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Trump/Pence or Biden/Harris...Which do you feel will prevail???

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Started by tecsan [Ignore] 09,Sep,20 03:45  other posts
Trump has been somewhat erratic at times...But look at Creepy sleepy uncle joe...Pence pretty clean, but not totally...Harris, now I wonder like I do with uncle joe...??? (I agree it is about 50/50 with the flaws concerning both parties)...༼☯﹏☯༽

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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 07,Mar,24 09:33 other posts 
"The 2016 conversation Paul Ryan wanted to keep private"
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House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy saying that Putin pays Donald Trump, followed by House Speaker Paul Ryan, urging everyone to keep McCarthy's comment off the record.

Unfortunately, the Washington Post heard all about it.
When WP confronted Ryan and McCarthy, they said: "It never happened!".
When WP said they had a transcript, they said it was a false transcript.
When WP said they had a audio recording, they said it was a joke.

Sure, a fun joke, that McCarthy seriously urged to keep off the record.
But, when they lie the first time, and the second time, they are lying the third time.

"This is an off the record."
"No leaks, alright?"
"This is how we know we're a real family here."
House speaker Paul D. Ryan

By #711639 06,Mar,24 20:17

By phart [Ignore] 05,Mar,24 20:19 other posts 
Putin's take on Trumps prosecution.
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By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 04,Mar,24 13:24 other posts 
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Unanimous! Not much room for the libs to complain!
By phart [Ignore] 04,Mar,24 17:12 other posts 
By #711639 04,Mar,24 20:06
_+ has anyone seen Trump_supporter or Trump_supporter_2
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Mar,24 06:31 other posts 
That’s a plus for the good guys
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 05,Mar,24 06:32 other posts 
Of course there is room for the libs to complain!
Like, what the hell did they read in the 14th Amendment, to decide this?

Congress is not the government body who should decide this. According to the 14th Amendment, "Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability." There is not a letter saying that Congress enforces the 14th Amendment.
It supposed to be automatic; just by the act of engaging in insurrection, he disqualified himself.

In any case, the Colorado Supreme Court did not say that Trump is not guilty
of engaging in insurrection.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Mar,24 13:19 other posts 
There is no charge of insurrection. It has not been determined and proven to be a insurrection. He has not be declared guilt of participating in a insurrection. the liberals always talk about justice.
In the US, last I heard you are innocent until proven guilty .And I don't think he is guilty. He ask people to fight with their voice, their votes. that is normal campaign speech.

By #709631 24,Feb,24 17:25
Liberty. A sacred name. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America for which it stands one nation under God with liberty and justice for all.

You call yourselves liberals since you go into the notion of liberty. But you want socialism. That means you don't support liberty. Blame the white suppremicists, whites jews, catholics. Divert the attention to them so when people aren't looking you committ murder, ****, child pornography, murdering troubled teens, murdering children, even murdering people that speak the truth.

The comparrison is this. You call a big log of shit a turd. YOu can call it excrement, fertilizer or waste. Same meaning. To conservatives they understand that notion. Libertarians lie, they chose this name to misrepresent their real intentions. They think people fall for this but it just makes them look more stupid every single time.

Look at the UN. all they do is try to achieve the same goals that the romans tried but failed, the nazi's tried but falled. What the ottoman empire tried but failed. The United Nations are here to create the new world order by eliminating Jews. Who is the only group never to establish domination of the world through slavery, terrorism or propaganda. Grandted there are good and bad people in the world that shows no quarter. Hitler was a jew that hated jews. Chuck Schumer is a jew that hates jews, so is bernie sanders, hates Israel. Yet the conservative jews claim to be God's children and they are. As a matter of fact all groups are God's children it's the one's that have the most power are the one's that want to create global socialism by killing every single jew through genocide and propaganda. Israel is onto this, they have had enough. Once the are done with hamas they will start dismantling hezoballah. Once that is accomplished it is off to Iran. Israel can distroy Iran with one easy flick of the switch.
DON"T INSULT MY INTELLIGENCE. Being a worship of libertarian means you support liberty. If you do not know what liberty means you are not a libertarian. You are a stupid no good mother fuckering piece of shit liar.

