posts 
Here is a little recipe I remember from riding with the sons of Satan motorcycle club there called magic mushrooms you start with a batter made of flower eggs and beer hand dip a hand full of psilocybin mushroom tops deep fry in a pan or deep fryer till golden brown serve with a marinara sauce turn on your tv or stereo sit down and enjoy your mushrooms and enjoy your buzz
By mr_blue [Ignore] 09,Mar,19 06:30 other posts 
I'll just take the shrooms
I did some at Stonehenge summer solstice.... pretty funny tbh,cool atmosphere too... didn't see anyone cooking magic shrooms though...
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Mar,19 06:44 other posts 
Hahaha bikers do weird stuff
By mr_blue [Ignore] 09,Mar,19 06:49 other posts 
Lots of different types of people at Stonehenge, everyone was on something I reckon... probably bikers cooking shrooms too.

By #521857 09,Mar,19 03:03
I’m a cook, I could talk food all day... but slow cooked ribs and homemade fries is my favorite lately
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I recommend poutine
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I don’t taste like chicken

By #549481 08,Mar,19 15:11
Your way to aggressive to be king of this site
By mr_blue [Ignore] 08,Mar,19 15:39 other posts 
Thanks thread is about food,and I'm just king of a game....thanks for the input though....

By #460385 05,Mar,19 22:12
Fried frog legs and fried gator tail.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Mar,19 15:58 other posts 
I'm curious, is the fried gator tail served like the main entree or in pieces, like an appetizer?
By #460385 06,Mar,19 16:10
Both. Smaller nugget size are an appetizer. The steaks are served as a dinner.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Mar,19 18:15 other posts 
My guess is that gator tail tastes LIKE CHICKEN!?
By #460385 07,Mar,19 12:39
Not really. Frog legs taste more like chicken. Gator has more of a fish flavor. And of course there is a tatse difference in both if they are farm raised or wild caught.
By 2nice [Ignore] 06,Mar,19 16:28 other posts 
Oh man...I cannot do frog legs. I am like the most non picky eater ever, but I just cannot do them. Ugh.
By #460385 06,Mar,19 17:30
Beer batter, Old Bay seasoning, friend in peanut oil. They are delicious.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Mar,19 18:16 other posts 
I've never tried frog legs because I can't get beyond that they are FROG'S LEGS!
By phart [Ignore] 06,Mar,19 23:53 other posts 
I can never forget the cartoon I saw in a napa autoparts booklet they used to print called Parts Pups,it showed a bunch of frogs in wheel chairs rolling out the back door of a resturaunt and the sign said "special Frog legs".
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Mar,19 05:24 other posts 
Hahaha hey I remember that

By 2nice [Ignore] 06,Mar,19 16:29 other posts 
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Mar,19 18:14 other posts 
It's funny, I like my beef medium to medium rare, hamburgers are included HOWEVER I do not do medium to medium rare meatloaf.

And a meatloaf sandwich on the second day, yummy!

By JustWill [Ignore] 06,Mar,19 12:24 other posts 
Actually, chicken just tastes like everything else.
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Mar,19 18:01 other posts 
I never thought of that. Could be

By phart [Ignore] 06,Mar,19 15:12 other posts 
What am I munching on? A while ago it was fried spam with terriaki rice.

By #569341 06,Mar,19 00:57
did you see all of the “similar topics”? 5 topics of “cum &/or piss on food”...i think i just contracted an eating disorder.
Don’t get me started on food. I love cooking. I’ll stick to the specific topic though (local foods):
1) Kangaroo mince is an awesome alternative to beef mince for anything from sausages to pasta sauces to meatballs/rissoles/burger patties because it’s so lean and it’s tastier. Kangaroo jerky is also good.
2) Most of us Australians that live on the coast are huge seafood eaters (i love all seafood).
3) Goanna cooked with the traditional Aboriginal method of campfire roasting it is incredible.
4) Wiggity grubs barbequed are good.
5) Emu is like a tasty turkey that tastes more like red meat. Say, a turkey banged a deer and had Emu babies.
6) Wild pigs/boars aren’t just in Australia, but those ugly fuckers are probably my favourite red meat after goat and lamb (lamb in Australia is as popular as beef). They taste nothing like pork.
7) Freshwater Yabbies are delicious.
8 ) I eat any and all proteins, but Crocodile is the one thing that i will never eat again. “Tastes like chicken” mixed with tastes like seafood...not a good mix! I’m against the killing of them too, so that probably swayed my opinion towards not liking it.
9) Etc.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Mar,19 15:10 other posts 
After being chased accross the back yard into the dog lot with my dog 1 night by several wild boars I called a guy out here to hunt them and shoot them. He brought back some sausage.Um,good.
I aint eating no damn worm, Wiggity or not!

I aint never eat a goat. I guess cause we raised dairy goats when i was young and they were just to good hearted a pet to want to shoot and eat. Damn milk was good to.

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