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Kneeling before the American Flag during the National Anthem...

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Started by tecsan [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 02:27  other posts
Protests (peaceful that is) are ok, but kneeling before the American Flag???That is a disgrace and dishonor...Why do many want to dishonor our American Vets...Yes, I admit this is a free Country, so feel free overpaid athletes to disrespect it if that is how you feel...There are other ways to protest is all that I am trying to get across...Saddens me to see people kneeling before the Nations Flag while the National Anthem is playing...Actually, tearful... ༼☯﹏☯༽

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By phart [Ignore] 15,Sep,20 21:08 other posts 
Am I the only 1 that remembers when the kneeling for the anthem started it was because of income inequality?Now the list is a mile long of why they do it.Whatever happens to be hot on the news that particular day.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 15,Sep,20 16:40 other posts 
Incidentally, 1/3 of women killed by police in the US are black.
Black women represent 10% of the population.

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That's very primitive. Police in other countries don't kill their own citizens.

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 15,Sep,20 00:21 other posts 
Keep drinking Putin's-bitch's diarrhea, shitbag.

By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 14:23 other posts 
Well the overpaid spoiled brats can kneel if they want to.They just as well squat and take a shit as their kneeling means about the same to me.
I don't pay for the tickets to their "games" anyway and don't have much if any respect for 99% of the "players".
Atheletes are given to much attention anyway.They are just paid way to much money for something totaly non productive and of no value to the people or the country.
Now if they were putting that much effort into building houses for the poor,or something similar perhaps I would think a bit more positive of them.
But to many people,idiots, will work for 10 bucks and hour,and pay 30 dollars for a hat with a sports teams name on it that the players wouldn't shit on them to put out a fire.
Nascar is taking it's self down the same sewer line as football.
By #610414 14,Sep,20 15:04
And you missed the whole point to the story.
By #610414 14,Sep,20 15:28
Phart, non productive? Every team brings millions upon millions in tax and other money’s to get he city they represent. Just on employment alone they generate millions. Get educated or shut the fuck up.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 16:52 other posts 
Oh wow, ok,so you are going to play that card. It didn't matter to YOU that the city of Charlotte lost millions because of the democrat whineing about the virus might spread at the RNC.
But to mention something about the over paid ball players bringing in money,oh,that is just a wonderful thing.The Carolina Panthers, you know the team named after the black Panthers,a version or near equivelant of the KKK.A BLACK Panther is even their team mascot,how much more racist can you get? NFL for ending racism,ha yea right.
Another case of double standard from the democrat side.
I don't ask you to shut up and violate your freedom of speach so don't ask me to shut up.
By #188992 14,Sep,20 17:10
Alt fact phart?

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Here's a hint: if you're posting something and think "Sounds a bit unlikely, where did I hear that?", check your fucking sources!!

The irony of Yanks bleating about how a certain sector of society is overpaid is fucking priceless? Are you fuckers in favour of Capitalism or not? The market decides!!

If anybody can, rationally, explain why the US flag is treated with such reverence I would be delighted!

Like my Dutch friend I could care less if someone decided to burn a Union Jack, or take a shit on it. What IS IT with your flag that makes you so offended when someone fucks with it in some way?

Not being deliberately provocative but, to the rest of the world, this flag worship seems fucking childish.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 17:13 other posts 
I guess no one fought and perhaps died for your "freedom" under your countrys flag?
Do you have equal disrespect for the military of your country that ALSO flys the flag of the country they fight for?
As for "yanks" talking about how much people are paid,sports figures get paid STUPID money for playing a sport.While people like police,get paid peanuts and get SHOT AT.How many times do foot ball players get shot at while on the field?
By #188992 14,Sep,20 17:37
I'm a pacifist phart. If there was a "just" war I would be troubled, but probably be a stretcher bearer at a push. I might even go to jail, as an absolutist, to avoid supporting a war in anyway. I would urge my kids, if I had any, and my niece and nephew to avoid serving in the military. Killing another human being is an aberration. I even think, for all you believers out there, that there's a commandment that fucking tells you that!