You want to talk to me like adult to adult. Get your fucking definitions right then we can talk on the level. Otherwise stop wasting my time and shut the fuck up.

Question, all of these dog shit members have paid memberships then why are they fake accounts. You post so much shit on your accounts but you havee no representing. And the fucking bitch nazi CAT has photoshopped images with different backgrounds. True liberals right? Uhhhhh no. fucking idiots playing soldier thinking they can fool conservatives.

The truckers have and currently are making their point now. I'm sensing we are going to be approaching the home stretch now. Do or die.
By dgraff [Ignore] 24,Feb,24 18:43 other posts 
It’s so funny that you called cat a nazi bitch because I think i seen a picture floating around of her in her nazi attire complete with the Hitler mustache and the swastika tattoo on her arm
By kebmo [Ignore] 24,Feb,24 18:49 other posts 
And you TS2? You are a drunken blabbermouth with a computer and nothing intelligent to say. That’s who you are.
By #709631 24,Feb,24 21:24
I can see another hemorrhoid just popped up on the site again.
By #709631 24,Feb,24 22:43
I wasn't talking to you , you fucking idiot.
Who brought you up, your mother? Figures.

You've just agreed with me. You're angry because you know I'm telling the truth. You support Nazi's you support child pornography, child sex slavery, drugs that murder children, you are against God. You are against justice. Everything that is deemed right you prefer death, famine, poverty, despair, mothers giving up their children to pimps because they can't afford to take care of their children. What part of the shit-stained part of the barrel you were scraped off from.?? Must be from the bottom.
By kebmo [Ignore] 24,Feb,24 22:56 other posts 
You’re so easy to play.
By #709631 24,Feb,24 23:09
go back to your land of being stupid.
By tecsan [Ignore] 26,Feb,24 03:19 other posts 
So are you kebmo.
Hey, why did Trump_supporter_2 turn into #709631?
Did he leave? Was he kicked out?

By phart [Ignore] 04,Mar,24 11:56 other posts 
At least there is some common sense in the Supreme court.
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I had always felt like since the state of dopeheads,"colorado" took Trump off the ballot that there was something elementarily wrong with a state deciding who could run for a federal office. And it appears I was not the only 1 that felt that way. Let the PEOPLE decide who their leader is in a honest election.
By #610414 04,Mar,24 12:11
I am going to shock you, Phart, but, I agree with you on this. If the Clown is found guilty of sedition or is impeached and found guilty of sedition, then, he should be ineligible to serve. Until that time, we, the people should decide who can run and, then, have the right to choose.

By phart [Ignore] 01,Mar,24 12:19 other posts 
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A good reason to vote TRUMP in 2024
"If Trump wins the 2024 election, we can guarantee the electric car mandate will be canceled. Trump has stated so in his many election campaign events. He said there WILL be options for Americans to choose the vehicle they want."

This next quote explains a real problem. Who ever thinks it is a good thing, is part of what is wrong with America.

"There is not a single U.S. car brands that is turning a profit on electric cars. Brands produce EVs to avoid billions of dollars in fines. Their only option is to take millions of dollars in losses."

Forced by our government to take Finacial loss's by making products the majority do not WANT.
When you work and earn your money, you should be able to buy what you WANT with it, NOT what the government wants you to.

By #709631 29,Feb,24 21:23
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From an independent right down the middle. He's right

By phart [Ignore] 29,Feb,24 15:32 other posts 
straight up question.
Anyone want to guess who Trump may pick for a vice?
I assume it will be 1 of the better performers that ran early on for the prez slot.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 28,Feb,24 09:07 other posts 
"Trump's STENCH: GAG-Worthy Details REVEALED"
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An absolute non-topic of course, for which there is no evidence, but witnesses.
I wouldn't post it, wasn't it that the other side would surely post something like this.

