Recent Posts of member UKdude22


By UKdude22 01,Jun,12 20:10
yup fag here is a cigarette and faggots is a food but its still a very offensive word here to

By UKdude22 18,Apr,12 16:17
[deleted image]

[deleted image]

either of those i cant pick

By UKdude22 08,Dec,11 14:50
I see you've opened another profile to start arguments, are you really that pathetic and needy?

By UKdude22 05,Nov,11 08:18
beleave wat you like but you know thats all wrong mate anyways iv lost interest in this pointless argument

By UKdude22 05,Nov,11 00:59
you and black are the same person you fake ass cunt! you say circumcision has been around for thousands of years well news flash mate uncut cocks have been around for ever cuz thats how every 1 is born and is meant to be! deciding to cut your kids foreskin off should be illegal its mutilation its there body and they should have the choice when there older to do it or not......cutting the tip of you cock cut off doesn't do shit except lower ur sexual sensitivity by damaging nerve endings which is a proven fact! so beleave wat you want mate your the one missing out, it's not cleaner or dirtyer every1 needs to shower or bath unless your a dirty cunt like you iv not got no problems with cuts cocks I like them either way

By UKdude22 05,Nov,11 00:40
doesn't automatically make all cut cocks clean just cuz every 1 you ave sucked is clean

By UKdude22 19,Oct,11 01:11
we win he deleted himself

By UKdude22 18,Oct,11 22:19
haha yea thought you'd edit your comment just proves what a stupid cunt you are

By UKdude22 18,Oct,11 21:46
really, well i just checked mine and its doesn't smell so guess all uncuts dont smell really are a clueless fuckin idiot.

By UKdude22 18,Oct,11 08:16
didnt make it to serious your basically saying every1 should be cut cuz you seem to think its dirty which is bollocks

By UKdude22 18,Oct,11 07:51
im not a cockney you muppet

By UKdude22 18,Oct,11 07:29
haha are you really that childish and pathetic

By UKdude22 18,Oct,11 07:18
haha whatever you muppet

By UKdude22 18,Oct,11 07:08
some one like you would get there face kicked in ere

By UKdude22 18,Oct,11 07:02
unlike you mate i dont chat shit!

By UKdude22 18,Oct,11 06:54
no thanks you creep

By UKdude22 18,Oct,11 06:47
mate what the fuck are you chattin about! evolution aint mutilating your cock, your born with it for a reason, people like you are just fucking retarded! complaining about something you dont even have or have the slightest clue about you stupid twat! anyone else who reads this i aint got no problem with cut cocks, there hot

By UKdude22 18,Oct,11 06:38
your a 55 year old dude with no pics your most likely grossly over weight with a nasty smelly cock and saggy grey grampa balls so you can go clean yourself out

By UKdude22 18,Oct,11 06:26
obviously it was to me you said UKdude you thick cunt!

By UKdude22 18,Oct,11 05:53
mate, dont chat such fuckin shit, iv never had knob cheese or a smelly cock and im uncut, get your facts straight before coming out with such fuckin nonsense! your born uncut for a reason you stupid prick!

By UKdude22 14,Oct,11 11:42
/eoiuw3remqjrpic.html i shave but prefer it trimmed

By UKdude22 14,Oct,11 11:21