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Kneeling before the American Flag during the National Anthem...

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Started by tecsan [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 02:27  other posts
Protests (peaceful that is) are ok, but kneeling before the American Flag???That is a disgrace and dishonor...Why do many want to dishonor our American Vets...Yes, I admit this is a free Country, so feel free overpaid athletes to disrespect it if that is how you feel...There are other ways to protest is all that I am trying to get across...Saddens me to see people kneeling before the Nations Flag while the National Anthem is playing...Actually, tearful... ༼☯﹏☯༽

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By tecsan [Ignore] 16,Aug,21 05:51 other posts 
Someone, please tell me what that kaepernick bitch is doing now days...
By #610414 16,Aug,21 08:48
Kaepernick is not short on money as evidenced by the more than $1 million he has donated to social justice charitable organizations.... In six seasons with the 49ers, Kaepernick has earned $43 million in salary alone.
He may not be an NFL player anymore, but, his activism is alive and well and he laughs at all you "I'M A PATRIOT" wanna-bees--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutesNFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said in August that he wishes he had "listened earlier" to Kaepernick. With national protests erupting across the country over the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and Jacob Blake, the NFL has launched a set of social justice initiatives, which includes stenciling "It Takes All Of Us" and "End Racism" in the end zones all season long.--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes(CNN)Nike released an all-black jersey to commemorate the four years since former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick took a knee to peacefully protest against systemic racism and social injustice during the National Anthem.

The Icon Jersey 2.0, which retails for $150, went on sale Thursday morning and sold out in less than a minute, Nike confirmed to CNN.--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes"Four years ago, I took a knee to protest against systemic racism and social injustice. It was that day that the number on my jersey would come to represent something greater than football, something greater than me," Kaepernick wrote Thursday in a post on Instagram.--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes"Since then, the number 7 jersey has become a symbol for advancing the liberation and well-being of Black & Brown communities. Thank you for staying True."--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutesNike said in a statement, "Through his continuous commitment, the number 7 jersey has become an iconic symbol for progress and positive change. Colin and Nike team up together once again, this time with a Triple Black jersey, paying homage to the anniversary of Kaepernick seeking what's true."
--------------------------------------- added after 22 minutes

So, all you bashers of Kaepernick. The man has shown he has integrity. All you guys think is that he's a failure. You are all wrong
By phart [Ignore] 16,Aug,21 17:12 other posts 
nike profits off little kids making their shoes for pennys.
So where is kaepernicks protest for that income inequality that he Originally was protesting?
By #610414 16,Aug,21 18:10
I don’t know. Where’s the American public’s boycott of Nike for taking advantage of child labor? I don’t see you marching through downtown Hicksville protesting Nike.
By phart [Ignore] 17,Aug,21 12:26 other posts 
If you searched my home you would not find any nike made shit either!
That is how you can peacefully fix the issue.Don't buy their products,and they don't profit from the child labor.No traffic jams, no noise,no disruption to small bussiness's.Just simply break their piggy bank.
By #623135 18,Aug,21 10:29
I just got a mind pic of you in Nikes. HAHAHA.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Aug,21 12:33 other posts 
Yea,i am sure it is funny because I wear Georgia Logger boots.

By #629627 14,Aug,21 02:50
Incel? Never heard of it before. It makes sense. Sad lonely inadequate hate filled losers. I just saw the news of an incel in UK shooting people. Made me think of the pointless shack dwelling pus filled "patriots" on here. Tecsan Fart Skittles and all the other Pride Boys that are on this thread. Sat at home in a basement or shack hating everyone,moaning, Boo-Hoo nobody loves me. All sucking dick becuase they cant get a woman. Maybe stop wanking, get out of the basement/swamp and do something apart from blame everyone else.
By tecsan [Ignore] 14,Aug,21 04:38 other posts 
Are you an involuntary celibate...Good for you, that is safe...You have no need to compare me to piss ass freddy buttknocker...Never have I portrayed that...Now what basement cocksucker...
By #610414 14,Aug,21 12:01
He does have a point, though.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Aug,21 18:41 other posts 
may I ask how this applies to people that don't respect their country, their flag ,their heritage etc?
I would say these kneelers are the 1's harboring hatred for people moreso than the folks that are pointing out their lack of respect.
By #610414 16,Aug,21 07:56
Phart, I could say the same about middle aged, disabled midwesterners. All they do is complain about the Feds not helping enough. The only flag they care about is the Confederate flag. Their heritage? Who knows.
By phart [Ignore] 16,Aug,21 17:09 other posts 
Both flags fly in many lawns and yards around here.
By #610414 16,Aug,21 18:06
And that tells me in what type of community you live in. It also says of you and those neighbors that you too disrespect your country and your flag. Flying the flag of an enemy, a defeated, racist enemy, is not only disrespectful, it’s traitorous. Why don’t they fly the German Swastika or the Japanese Rising Sun?
"You cannot force someone to respect the country.
The country should be a donor of respect, not a beggar of it."