By #709631 25,Feb,24 22:19
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Joe Biden did this.

Those of you that don't know the first earliest documented history of civilization was marked with this event. Abraham was born in a little town approximately 6000 years ago in the town called UR, Iraq. The city was abandoned around 550BC but there are several structures that still remain. Abraham died in Canaan which is now known as the West Bank. Why am I saying this? Check this out.

With that said name not one country or domain since that time where socialism has been successful before floundering in total collapse only after millions and millions died from homeless, starvation. famine and poverty.

Why even mention it? Logically speaking and asking. How fucking stupid are you people? Socialism is a failed ideology.

Why does the earth still use it? It is called abuse of power while brainwashing children into conformance.

Seriously and I don't mean any offense what so ever so don't take this personally. But my question to the committee is that How fucking stupid are you people?.. lolThe reason this is asked is because with your egoism of pride you are destroying not only others but yourselves included. Fools in the rain. Don't you have at least 1 grain of common sense or a dot of critical reasoning ability?

Right Kebmo? how 'bout you Ananas2xLekker/ show me how manage to be stupid some more.. lol2 accounts NO pics that are real....lol

To be honest and I mean with expression from the heart. I won't lose this debate. The truth is my weapon. I'd suggest you re-evaluate your position and reasoning common reference points. I say this from the heart. From one human being to another. There is good in everyone and everyone needs compassion for each other. Listen to yourselves and be true to each other. Thanks

By #709631 24,Feb,24 23:36
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poor Nikki
By tecsan [Ignore] 25,Feb,24 03:19 other posts 
She may as well be a liberal. She will probably will end up running third party with a democrat.
By #709631 25,Feb,24 03:32
She's a rhino republican that says one thing and does another. Other examples are Mitch McConnel, Mit Romney, Lindsy Graham, Marco Rubio, John McCain. Susan Collins and so forth.

He's financed by the democrats to defame Trump. She's getting her ass handed to her but at the same time she is defaming him. Neat traitorous lying trick eh? Do you really think after she got her ass slapped in her own state by 3-1 margin she'd spend more of her money?. If she wanted to do the right thing she'd concede the primary so that the republicans can unite to beat Joe Biden. But she's a fucking lying bitch. This is why the republicans are losers. Only a handful are actually republicans where another name is deemed conservative or constitutionalists. They are the best there is. The other 90% of the rest of them say one thing then keep their hands open to see who offers the most money for the vote. That's why a large % hates Donald Trump because he can't be bought.
By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Feb,24 14:21 other posts 
Donald Trump can’t be bought? Maybe you didn’t hear that he owes about $500 million to the court and he MUST come up with it within the next 30 days or so. Oh he can be bought the only question is who will offer him a big pile of money, Vladimir Putin or the Saudis.--

Oh yeah, just a little math correction he got her in a 3-2 win not a 3-1 win but kicked her ass nonetheless.

And where is Melania? Doesn’t she support her husband? As you well know Nicky’s husband is off protecting your country but Melania is nowhere to be seen.
By #709631 25,Feb,24 16:17
yeah and that's why nobody wants to go there especially rich investors. If they did that to trump then they can do it to them. Everybody is moving out of NYC and its over.
No trucks want to go there,, a massive boycott will either bankrupt them or full scale civil war. So far it is civil war because they are letting illegal immigrants break the law by stealing then letting them go. All american based business is moving out and there is proof for this. They are destroying themselves only because they do not like donald trump. Please attack him more.
He is NOT guilty of anything. I've said this over and over again. That judge is a crook abusing his power. So you could say legally because its crookery but not judicially and the trucks are making a point. No gas trucks, no medicine, no food. Oh company drivers will have to deliver or lose their job but the owner operators that refuse to go in will affect 15% of delivery. What does that do to the price? In that case why even live there? I knew this was going to happen and I owned 2 houses in NYS. that' why I own a house in Florida and nothing in NY.
Its interesting to note that right after the verdict he destroyed Nikki Haley in her own home state by 2 to 1.
Nobody trusts the judicial systems in NY, CO and Atlanta. the more damage they do to him will be 10 fold with Boston tea parties of 21st century. Am I getting through to you or are you just as Dumb as I thought. I feel you are not as dumb as I thought. You are more stupid than I thought because it is not getting through to you. You're just as dumb as the rest of your fakes.

