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Older Man's Theory of Penises

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By hurtmylittledic [Ignore] 09,Nov,21 18:45   Pageviews: 123

So my theory of penises is this. From birth to ten years old we have dinkies. From around ten or eleven, we have penises. And then, as we approach sixty, they turn back into dinkies. Although I have seen some pretty impressive sixty five plus dinks on here.
Enjoy them while you're young guys!!

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By Lvphose [Ignore] 03,Dec,21 03:09
Now 20 years later than above
By hurtmylittledic [Ignore] 03,Dec,21 10:21
You were magnificent back in the day! Still looks pretty good.

By Lvphose [Ignore] 03,Dec,21 03:11
About age 40 here below 20 years later! Definitely smaller and curved. Here straight and bigger for sure!

By NiceGuyJoe [Ignore] 10,Nov,21 23:37
there can be dinkies of every age!

By nekekal [Ignore] 10,Nov,21 12:25
I Always enjoy my cock, well past 60. The hard part is finding someone to share it with.
By #628350 [Ignore] 10,Nov,21 14:52
Yes that's the problem, male or female would be good.
By nekekal [Ignore] 10,Nov,21 15:03
You got that right. either or or both.
By #628350 [Ignore] 10,Nov,21 15:20

By Alwaysnude [Ignore] 09,Nov,21 19:53
Here is proof

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