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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By phart [Ignore] 13,Dec,20 09:21 other posts 
I used to see Candice Owens on youtube alot,but noticed her absence. Well, um,looky here,she is sueing Facebook and the media doesn't like it!
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When hatred for a President goes so far as to censor the media of all alternative veiws,that is to far for a free country.
It is said in this video,any thing posted on youtube that does not accept Joe biden as president will be taken down.
Did that happen when Hillary lost? No,it didn't.
Even the democrats at that time,did not stoop to the level of censor ship.Something is dreadfully wrong at a far deeper level that who is President of the US.
By #610414 13,Dec,20 11:52
Trump used his four yrs in office to sow hatred, distrust, and selfishness. Now you complain about what happened in the last four years? Were were you while this hated president changed the moral codes?
By phart [Ignore] 13,Dec,20 18:55 other posts 
Trump didn't sow hatred,he exsposed the need for it and distrust in the system.
Selfishiness?Is not a bad thing when it comes to putting AMERICA first. The liberals are working so hard to censor and block conservitive ideas and people.
The truth is out there,the dems just don't like it and like to demonize those that speak it.
What do you honestly think Biden is going sow?
By #610414 13,Dec,20 20:15
Do you read what you post? You just admitted everything

By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Dec,20 03:22 other posts 
39 days to go!
By #202354 12,Dec,20 04:58
It looks like it might be over and Biden is going to be president... Trump's legal fight is over and he's going to stop trying to get all the mail-in votes invalidated....NOT!!
I predict he's going to exhaust appeal after appeal, and it will devolve into a fist fight on the floor of Congress in January. He won't even admit defeat when the Chief Justice is swearing Biden in as president.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Dec,20 09:24 other posts 
If something is stolen from you,do you just walk away?
By #592419 12,Dec,20 11:50
Freedom is not free.. This is not over for we have RIGHT on our side..
By #610414 12,Dec,20 14:14
No, but first I check to see what if anything got stolen.
By #592419 12,Dec,20 11:40
No it isn't..
By phart [Ignore] 12,Dec,20 13:10 other posts 
The left has no idea what it will be like having 75+ million Unhappy Americans running loose.
By #623135 13,Dec,20 08:52
We might need the US Marshals to go in and carry him out

By phart [Ignore] 12,Dec,20 13:25 other posts 
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Do the anti Trumpers honestly think that 100's of people would have made sworn statements testifiying what they saw,did and heard ,that were false and risk going to jail if there was NO truth at all to what they were saying?
Do you think there would be MILLIONS of dollars dontated to help try to get the votes simply counted and verified and so on if there was no proof to be found?
The courts have turned their backs on this to maintain status quo.Their jobs in other words. They are sell outs.
By #610414 12,Dec,20 14:12
Of course. If they didn't support Trump's false claims, they are sellouts. Why are you right and we are wrong? There was a huge majority of voters that voted for Biden. It was downhill from then on

By #592419 12,Dec,20 12:01
Donald J. Trump
2h ·
Why didn’t Bill Barr reveal the truth to the public, before the Election, about Hunter Biden. Joe was lying on the debate stage that nothing was wrong, or going on - Press confirmed. Big disadvantage for Republicans at the polls!

By #592419 12,Dec,20 12:01
Donald J. Trump
1h ·
Wow! Thousands of people forming in Washington (D.C.) for Stop the Steal. Didn’t know about this, but I’ll be seeing them! #MAGA

By #592419 12,Dec,20 11:59
Donald J. Trump
3h ·
So, you’re the President of the United States, and you just went through an election where you got more votes than any sitting President in history, by far - and purportedly lost. You can’t get “standing” before the Supreme Court, so you “intervene” with wonderful states that, after careful study and consideration, think you got “screwed”, something which will hurt them also. Many others likewise join the suit but, within a flash, it is thrown out and gone, without even looking at the many reasons it was brought. A Rigged Election, fight on!

By #592419 12,Dec,20 11:58
Donald J. Trump
3h ·
“Justices Alito and Thomas say they would have allowed Texas to proceed with its election lawsuit.” Sean Hannity. This is a great and disgraceful miscarriage of justice. The people of the United States were cheated, and our Country disgraced. Never even given our day in Court!