No I didn't hear because I don't watch fake news networks. It's unremarkable because ever single thing they've alledged has been wrong. I don't hear what they have to say.

Dear retard, Melonia doesn't have to show her face to prove to the rest of the world as stupid as you to show she loves and supports and loves her husband. On the other hand Nikki Haley has cheated on her husband over 3 known times.
By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Feb,24 17:01 other posts 
Oh you’ve been drinking for lunch again haven’t you?

By #709631 25,Feb,24 18:08
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For mr donkey

You display such intelligence such ZERO intelligence.
Soon you are going to make the average imbecile just as smart as einstein.
By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Feb,24 14:01 other posts 
Nicky & Liz Chaney? That would guarantee a Biden victory.
By #709631 25,Feb,24 16:21
Liz Chaney was shown the door by Wyoming. as trump would say,, GET OUT YOUR FIRED.. You should give her money to campaign, nobody else wants to do it.
I thoroughly give you permission to sell all your belongings and endorse her. Your bound to win.

By #709631 25,Feb,24 16:30
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Boston tea party on steroids

By #709631 24,Feb,24 23:13
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Let's all stand and salute our president of the united states. Donald J. Trump. Donald celebrates winning S.C. as provided.

And before you leave salute that fucking flag.

By #709631 24,Feb,24 22:48

He won by over 35 points. sheesh.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Feb,24 22:49 other posts 
well we just posted at the same time on the same subject.
By #709631 24,Feb,24 23:09
isn't that something

By phart [Ignore] 24,Feb,24 22:49 other posts 
Well Trump won South carolina.
YOu know that has to make hailey mad.
can't even win her own state. I knew she had issues and I didn't like for them but I think this shows the state doesn't like her either.

By phart [Ignore] 24,Feb,24 18:51 other posts 
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Gutfeild's take on Trump's situation.

By tecsan [Ignore] 24,Feb,24 01:03 other posts 
Just curious. This was stated by Ananas2xLekker, "CNN and MSNBC are just as right-wing as my outgoing prime minister." Anyone think msdnc or cnn are right-wing?

By #709631 23,Feb,24 22:20
I said to my mommy when I was a little boy== Mommy, why are there so many stupid fucking retards in the world?" She said, "Son don't curse or I'll wash your mouth out with soap the next time... I said, "But mommy, they are. Am I not supposed to tell me the truth?" She said "I understand honey. Son, not stupid people honey. They are democrats." " I said to mommy."Oh I understand.. G'night mommy, I love you" :x :x :x:x"

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By kebmo [Ignore] 20,Feb,24 17:05 other posts 
Nikki Haley:

“ I have no need to kiss the ring. I have no fear of Trump’s retribution.
I’m not looking for anything from him. My own political future is of zero concern.”

B U L L. S H I T
By phart [Ignore] 20,Feb,24 21:20 other posts 
On this we agree. The biggest reason she said she would pardon Trump is that last gasp at a chance to be something on his cabinet when he is reelected.
By kebmo [Ignore] 20,Feb,24 23:37 other posts 
Well since we agree on that let’s try this; Donald Trump‘s running mate will be related to him.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Feb,24 09:24 other posts 
eh, I kinda doubt it, family may be put back in positions but not vice, I think even Trump knows that would reinforce democrats positions to much.
By kebmo [Ignore] 21,Feb,24 13:00 other posts 

By kebmo [Ignore] 19,Feb,24 16:30 other posts 
Strong leaders don’t have to kill their opponents or arrest the supporters of their opponents. They don’t have to control the media or the courts. Strong leaders defeat their opponents in elections.

