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First cick

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By Murmur6153 [Ignore] 14,Mar,23 22:39   Pageviews: 128

My first cock was myself. When I was 12 I learned how to get my feet under the headboard which was actually a little bookcase. I was able to get pressure with my legs over my head and tucked under the headboard. I could get a really good leverage and was able to get 3 inches into my mouth. Do any of you have any stories on self sucking you’d like to tell? Do you want to hear more? Let me know I’d like to write

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By uncut1944 [Ignore] 01,Oct,23 07:29
When I was younger I too could suck my own cock . To pull back the foreskin and smell the musk, all I wanted was to get it into my mouth and suck it. Sad to say those days are gone.

By ScottsCock [Ignore] 14,Mar,23 22:56
I’m jealous…I tried like hell when I was young but just couldn’t bend enough.
By Murmur6153 [Ignore] 14,Mar,23 23:45
I could do it well into my 20’s but lost the ability when my stomach grew for some unknown reason.
By ScottsCock [Ignore] 14,Mar,23 23:52
Ever make yourself cum from that 3 inches of sucking?
By Murmur6153 [Ignore] 14,Aug,23 00:41
I absolutely did Scott. Was wary at first but it was good. Wish I could still do it

By nekekal [Ignore] 15,Mar,23 01:22
I have never been very flexible but have always had lots of cock. I can almost get it into my mouth just leaning over, but not quite. I could sort of bounce done on my cock and get the end in my mouth.

So, I got on my back with my butt against the wall, legs up the wall and let my legs come away from the wall. Then gravity bent them towards the floor and my cock was in my mouth. I sucked the head.

It felt good, but not good enough to cum. I was just not comfortable enough. I gave up trying. I could not really breathe in this position. Stomach pushing against my lungs, cock in my mouth.

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