By #592419 09,Dec,20 17:55
When Trump wins 2020 this will be his law .. [deleted image]
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Dec,20 07:36 other posts 
It will be his right to be a cunt only?

By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Dec,20 23:01 other posts 
What I would like to know is now that all the dirty little secrets and lies and fraud are bubbling to the surface are the Democrats on this site still proud of their Democratic Party i my self am a shamed to tell anyone that I was once a registered Democrat
By phart [Ignore] 08,Dec,20 23:42 other posts 
That group does not have the capacity to be ashamed.IF they did,the riots would not have been allowed to continue as long as they did.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Dec,20 05:09 other posts 
Are the riots still going on???
--------------------------------------- added after 67 seconds

Can’t see any from my house
By phart [Ignore] 09,Dec,20 15:14 other posts 
Don't know,need to check to see if Portland mess is over yet.

By #592419 08,Dec,20 21:45
only registered users can see external links This is how Trump is going to win the election.--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutesStatistically,, the odds of Biden overtaking Trump in all these states under scrutiny with the leads he held BEFORE they stopped the election with total transparency equals less than 1 in 1 Quadrillion.. that's 1/1,000,000,000,000,000th chance he would win.. PLUS,, the media doing all they can to say they are in charge of the election because they called it EVEN THOUGH the constitution says the legislators of each group can choose should there be uncertainty and they choose who the electoral victor is.. This takes this 1/1 quadrillionth chance and makes no doubt they cheated by changing the rules at point blank range.

By phart [Ignore] 08,Dec,20 21:45 other posts 
Considering what I watched a couple hours ago about the Georgia voting situation,a mother-daughter working together ,daughter supervise's her mother.Not only do they handle registration,but they were also counting votes,after everyone was ask to leave because of a broken pipe.
Um,conflict of intrest having family working together on BOTH ends of the spectrum?

Another thing, IF evidence is found that is factual and verifiable,will the democrats accept it? I doubt it,democrats don't seem to care about honesty anymore,they "won" the position,so they don't care about anything else.It could very well have been their party as the victum of fraud.

By kebmo [Ignore] 08,Dec,20 05:40 other posts 
43 days until the adults enter the room!

Biden / Harris 2020!
By phart [Ignore] 08,Dec,20 21:40 other posts 
Not adults,just large children.

By phart [Ignore] 06,Dec,20 21:44 other posts 
Ok get a laugh.
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By phart [Ignore] 06,Dec,20 19:20 other posts 
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about the 3 minute mark,listen

By #592419 04,Dec,20 23:52
It appears the TRUMP TRAIN is far from derailed. As more and more evidence of treasonous fraud pours into the spectra liberal fakes are scattering trying to make their narrative appear politically correct. With that said if Biden gets sworn in then 85% will not recognize him as the president. But this momentum is not over since more and more people see the truth and will not permit it until there is transparency

By kebmo [Ignore] 04,Dec,20 01:58 other posts 
"I would encourage all Georgians to make it known that you will not vote at all until your vote is secure."

Sidney Powell, Trump lawyer

Trump and his cronies are going to hand the Senate to Biden on a silver platter. He's going to convince the Republican voters not to vote in the Senate runoff in Georgia so they won't and then the Democrats will win the two Senate seats and have the House, Senate and Presidency. Just watch.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Dec,20 10:32 other posts 
People don't do what they are told very well.
I doubt the republicans are dumb enough to not vote considering how critical those 2 seats are .
By #610414 04,Dec,20 12:58
We are talking about Republicans. You know.....I'm not wearing a mask, it's a conspiracy. Trump is not crazy, he won the election...
By phart [Ignore] 04,Dec,20 14:56 other posts 
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With the sad loss's of 1000's of health care workers world wide, yes republicans that think for themselves question the feaseablity of a mask.

We also question how you can have over 100% voter turn out.
By #610414 04,Dec,20 16:41
And there you have it. A safety item that does not prevent 100% of the illness it's supposed to protect from (like condoms, polio vaccines, mumps, etc) Of course, those in close proximity to the dangerwould get infected in larger quantities.
You are irrational. Weather the mask helps or not, are you willing to gamble your life or someone else's life on YOUR WRONG CHOICE?