-Talking head referring to Putin

By kebmo [Ignore] 16,Feb,24 16:04 other posts 
$355M. Start donating MAGA!
By #709631 16,Feb,24 17:16
There is no cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome. So sad
What's even more stupid as you are is that you don't even live in this country. Get a life moron.
By kebmo [Ignore] 16,Feb,24 17:43 other posts 
So because I don’t live in the US I’m not allowed to comment here? Weak.
Do you think I’m a moron because I have an opinion that differs from yours? Now that is moronic!
He owes $88 million to E Jean Carole and now he owes $355 million here yet your support is unwavering. Now instead of wasting your time with futile arguments just write him a check that will leave you bankrupt. He’s going to need all the money he can get from people like yourself.
--------------------------------------- added after 84 minutes

Ouch! Including nearly $100M in interest the new improved total is $453.5M for running a con instead of a business. He also has to have people to oversee his businesses meaning that he can’t make decisions without running them by his new babysitters. That is going to hurt.
By #709631 16,Feb,24 20:05
And the punchline is?
You are from Canada? Are all Canadians as stupid as you?
By kebmo [Ignore] 16,Feb,24 20:17 other posts 
Oh you’re clever retorts are hurting my feelings.
Do you know what is stupid? Hang around a site called show your dick without posting a single photo. That’s stupid. Just for your information people with little tiny penises get tons of attention here so don’t be shy, show your dick or go pick another site to share your “wisdom”.
By #709631 16,Feb,24 20:33
Do you know what is stupid? Yeah its you.
I see you agree with me. Just a fucking moron pretending to be important on social media.
By phart [Ignore] 16,Feb,24 20:49 other posts 
Well he can do the same thing oj simpson did.
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I still to this day do not see how a crime was committed, no victims ,no loss of funds to anyone. I would assume there is a appeals process?
By #709631 16,Feb,24 21:01
Donald Trump is not lawfully guilty of anything. all Judges paid off by nancy pelosi, a democrat. The idea of putting it in the press so that he'd lose the election. I can see nobody believes her. why would they? He beat Nickey Haley by 40 points in her home state
If Biden was put on trial, a fair trial he be burned at the stake
By phart [Ignore] 17,Feb,24 09:30 other posts 
All this bickering and name calling does not fix anything.
But Trump was set up by a crooked system and I hope that a appeals process can be started.
those people are not after justice, they are out to destroy a man they disagree with.
I would not trust a new york court system to try Adolf Hitler for war crimes .Much less a supposed fraud claim.
There was no money lost, there was no money unpaid, no victims, no issues. Just a weaponization of the justice system.
By tecsan [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 03:31 other posts 
phart of course New York would let Hitler off with no bail, no doubt.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 08:14 other posts 
Well the liberals just don't hate Hitler enough to work so hard to convict him as they do Trump.
By kebmo [Ignore] 16,Feb,24 22:03 other posts 
No you’re the stupid head

That’s what you sound like in his room of adults, a four-year-old boy who didn’t get his way. Why don’t you trying saying something nearly intelligent instead of wasting space? Go ahead state a fact and back it up with some proof, surprise us.
By #709631 16,Feb,24 23:03
Someone with no pictures is more transparent than a fucktard with fake pictures claiming to be real. That is you.