By #592419 15,Aug,21 13:30
Dear Fellow Amercans. Remember this and your American ettiquette.. [deleted image]

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 15,Aug,21 00:13 other posts 
Keep drinking Putin's diarrhea, Nazi buttfucker.

By tecsan [Ignore] 01,Aug,21 23:30 other posts 
Hey I am not racist, but kneeling before the American Flag during The National Anthem is not very patriotic...If you do not like our Great Country, then leave...
By #623135 02,Aug,21 13:08
Neither are lynchings, knee suffocations, strip searching black women during a traffic stop. This is a great country. Too bad, Tecsan, that you miss the point. It's a great country because we can protest as we see fit without fearing someone pushing us out of the country because he doesn't like my way I bring injustices to the public's eyes. My father fought in WWII. My older brother demonstrated against the VietNam war. Arlington Cemetery and other veteran cemeteries are populated by young men that fought, some gave their all, so that someone could kneel when the anthem is played. And BTW, you are a racist.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Aug,21 13:45 other posts 
someone here keeps trying to pound it into my head there is no such thing as race. So if he and the few folks that think like him are right then there is no such thing as racism.
But is it not equally racist for a college to be black only and deny a asian person to attend?
Is it not racist to call a white person a cracker?
IF there is racism,and if it is to be dealt with, then Everyone needs to change,not just 1 side.
By #623135 02,Aug,21 17:20
You just said the magic words. Now, figure out why it is the way it is and try to fix it
By #623135 13,Aug,21 11:23
Historically speaking, HBCUs were created by the federal government to fund colleges that were founded prior to 1964 and focused on educating black students. However, in the many years that have passed, HBCUs have changed. More white students are applying to these schools and are benefitting from the traditional HBCU education. From required courses on history and race to service-minded extracurricular activities, white students and students of color are earning an education that is comprehensive and well-rounded. Another change is that enrollment among black students is falling, so white students and students of other races are being accepted in larger numbers in order to keep the colleges functioning.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 02,Aug,21 13:38 other posts 
Just get the delta variant, and die, you Nazi shit bag
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Aug,21 11:52 other posts 
It's amazing how many ultra extra super conservative people exist in the US among the non-privileged or poor section of the society. Despite the fact they're suppressed and oppressed they have the same mindset as the rich. They act as their speakers.
By #623135 13,Aug,21 11:27
Politics is not about money. It’s about beliefs. A poor Southern Baptist black parishioner is opposed to abortion or gay rights. He won’t “ go against the will of God”. He will support conservative ideas and representatives.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 13,Aug,21 12:50 other posts 
Yes, it's unbelievable that people hold to their beliefs as if beliefs, by themselves, had any value. The imposition of beliefs from above, or having a society that values beliefs, no matter where they come from, is really dangerous. It's how the rulers govern.
By tecsan [Ignore] 14,Aug,21 01:50 other posts 
It is amazing that you are not friends with piss ass freddy and shittles...
By tecsan [Ignore] 14,Aug,21 01:49 other posts 
I hardly think she is a Nazi...
By #629627 14,Aug,21 02:58
When you say "our" Great Country. Does America belong to a few boring fat homosexual racists?

