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No interest in opposite sex, but not a lesbian.

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #487013 [Ignore] 19,Aug,16 00:59
For a while now I have known that I am depressed. I haven't really felt the desire to maintain conversations like I used to, and I find myself annoyed by texts, or phone calls. I haven't purposely tried to push anyone away, I just don't have the energy anymore to find things to talk about, especially if the topic has to do with sex, or anything close to it.

Lately I have noticed that I am also getting annoyed when men hit on me, or try to talk to me in anything more than a platonic aspect. Also while I still enjoy sex, I just do not seek it out or initiate it with my boyfriend any longer, and I haven't been attracted to him in ages. I have also noticed that it has been ages since I have found men in general attractive. I know that I am not a lesbian, women do nothing at all for me and I do not find them remotely attractive; but I don't really find men attractive anymore either. I don't know if this has to do with being depressed. Im just coming to find men repulse me, but that could be cause the majority of men I come in to contact with are on facebook or on this site. I get hit on through Fb constantly and the messages are crude with the guys just wanting a quick fuck. The men here actually seem to have a bit more manners.

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By phart [Ignore] 21,Aug,16 17:44 other posts 
Look back and see if this started when you started the medicine. It does have that effect. Zoloft made my girlfriend get to a point she couldn't even stand for me hug much less anything else. Stay off it a day or 2,damn, I couldn't escape her "wrath" in bed.
Not all men are assholes.

By #415959 19,Aug,16 11:17
I know exactly how you feel babes. I feel the same way.

Now if you'd excuse me, I need to send you a picture of my dick.
By #487013 21,Aug,16 13:57
No need to send something ive seen in person. Miss ya friend

By admin [Ignore] 19,Aug,16 07:42 other posts 
Wow. Last thing I expected to hear is that guys here are more polite that on FB.

And yes, depression sucks. Seek a doctor who would prescribe you something. Last generation antidepressants are quite good, but even old Prozac is not bad. Don't get me wrong, I do not advise living on antidepressants long term, it's not an answer. You need to figure out your problems yourself inside your own mind, find other hobbies and interests. But it's kinda hard when you are already depressed. Antidepressants may clear your mind enough to do that. Just do not use the kind that numbs you and puts your mind to s1eep.
By #487013 19,Aug,16 09:58
That's the issue I'm facing. I have been prescribed medication, but they make me feel numb. And yes, at least here you can expect guys to behave a certain way. On facebook, the men seem to expect that it's cool to send dick pics and to treat you like a piece of meat.
By admin [Ignore] 19,Aug,16 10:06 other posts 
Those are usually prescribed when you have anxiety and s1eep disorder. They are not correct for you, if your have a depression with apathy, which I got an impression from your post you are having. I'm no doctor, so I don't have a right to tell you what medication is right for you, aside from that you may wish to consult with some other specialist to seek second opinion.

I can only advise you to walk at least an hour per day during daylight time, better when it's sunny. It's good both for your body and your mind.

By #358797 19,Aug,16 02:44
Depression will definitely do that to ya, chick. I've been there. It'll get better. Eventually.
By #487013 19,Aug,16 09:58
I hope so.

By JustWill [Ignore] 19,Aug,16 07:11 other posts 
Maybe you have just come to the realization that most guys, by nature, ARE repulsive.
Seriously, though, depression SUCKS. I hope things start to look better for you soon.
By #487013 19,Aug,16 09:58
I don't know anymore. And thank you.

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