Ananas2xLekker and I have been in forum here for 2 weeks peacefully going over our different points of view. Why are you so fucking dumb? It's right in front of you but you're too fucking dumb to read. You're telling me to give factual proof. Even if I did you'd be too fucking dumb for reading comprehension. To say I have no pictures which is NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS like a fucking smelly fat turd llike you with fake pictures and a fucking nansy pelosi attitude I have no respect for.. You're a fucking moron so what the hell am I supposed to do about it?
By kebmo [Ignore] 16,Feb,24 23:39 other posts 
Oh you got me! I’ve been here over 10 years and now you caught me with all my fake photos. Damn you’re smart.
“A smelly fat fucking turd like you”? I was not aware that you had even seen my photos, since only members with posted photos can visit my page, let alone smelled them.
Because you have called me dumb, moron and an idiot eight times leads me to believe that you are a dumb moronic idiot; here’s proof:
“All judges are paid off by Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat.”

Every single American judge is paid off by one person? Boy that is one stupid, dumb and moronic sentence.
By #709631 16,Feb,24 23:53
Your pictures are fake, you know it, I know it and everyone else knows it.
I'm not your mother or baby sitter. Your levels of stupidity is NOT my responsibility.
I don't have to prove anything to you. I can't help it that you're stupid.

The level of your stupidity is so bad that since you are from Canada I'm just trying to ask is everyone is as stupid as you. I don't think so.

Dear fucktard, there was no trial or questioning on the Trump case. Nothing. It went right to the punishment phase before the evidence presented. What makes you so fucking dumb is you believe it.. The hearing was illegal. YOu're just too fucking dumb to see it.
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I hope you can comprehend. You won't since you never made it out of grammar school left back in kindergarden.
By kebmo [Ignore] 17,Feb,24 00:34 other posts 
Do you know why there was no jury involved?
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes

* Kindergarten
By #709631 17,Feb,24 01:16
Because Trump was set up... How fucking dumb are you? Its a staged witch hunt just like 2016. A circus. Its illegal witch hunt.. If I threw it right in front of your face you'd still call me a liar or whatever. If this doesn't work and the polls still show trump in the lead they are going to try and kill him. Anything to keep him out of office. anything
By kebmo [Ignore] 17,Feb,24 01:28 other posts 
You need to change your name here to Donald Trump Xtra Junior!
By #709631 17,Feb,24 02:01
Put the pieces together. From 2016 until now. Smoke, bullshit. media frenzy.. No democrat would dare vote conservative. If they did pelosi takes them and throws them out with no funds or re-election. They are all being protected. There is absolutely nothing he has done wrong. Nothing
By tecsan [Ignore] 17,Feb,24 02:45 other posts 
I have a name change for you kebmo and it involves a socialist here.
By #709631 17,Feb,24 04:36
Don't mean to attack . You are not stupid.

