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Bisexual guys and women.....

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By Jakestheman [Ignore] 03,Jul,19 13:36   Pageviews: 68

Oh what a tangled web we weave........ or something like that....

First off, I LOVE women. Always have, always will.... Making love to my MUCH beloved Mona is my favorite activity on this planet... Pussy pussy pussy pussy and MORE pussy PLUS those ever lovin female tootsies... MMMMM BABY!

Second, I am bisexual. Oh yeah! I LOVE me some some, hard, juicy DICK!! : Mmmmmm slurp!!

The PROBLEM comes when you TRY and mix the two together!

Women, for all their WONDERFUL traits can sometimes be a somewhat fickle lot... I don't mean that in a derogatory or mean way, it's really just something I've observed over the years and never more so when it comes to them finding out that you LIKE sucking cock...

They typically fall into one of three 'camps':

They TOTALLY freak out and run for the hills, never to be heard from again, screaming something about Fag-boy..

They're somewhat ambivalent about it, to an extent (Watch out for these, they can turn into the FIRST kind in a heart beat)

Then you have the gals that absolutely embrace your bisexuality, enjoy it, get off on it and LOVE it totally. Man do I LOVE these gals!!!

There is NOTHING you can do about the first kind. Nothing... They are pretty much instantly turned off by the very notion that you would even consider sucking another man's dick and any attraction they might have had for you is instantly GONE! Poof!

As I said, the second type of woman CAN be 'dangerous'. While initially ambivalent, that ambivalence can QUICKLY change into the first type of woman and POOF, they're gone. That doesn't mean she WILL, it just means she CAN.

A case in point... When I first met Mona I was, as always, totally upfront and honest with her. I TOLD her I was bisexual and she seemed to be totally cool with that or at the minimum, ambivalent..

As in a lot of things sexual, things in the abstract or fantasy are NOT quite the same as they are in reality. It took just a short time before Mona actually SAW me sucking on another guys cock! It was a TOTAL shock for her..

She and I talked it out. I mentioned to her the fact that I had told her that I was bisexual, she understood that BUT hearing that and actually SEEING it where two different things...

Thankfully, she was open-minded enough to TOTALLY accept my bisexuality and it wasn't long after, we where sucking on dicks TOGETHER!! YEAH MONA!!! lol

The third type really doesn't need much explanation! Ya GOTTA love em.... I just LOVE totally open-minded people, especially when it comes to things sexual!

So there you have MY take and experiences.... Any thoughts or experiences of your own that you might care to share???

I'll leave you with THIS pic of my friend Susan's LOVELY boobs, bound up so nicely and looking OH so delicious!

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