By #614425 04,Aug,21 13:26
stand up or get out
By tecsan [Ignore] 05,Aug,21 04:12 other posts 
I have to agree with that unconditionally...
By phart [Ignore] 05,Aug,21 10:03 other posts 

Stand up for the flag or get on the front lines and take a bullet for it and be gone.
By #623135 08,Aug,21 05:08
I'm willing to bet you three would jump up and complain bitterly if I suggested ALL guns should be banned. The second amendment to the Constitution guaranties our right to bear arms. conveniently forget the first amendment.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

You can't pick and choose. Those people are redressing a grievance. They are practicing free speech and holding a peaceful assembly.
But, then again, you have no idea why thousands of our boys (and some women) gave their lives to protect these and the other words of our Constitution. Whether you like the kneeling or not, be respectful of it's meaning. I never was so ashamed of my fellow citizens as when I found out they consider our Constitution a piece of paper to show only what they want to show.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Aug,21 08:55 other posts 
There are SO many other ways of making a statement, and 23 hours and 57 minutes in a day to do it in without causing a scene. That is what bothers most Americans. The Anthem only takes a couple minutes, and you can play ball or do whatever it is you are hired to do in front of the crowd.
As when kapernickle started this shit, his original gripe was unequal pay.Well gee,hand over your salary there chump to those that don't make enough.that is just 1 example.
Or if you are on a team representing your country and you are supposed to kick a ball, stand for your nations anthem then just stand there and DON'T kick the ball! Protest by not doing your job!
By #623135 08,Aug,21 09:15
But, he did and it’s his right under freedom of speech. I don’t mind you criticizing that. I object to this

“stand up or get out” and this “ Stand up for the flag or get on the front lines and take a bullet for it and be gone.”
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 13,Aug,21 11:53 other posts 

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 02,Aug,21 08:27 other posts 
LMFAO off the US women lost .... Sad to say that but their shit attitude, woke BS, and kneeling didn't help anyone like them... Rapinoe is also a major cunt. Fuck her.
By tecsan [Ignore] 08,Aug,21 05:03 other posts 
Just a little confusing...'LMFAO off'...A little redundant...

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 03,Aug,21 11:46 other posts 
LMFAO at Rapinoe's failures this week... Woke wrecks sports.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Aug,21 10:05 other posts 
Yep, the fact that politics and protest and statements and such has been allowed to run willy nilly into the Olympics is just sickning. It WAS a place of neutrality.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Aug,21 13:10 other posts 
The Olympics has always recognized the importance of solidarity. These athletes are not kneeling for themselves, but out of solidarity with less fortunate people. That is completely in the spirit of the Olympics.

You just want those athletes to win medals to honor your country. "The important thing in life is not the triumph, but the fight; the essential thing is not to have won, but to have fought well.". These athletes are fighting well for equality, despite your vilification.
That's courage.

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By tecsan [Ignore] 06,Aug,21 04:32 other posts 
By tecsan [Ignore] 08,Aug,21 04:52 other posts 
So, skittles do you agree with kneeling before the American Flag while the national anthem is playing???Simple question, answer please...This weasel will not answer that...

By #623135 02,Aug,21 12:43

By #623135 16,Jul,21 17:00
The British women’s soccer team will take a knee before kickoff at the Tokyo Olympics.

The players have been performing the anti-racism stance with their separate teams over the last year and the IOC relaxed its rules this month to allow Olympic athletes to make such gestures of protest in the field of play at the Tokyo Games.
By phart [Ignore] 16,Jul,21 19:51 other posts 
So politics has entered the olympics'. great. that was the 1 thing that countries with differences could do together to try to bridge gaps. A neutral space ruined
By #592419 16,Jul,21 20:41
Why do you think I've cancelled my cable and don't give a flying fuck who wins?
By phart [Ignore] 16,Jul,21 21:12 other posts 
never had cable or satellite. Friends have it and complain as much as I do about nothing on tv.200 channels of nothing on for 80 bucks + a month or 24 channels of nothing on for free.
No brainer.
By #592419 16,Jul,21 21:44
Everything that is aired is politics. Do this because Trump is a racist. I change the channel and I see people turning their backs on the american flag.. Then that fucking pig cheats in the election and I still hear all about him being president when the whole world knows he cheated INCLUDING china that helped him, Russia and Iran know America can be bought and they can sell us out and have been since January.. Gas is expensive and in america you can't get gas you're fucked. I have a wife and 2 children so why should I pay these bastards $149 a month to watch this filth where I can be buying food and essential goods? All of journalism is fucked over.. Everything. We can't even listen to good music anymore..

