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How embarrassing for a shy guy like me just trying to take a

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How embarrassing for a shy guy like me just trying to take a

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By #242125 12,Nov,18 02:17
How embarrassing for a shy guy like me just trying to take a leak someplace discreet and getting caught holding my dick and being unable to hide it before somebody sees it. I didn't want you seeing my dick like this! It's too private!
By surferharry 12,Nov,18 22:34
it seems like you have trouble keeping that penis out of site

By Walker 02,Jan,19 17:45
Nice cum tribute showing your cock head
By surferharry 02,Jan,19 20:29

By #242125 10,May,19 23:11
A couple days ago I was pissing in a men's room and noticed a crack in the stall after a guy walked out of another stall. I was so uncomfortable that he might have seen my dick. I can't believe I allowed everybody to see my dick out for a piss like this.
By surferharry 11,May,19 22:42
you seem to have trouble keeping your penis out of site
By #242125 11,May,19 22:58
I try very hard to hide my penis in the men's room because I would be very embarrassed if another guy walked in and saw me using it.
By surferharry 12,May,19 22:23
some penises have a mind of their own, just wont keep out of site

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