I just can't understand why liberals are so stubborn and to look at both sides of the coin. You are Canadian brought up with a democracy. You live in a free country. A free country demands critical reasoning. I was born in an area where its solid democrat. When Bush was president, I hated his guts. Sending our jobs overseas after 911 and I worked in the WTC and lost my job then. Then that bastard sent all our jobs to India and Pakistan. He was Republican. I hated republicans. When Donald Trump was running for president, I thought it was a joke. But when listening to him talk and his plan to get our country back to the path of democracy by strengthening our border. Build the wall and Drill baby drill.. I was in shock. I never watched someone microscopically dissect what needs to be done. A republican that said for love of country. Believe in your country, educate yourselves, believe in yourself under God..Go to school and encourage your children to have strong focus. Strong critical reasoning. We deserve more than they are giving us for its the government that works for the american people NOT the government telling us to do. I've been alive when Eisenhouer was president and for the first time in my life I voted.. 92 million people agreed with me.
Democrats AND Republicans hated him. all I saw was the media trashing him lying over and over again,, CIA hates him, FBI hates him and falsified documents to put him up on cheating in the election working with Russia. BUT if he is being accused of cheating then why attack him with no evidence? The 2 hoax impeachments of lies over and over again. YET he is still ahead of Biden in the polls. Why is that? Because they believe him and LOVE him. He is our hero, our teacher, our champion. because for the fist time in my life I've seen a leader that actually tells the truth. Him with a couple others in congress and the senate that follow him. love our country and our people.
By tecsan [Ignore] 17,Feb,24 04:44 other posts 
I agree with you TRUMP_supporter_2. I did not care for Bush and I was skeptical of Trump until I paid attention.
By #709631 17,Feb,24 16:06
By phart [Ignore] 17,Feb,24 17:29 other posts 
There are 3 sides to any coin.
In this case, there was new yorks story, Trumps story ,and the facts being the edge of the coin. The facts are no one was killed or hurt, no money lost, no harm done to anyone or any business. This should not have even been a case.
It comparable to the lady that spilled hot coffee from McDonalds suing and getting millions. a Freveles case.
By #709631 17,Feb,24 20:17
I really doh't think you are from Canada. That country is based on freedom,, True north and free right?
Your socialist ideology is not in conformance with Canadian law and principles. If you are canadadian as you say you are then with your attitudes combined why haven't you picked up and moved to Iran, Iraq or North Korea yet?..
By tecsan [Ignore] 19,Feb,24 02:46 other posts 
Me too, I guess trudeau lover.
By tecsan [Ignore] 17,Feb,24 02:48 other posts 
The hippie moron engaron is a pawn for the democrats kebmo.
By tecsan [Ignore] 19,Feb,24 03:06 other posts 
I know how you feel Trump_supporter_2 People that cannot even vote in this Country argue. Shows they're ignorance.
By tecsan [Ignore] 17,Feb,24 04:32 other posts 
Doubt it kebmo, you know it will be appealed. But I believe many would be glad to contribute if necessary.
By #610414 17,Feb,24 09:30
Kebmo, Trump_Supporter_2 is, at best, delusional. Tecsan, who should know better, sees no evil, hears no evil, speaks no evil.
I notice that when they have no argument in their favor, they attack the messenger, TS2 especially. I believe TS2 is a fake member created to wind up the liberals on site. He sounds like an old fart who tries to sound learned and educated. He falls far short of his objective.
My advice to you, Kebmo, is to save your breath (or typing finger). These two are too close minded to try to get some sense in them. If you insist in using your 🖕, then use the middle one. 🤣🤣🤣😈
By kebmo [Ignore] 17,Feb,24 13:24 other posts 
Maybe it was me winding up them for my own entertainment…
By #610414 17,Feb,24 13:34
Baby, keep on winding. 🤣🤣❤️
By #709631 17,Feb,24 16:10
I can see you haven't gotten your good hard fuck yet. Nobody listens to me. Nobody. you have not been a good mental patient. I told you what to do but you no listen. Sad case.
By kebmo [Ignore] 17,Feb,24 19:40 other posts 
Nobody listens to you? Why that is positively shocking. Your words of wisdom should guide our world.
Oh remember I told you that people here love tiny cocks like yours and that they get a lot of attention? Well there’s a new contest now and it was made just for you so now you can post a picture of your teeny weenie weenie and maybe win a contest. Here’s a link for you. Good luck!

By #709631 17,Feb,24 20:12
So you are canadian? I hope for God's sake you stay up there. Worst thing is getting one of canada's headache.
By #610414 17,Feb,24 22:45
By tecsan [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 03:29 other posts 
You mean like every libtard calls me a racist when they loose an argument.
By kebmo [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 03:44 other posts 
Well I guess that means you don’t have to worry about me calling you racist.
By tecsan [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 05:00 other posts 
I do not know, do I?
By kebmo [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 05:08 other posts 
No because I won’t be losing any arguments to you. 🤣🤣🤣
By #610414 18,Feb,24 07:23
No, at least I don't. If I call you a racist, it's because of your posts that could only come from a racist. When and if I lose an argument, I'll admit I was wrong, but, so far, all your rebuttals have been opinions.

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