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True or Lie?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by leopoldij [Ignore] 28,Mar,16 10:31  other posts
It looks like several people here like this game.
I am mildly disappointed by one thing: if we guess wrong, we don't find out what the case is with the other two statements.

Does anyone else feel this way?

Also, "True or Lie" should, IMHO, be "True or False" (both adjectives) or "Truth or Lie" (both nouns) because we can't compare an adjective (true) to a noun (lie). Minor point.

P.S. But one can form the (grammatically correct) sentences:
A true lie.
A false truth.
A true truth.
A false lie.

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By #458225 28,Mar,16 12:24
I see your point, Leopoldij, and all i can say is, one can always ask the person in question which of the others are true or, not. After all, am guessing, this may be a way of striking up a conversation with other members.

Very impressed with your grammatical correctness. Don't understand the game's less-than-correct usage of the terms. Guess that's my bad.

Thanks for sharing.
By admin [Ignore] 28,Mar,16 12:53 other posts 
On many occasions I stated that English is not my native language and I do not even live in English-speaking country. Last time I spoke it with someone was probably a year ago. And it's still a mystery for all here why I'm not using language correctly...

Despite all above, I made this game after a description I found on internet. And it referred to true and lie, not to true and false. I'm actually more inclined to use "false" since it's a typical predefined constant in many programming languages, but the description was talking about lie, not about false. Knowing that many people here are not of the brightest cohort, I would not even think about changing simplistic "lie" to more sophisticated "false".

P.S. And yes, you are correct, one of the purposes of the game apart from "getting-to-know" is to stimulate members to communicate.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 28,Mar,16 13:51 other posts 
Ok, thanks for the explanation. Don't get me wrong, I like it, regardless of the usage of words.
By #496814 28,Mar,16 14:29
Even though your statement might be true, I wouldn't talk about your (potential) customers as 'not of the brightest chort'. It is quite demeaning.
By admin [Ignore] 28,Mar,16 15:34 other posts 
Why? Do you think you are one of those?
By #496814 28,Mar,16 16:04
Just in general, admin. I'm not at all insecure about my intellect, if anything it might be the thing about me Im most proud of. Now if one is openly saying he/she would vote Drumpf, than he/she belongs to the 'not of the brightest cohort' and deserves be told so, any other person should be left in his/her dignity imo. We already know more than half the world doesn't belong to the brightest cohort. An IQ of 100 is the mean, 130 or higher could be interpret as 'the brightest cohort' then, by common standards for 'intellectual giftedness'.

Besides that, it won't help your business model to describe your users that way.
By admin [Ignore] 28,Mar,16 17:16 other posts 
My point is that it's not very probable that people who could take that as an insult actually read this thread

But for the future, how would you recommend me to refer to those people who can't read carefully or write anything comprehensive? I'm sure you've seen at least some of those on this site.
By #496814 29,Mar,16 05:47
Why deviate between groups like that? It doesn't help to build one community. It certainly didn't add to your statement above. Only a general notion that people do not always carefully read (goes for everyone!), not all have English as their mother language is more than enough to make a point like this.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 28,Mar,16 13:55 other posts 
Be it as it may, I like it too. I guess you're right in saying "one can always ask the person in question which of the others are true or, not" and that "this may be a way of striking up a conversation with other members". But most people won't bother. I did, however, dared to ask on a couple of occasions but the people I asked didn't bother to reply. Oh well.
By admin [Ignore] 28,Mar,16 14:21 other posts 
That about lack of response is an interesting information.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 28,Mar,16 16:43 other posts 
Glad to provide information.
By admin [Ignore] 28,Mar,16 17:10 other posts 
Don't know what to do about this, though. People join this site for reasons unknown to me, don't do much, don't respond to people who try to contact them and just delete or abandon accounts. What are they looking for and not finding here? What could I do about that?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 28,Mar,16 19:48 other posts 
Don't worry. It was only a rhetorical question. It's fun anyway.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 29,Mar,16 09:55 other posts 
Admin, I have another question.
I am able to see how others have replied to my questions.
Can others also see that? I guess not, right?
By #496814 29,Mar,16 15:38
Just fill in a T&L on someone elses page and you'll have your answer.
By admin [Ignore] 29,Mar,16 15:51 other posts 
People can see their own replies or other members replies to their questions, but they can not see how someone else replied to questions that are not theirs.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 29,Mar,16 16:06 other posts 
Good. That's what I wanted to know. Thanks for replying.

By #7976 28,Mar,16 23:31
The best way to play the game is to look at the individuals web site and try to pick up clues. If they say something in the statements that doesn't track with their photos or comments then it's probably the Lie. Then again...maybe not.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 29,Mar,16 07:40 other posts 
True. But it doesn't always work. If one designs the statements carefully it's not easy to find out the false one.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 28,Mar,16 20:23 other posts 
It has to be said that this kind of game allows for the formation of very complex sentences. As time goes by, I may try to make some constructs that may need some parsing before they're fully understood. Keep guessing, and so will I.

By #496814 28,Mar,16 11:49
It is a fun way to share your (past) naughtiness with the world, or rather with other naughty minds on this site.

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