I have this and other cyber chat on this or learning wisdom on the youtube channel or putting on music and learning what is important. What this country did was a disgrace not only to america but creating such an embarrassment to the rest of the world we may never recover and China is going to win and destroy us....I don't blame just the democrats.. Its the Pence's , Romney, Rubio's, collins, Grahms that deserved to be humg for high treason and nobody does nothing!! Its all rotton to the core.. It's over...
By #623135 17,Jul,21 09:58
Trump is a racist. He's so much into the Nazi doctrine, I'm surprised his arm salute is so feeble. You know? For a Jew you certainly have your priorities backward.
You say Biden cheated in the elections First: Get a new topic. This is so old fake news, no one even bothers to answer you. Second: People like you, so misguided by the right wing nuts, state OPINIONS, but never facts. This is a public forum. Forget about me. Show proof of what you've posted to the rest of the forum. I dare you to make a blog with that proof.
China is a powerful country, but, I put my money on the good old USA. You may not believe we are capable of surviving this economic war, but, I assure you, Being UNAMERICAN like you is not the answer.
By #592419 17,Jul,21 10:02
You are a racist that call others racists.. You are a liar and bullshit artist then call people names.. You're useless.
By #623135 17,Jul,21 10:27
Maybe I am, but, Sir, I AM. You should look inward before you shoot your mouth.
By #592419 17,Jul,21 11:27
you are very stupid.. I also heard about the abuse panel... This was a bad decision..
By #632705 02,Aug,21 10:05
Anyone with common sense knows trump is a lunatic and a narcissist. Adolf Hitler was his hero! If tump could’ve gotten away with it he would’ve done the same things Adolf Hitler did. It would’ve been Democrats and anyone else that didn’t bow to him on the receiving end. Thankfully it lost the election! Not once did I us there P word when referring to it! Thankfully we once again have A True President of the United States! President Joe Biden! And Vice President Kamela Harris!
By phart [Ignore] 02,Aug,21 11:11 other posts 
biden is a feeble, sickly man that can hardly finish a sentence. The democrats could have done better for a candidate It is 1 thing to disagree with a mans politics ,it is actually normal for us all to disagree on politics. BUT this particular man is in not in good health, has a track record of actions that if done today would be considered racist. I never thought I would say this but it is painfully obvious that even obama was a better president that biden.At least obama could speak clearly and walk up stairs and not look so weak to our enemy's.
By #623135 17,Jul,21 08:31
Phart cable or satellite brings you the exact same programming that over the air TV does plus special programming like Fox News. I understand the cost factor can be a motivator. When I lived in Valdosta the over-the-air reception was so poor I had to use satellite.
By phart [Ignore] 17,Jul,21 10:15 other posts 
According to 1 member here, there is no such thing as race. So again ,I ask ,how can there be racism without race?
I honestly can't afford or justify the cost of pay tv. Some could consider that a loss or a sad situation,but for me, It does not bother me because even if I could afford it,I would not spend the money for lack of anything better than what I get for free.I did buy a 25 dollar roku box last month. I watched a few episodes of the A-team the other night.But some of the movies they think I would pay to watch,Forget it.
By #623135 17,Jul,21 10:26
What that member believes in is not the last word on that. If you don't believe in race than why do you get upset when blacks get preferential treatment?
You believe in race as much as the next guy and you recognize Black, Asian, Native American or white.
As far as what you can or can not afford, that is for you to suffer or change, just like every other person has to. Some are born or get lucky to be well off. Don't blame the system or your bad luck on the means.
By phart [Ignore] 17,Jul,21 10:34 other posts 
Not blaming anyone,just explaining.
But so many believe what the member is saying about race.
I don't think it is a beleif, it is a fact, there are different breeds or races of humans.Period.
Blacks getting preferential treatment is a problem if They get it just because of their color. color Alone is no reason to shun 1 from the other.
By #275407 17,Jul,21 20:51
80 a month, I pay $275 a month
By phart [Ignore] 17,Jul,21 20:55 other posts 
is that for internet and tv and phone as in a package?
Sheesh,i don't have time to watch that much tv.
By #275407 17,Jul,21 20:57
By phart [Ignore] 17,Jul,21 21:28 other posts 
well my internet and 3 telephones is about 170.1 phone is my dads,I just take care of the bill and such due to his age.

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