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rape fantasy

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #113591 [Ignore] 03,Dec,10 17:56
I recently started sleeping with a girl I met while working on the road, and she opened up and told me she has a rape fantasy, I'm very excited tomake her fantasy a reality, but it made me wonder, how many other people fantasize about this?

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Similar topics: 1.Anti Rape Condom   2.I want to be raped   3.Fantasy   4.**** fantasy   5.The BEST you ever had!  

By #485312 15,Sep,15 05:46
she obviously doesn't understand what r@pe is, being forcefully fucked and r*ped are at total opposite ends of the scale sexually, ask any r@pe victim did she like or enjoy being violated, having her life threatened and being hurt for some sick individuals thrill and enjoyment..r@pe isn't fun and usually doesn't end pretty like they imagine it...*lix*

By #113591 19,Jan,11 15:23
Also, I'm not into rape or anything at all but it was still awesome for me...

By #113591 19,Jan,11 15:20
It went great! She loved it! She cried and begged me to stop but I told her I wouldn't, I fucked her throaght and ass and pussy and she tried to stop it the entire time, and when I was ready to cum I pulled out of her ass and forced my dick into her mouth, she drank every drop. Afterwards she thanked me! We cuddled and went to sleep together! Great night!

By #113591 12,Dec,10 22:56
Hey thanks for the input guys, I'm still gunna give her what she wants when I get to indiana tomorrow despite your words of caution, call me a fool but it can't hurt can it?
By #6568 13,Dec,10 05:07
....Er,..it won't "hurt" if it's understood as a fantasy but if she decides that she really IS being raped then you are in for a rough ride.....
By #13219 17,Jan,11 21:24
Maybe a jail time too ??????? If he makes it too good she might follow with charges as part of her fantasy.
By #6568 18,Jan,11 06:14
Exactly my point!

By #113591 13,Dec,10 12:10
Hmmmm, well now you've got me very curious.... i think the sexual relationship between me and her has been open enough (all the guys I work with know about it) to prevent any bad side effects , ill be there tonight and ill let ya know how it goes...

By #6568 04,Dec,10 04:41
It is quite common,...however, a word of caution, this is often found in women who have severe hang-ups about normal sexual relationships and need to be resolved of any responsibility before they can let go and enjoy physical sex. Sometimes they have to resent the man after the 'rape' fantasy has been played out......

.......'Rape fantasy' seems exciting but it's essentially fairly unhealthy in anything other than a casual form.

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