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got BAN.........????

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by bella! [Ignore] 18,Sep,12 11:26  other posts
Okay, the title is a cheesy play on the "got milk" campaign but it got your attention, huh?

There was an interesting topic posted yesterday that was initiated by another member. The member wondered about the member rating and what one would have had to do to receive a negative rating. admin quickly replied saying that the rating was based on how many actual members have you in their "black and friend lists".

This may be the opportune time to reach out to all members and suggest that they use good judgement when they choose to ban a member. Ask yourself this; Did that member warrant the ban? Is what I perceived to be a personal "attack" based on something that I may have provoked? Is what was said something that I could have ignored? Finally, Did I ask them to stop?

Just sayin'.....

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By #316049 27,Jan,13 01:56
Shoosh bella!, or i'll ban you again . Who gives a toss beautiful, you've got all of us & who gives a toss about our ratings (that guy with the white glove giving the "thumbs up" looks like an overly-expressive/overly-nice wanker anyway)
By #274357 27,Jan,13 11:27
Damn, anon...where did you find this old dusty? Sadly though, it's still very much relevant.

People please consider the PM feature to work out differences before deploying the terminal ban button. Most often it can be a simple misunderstanding.
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jan,13 11:44 other posts 
I pulled out of the archives because JustWill and I were both banned by a member that posted a thread regarding the message; thank you for your visit. Not sure what he wanted to hear because i responded that it meant, thank you for your visit. BeauAvro acknowledged that be recently received that message from a female member (it was me). It's a message sent by some, I really don't think there's a reason to read anything else into it....
By #303133 27,Jan,13 11:51
Still can't figure out what THAT was all about. I wasn't even being sarcastic in my comment! Guess some people can't handle being disagreed with...
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jan,13 11:55 other posts 
Maybe it's that time of the month, a visit from Auntie Flo(w) and his nipples are tender.

By bella! [Ignore] 26,Jan,13 16:16 other posts 
Manipulare? You ( and you know who you are ) need pull up your big boy pants, your pussy is showing!
By #303133 26,Jan,13 16:33
Don't let it bother you, bella. The guy was a nozzle. Why would you want to waste time talking with him?
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Jan,13 16:44 other posts 
It's not about wanting to talk to anyone. Some members just seem to use the ban option so frivolously. If you're too fragile to accept the responses you may receive, maybe you shouldn't post your question. THINK ABOUT THAT!

By #85103 18,Sep,12 18:16
Hi Bella
I used to try the simple ignoring or being polite methods of dealing with troublesome members, but approximately 75% of the time it didn't work.
I ended up banning a lot of people, some of which returned with new accounts and I realised I spent more time here having to deal with unwanted and mostly shitty messages!
I decided to upgrade my membership simply for the invisibility option and my time here was so much more enjoyable again.
I don't have an issue with banning people, but I do it when it's deserved, that's all.
This month, I decided to hang fire on renewing the upgrade to see how things went. So far, I haven't felt the need to hit the ban button. Lets hope I don't have to
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Sep,12 21:23 other posts 
Thank you for your input NWCock. I'm with you, I advocate banning when all else fails and the ban is deserved

By #274357 18,Sep,12 16:51
Very good advice, Bella! Unfortunately I have banned someone recently due to the 200+ bogus votes on my pics recently.
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Sep,12 16:58 other posts 
Your decision to black list is understandable. But if you black list someone based on their rating or the fact that they said something that hits you the wrong way, then I say PULL UP YOUR BIG BOY PANTS and try to work it out. Do you feel what I am saying, one Michigander to another?
By #274357 18,Sep,12 17:25
Absolutely agree...and, uh...Bella?

I got me big boy pants on.

I say, 'Yes, to Michigan'!!!!!
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Sep,12 18:01 other posts 
Uh.....2nice, the last time I looked, your big boy pants were off and I was staring at your dick!

By #196416 18,Sep,12 15:10
I think that you should be able to see who has banned you. If you are to such a point that you are banning someone why would you want to hide? I know everyone is worried about retaliation well maybe it would make people think a bit more before being so quick to ban someone. Only cowards will ban someone and then hide, then in open chat be like oh were you banned, who would do such a thing. Bunch of pussies I say! Make all banners known to the banned. Let's see who agrees and what kind of reasoning we get for saying "NO".
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Sep,12 15:20 other posts 
Good idea daffu! That same logic works when pics are voted down or you get a negative gift....why not know who has black listed you!?

By #218130 18,Sep,12 14:40
My smiley face changed to the blue one. I take that is due to me not having that many friends anymore and not being very active in chats etc?? Was only banned recently by a space cadet whose account was deleted due to the nature of his insults
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Sep,12 14:46 other posts 
I think that might be why.

By #196416 18,Sep,12 14:25
I do not have anyone in my Ban list.
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Sep,12 14:42 other posts 
Hmmm.... you must be a lover not a fighter. The world needs more of you! We can only hope that members take time to reevaluate their ban or black list and determine whether those names deserve to be there.

By #218130 18,Sep,12 14:40
Not into the banning thing. If being insulted, I will still thank them for the very "Kind" remark.

By #275302 18,Sep,12 12:45
Good point Personally I have never banned anybody in my stay here, but I guess people could be more considerate (:
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Sep,12 13:59 other posts 
Thanks for reading and commenting littlecUnt! I suspect may be members have ratings that are inaccurate because some members are quick to ban.

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