Ever wonder why so many vets are homeless or addicts, or suffer from PTSD? It's not fucking rocket science!!!

How many Americans do you think have died fighting for "freedom", since 1946? I think it's fucking tragic that so many of your countrymen have died for stupid reasons. If you can convince me otherwise, go for it.

Capitalism is WHY they get paid that much. Are you for or against Capitalism and letting the market decide? It's a pretty simple question!
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 17:43 other posts 
It may be why,but it aint a good thing.
I have no doubts we shoulda stayed out of alot of the wars we went into. But I was not born at a time to prevent anyone from going to Nam or elsewhere.In 91-2 I was kinda skeered I might get drafted into war with Iraq.Basically a army for hire,Kuwait would not even give the military fuel!. Which had anyone had any sense,ground troops would never have been put down in the middle east.We have BOMBS and DRONES that should have blown those countrys slap off the map if they continue to breed the hatred that hurt the US on 9-11
By #188992 14,Sep,20 17:53
Very gently nudging you to some understanding ....

Maybe if you HAD stayed out of "alot of the wars we went into" you would not have bred "the hatred that hurt the US on 9-11".

You're NUMBER ONE - in Military Spending, and not much else.

Korea - draw.
Vietnam - loss.
Places with oil in the Middle East - win (but caused a shitload of trouble)
Afghanistan - stalemate, followed by withdrawal
Somalia - withdrew
Libya - left a fucking nightmare
Grenada (and other tiny places) - total win

So you spend all this money, are hated, and have a mediocre military record. Maybe try a different approach? Think of all the aid you could have given out, in an effort to be "loved" and have influence, if you had halved your military budget. Stupid liberal nonsense?

What do you think phart?
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 18:02 other posts 
Libya,was a night mare long before we got there
To much of our military budget is spent playing world police. Loss's,because they shoulda used BOMBS instead of people.
By #188992 14,Sep,20 18:09
No, Libya was a bogeyman that was fabricated to distract you from the fact that the biggest threat to Western values is your fucking buddies in Saudi Arabia and their spread of Wahhabism. Google where the 9/11 pilots and their accomplices were from.

Gaddafi was a braggart, but no real threat.

People like CC54 were sent to Afghanistan on a false premise. Bin Laden was probably already in Pakistan and most of the terrorists were Saudi. So, yeah, makes great sense to send GIs to Helmand! If your default position is "My Country, right or wrong" you will make poor judgements forever. Go ahead, but I'll look at my own Nation with the same cynicism as I look at yours.

I agree with what you say about being the world's police. Can you now see why some "foreigners" might fucking hate Yanks and want to burn your flag?
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 17:46 other posts 
yea right on that explanation.IF you believe that,I have some beach front property in North Dakota I will sell you CHEAP.
By #188992 14,Sep,20 18:30
I'm watching the last bit of "We Were Soldiers". Have you seen it? If so, what message do you take from that film?
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 20:20 other posts 
haven't watched it ,so don't have any idea.
A freind of mine actually lives 2 doors down from where 1 of the 9-11 terrorist pilots lived.He came to the US,married a 350 pound woman he met by internet and then went along with his plot. The afternoon of the attack,there was agents with all kinds of letters on their jackets runnin in and out of that house.My friend said you would have never known he was a terrorist.He went out each morning to get the mail and paper,would wave hello if he saw ye.Scary really to think they could blend so well.

By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 20:16 other posts 
Here is the kind of shit the folks rioting and looting and such for BLM really support deep down in their gut.
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I hope the man that shot these 2 officers has a "accident" that will serve justice..

By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 17:32 other posts 
systemic racism
A artificial concocted problem that has been used to pass blame for 1's failures in life because of bad lifestyle choices,on to someone else who does not even know the person with the concocted problem and has nothing to do with it or them or a possiable solution.

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