The second question is easier. Fake news from the likes of cry baby Trump, Giuliani, and all the liars, cheats, and name makers surrounding the Bozo

By phart [Ignore] 02,Dec,20 23:49 other posts 
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Give this a watch. Listen to the last 5 minutes or so at least.
I know you antitrumpers wont' watch it BUT you can't say you couldn't.Mainstream media aint carried this.
By #574505 03,Dec,20 00:09
To late give a rest.he lost
By #610414 03,Dec,20 13:32
@LatinLoverMan@ Phart is the type of individual who won't accept a ride from someone in a car if his bike gets a flat tire. He's sure some Democrat punctured his tire so he would have to ride a car.
By kebmo [Ignore] 03,Dec,20 00:20 other posts 
If it was something important at least FOX News would play it. It's nothing but an infomercial. I do know what it is though. Pass.

You know what Trump is going to do next (after firing Bill Barr)? He's going to hand the Senate to Biden on a silver platter. He's going to convince the Republican voters not to vote in the Senate runoff in Georgia so they won't and then the Democrats will win the two Senate seats and have the House, Senate and Presidency. Just watch.
By #202354 03,Dec,20 11:58
OMG what a load of bull. Doesn't surprise me though. I might have thrown up a little bit in my mouth while I watched it.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Dec,20 14:54 other posts 
Well it might surprise you to know that there are some real issues with the election.And it appears everyone that could do anything about it,does not give a damn.Judges included.
Had this been the other partys canidate loosing to cheaters and fraud,half the states in question would be up in flames.Half the fireman on the west coast fighting those terriable fires would have to pull away and go put out Philly.
BUt since it is Donald Trump,no one cares about fraud.More than 100% voter turn outs and sudden 200,000 plus votes dumped at 6:30 in the morning while we slept.
By #610414 03,Dec,20 17:58
Who says that? you? Put your proof here. Why would anyone care when so many different entities said it's all legal? Why not move on? Trump LOST. HE LOST. GIVE IT UP. NO FRAUD. NO ACCIDENT. HE LOST. HE IS A LOSER.
By #551147 03,Dec,20 22:20
@ MobiusDick,

Sounds like you gag pretty easy.

Not very good for a cocksucker...

Try this ➡️ [deleted image]
By #202354 04,Dec,20 04:47
Well thanks for the advice, Mr. President-Elect, but it seems that most guys enjoy it when they make me gag. It gives them the illusion that their dicks are bigger than they are.
By #551147 04,Dec,20 07:22
He keeps calling absentee ballots fraudulent. It's complete bullshit. There is no proof of any fraud.
Besides that, Trump is a psycho for having tried to make people vote in person and stand in line, during a pandemic.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Dec,20 10:31 other posts 
in Georgia,video has surfaced of suit cases being unpacked and ballots from them counted.Google it or maby use Duckduckgo as a search engine because google likes to censor searches.

By curvy8 [Ignore] 04,Dec,20 08:17 other posts 
Worst. Loser. Ever.

By #610414 02,Dec,20 09:20
This is for president-elect-scorps..
Almost all states gave the election to Joe Biden. Put that into your pipe and smoke it.

By #202354 01,Dec,20 15:51
Wow, attorney general Bill Barr has said that he has found no evidence of fraud in the 2020 election. That's gotta say something since he and Lindsey Graham usually fight over who's gonna get to stick their nose up Trump's ass.

I would say that Barr will be urged to resign within the next week.
By kebmo [Ignore] 01,Dec,20 23:16 other posts 
Well that’s no way to get a pardon!!

2016: Drain the swamp!!

2020: Pardon the swamp.

Presidential pardons do not provide protection against state (tax fraud) and local crimes or crimes committed after the President's tenure. So in 2021 all of these people that get pardons must make sure that their taxes are paid in full. To the penny. Even if it is proven that Don Jr. or any of them took some money illegally and got pardoned for it, they still have to pay taxes on it just like the Mafia did. You KNOW the IRS will be auditing every Trump crony and Trump himself next year.

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