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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by BALLZDIXNCLITZ [Ignore] 09,Feb,12 15:32  other posts
I do not now, nor to my knowledge have I ever produced "Pr-Cum". How unusual is this? How many do or do not produce this? What would prevent it? Is it a problem? Can it be a sign of a medical condition in need of attention? Who can tell me more?

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By jocstfr [Ignore] 11,Feb,12 01:15 other posts 
I'm definitely a pre cum ooozer. I dont even have to get fully hard either. Just think or see something that makes me horny and the juice starts flowing. One problem is that the sticky stuff hardens like glue after a while, and my cock slit is stuck to my shorts. Ouch!!

By #75534 09,Feb,12 20:36
Your doctor?
By spermkiss [Ignore] 09,Feb,12 21:21 other posts 
Good answer.

However, as a cocksucker who's been with two or three thousand different men, I'll try to give you some more information. It has been my experience that men are all over the spectrum as to the amount of pre-cum they produce. Some, like you, produce none at all and nothing comes out of their dicks until they climax and ejaculate. Others produce gallons. I fall into this latter group.

Even if I'm not aroused there is often semen leakage from my dick. If I become even the least bit excited the flood gates open. Is this a problem? Sometimes if I'm in a situation where a damp spot on my crotch might be embarrassing. But if I'm on the prowl and a guy sees that I am already oozing jizz it can be an asset.
By BALLZDIXNCLITZ [Ignore] 10,Feb,12 07:37 other posts 
Thanks for your input. I already know the doctor answer. I wanted to hear from the friends here. It's not really a question I have really heard anyone address this point. I feel more comfortable asking here. Maybe you, or someone else might know, does absence of pre-cum have influence on fertility? My information to this point is that the purpose it serves is to "clean the pipes" of urine residue so that sperm will not be affected. As well, it is a lubricant. For this reason, I wish I did have it! Maybe easier to masturbate for those of you who do? Other takes on this?
By spermkiss [Ignore] 10,Feb,12 12:12 other posts 
You're certainly welcome. And thanks for your reply. It never stops amazing me the things we can learn on this site. I had never heard the "clean the pipes" of urine theory, but it certainly sounds reasonable. Does it influence fertility? Sounds reasonable but who knows? If you are trying to conceive a **** with your female partner but not succeeding, this is definately something you sould raise with your doctor.

If you're asking only for recreational reasons and you wish you had a bit of "man juice" to play with before you climax, I think you're just going to have to live with your situation. As is the case with the size of a man's dick, he's got what he's got and there is nothing that can be done. As I said in my original reply, as a cocksucker I've been with a lot of men like you. You're normal.

And look on the bright side. You can go commando with any clothes and not have to worry about leakage. I like hanging free but I can't do it with a suit or dress pants because the jizz won't dry clean away.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 10,Feb,12 12:17 other posts 
The censors got me again. The word that got removed begins with a "c" and ends with a "d" and means a young human being. I wish we didn't have to deal with this nonsense.
By #211547 10,Feb,12 10:18
I know what you mean about leaking pre-cum. All it takes is a few Porno pics or videos & the tap turns on.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 10,Feb,12 12:22 other posts 
So you're another leaker. As I said, it has its advantages and disadvantages. It's impossible to go commando with a suit, but kind of fun with washable pants. It's nice to be able to show off a "jizz spot" to other guys.

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