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Why Are Men So Fragile Here?

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By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 16:51   Pageviews: 920

I had a resent encounter with Bignhard10 that is a prime example of how things very quickly go to shit here.

He send a nice message about my hairy pussy, I send him a picture showing just how hairy it unpublished, new image which he seemed to enjoy with some kind remarks....I showed him what is was going to look like later that day as I planned to shave.....also met with encouragement. Sadly he had not read my profile and sent his own dick picture which I could have seen on his profile if I needed to see it.

I'd unblocked incoming picture message's for a friend to send me one and had forgotten to relock them, I thanked Bignhard10 for reminding me to change my settings, a legitimate remark, with genuine thankfulness in my heart.

Unfortunately this sent poor Bignhard10 into a spin, putting words in my mouth like I said it was creepy and what's the difference because I'd sent them......the difference is I clearly say "no dick pictures please" on my profile and he doesn't say "no pussy pictures" and if he was so offended he should have put a stop to my images immediately after I sent the first one.

So, he blocks me and call ME A TROLL, you just can't make this shit up!!! He messaged me, I didn't go looking for any of this and my reply to him was with genuine thanks. Of course he posts a blog someone told me about what an evil bitch I am blah blah.......but at the end of the day he had misread my reply and lost his small mind.

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By spooky [Ignore] 06,Dec,23 23:15
You cannot fix stupid:

By +_dem[o]nXer_+ [Ignore] 03,Nov,23 00:38
Most people, and even more so, most men are fragile; UCES (your new nicked-nickname, you have no choice in the matter 🤪 . You know that ! Add sex or a women’s judgement on their ding dong to the equation and 98% of them are like 4pound line fishing for kingfish. Every woman should have private uploads blocked on here, they’re creepy! If it weren’t for you and a couple of other friends showing me pics from real “non-naked” life, i’d block them too - not just coz of the males who send private uploads; even being spammed female pics or vids from hotties is a turn off (“just normal message me and if you’re a female, i’ll probably look at your page anyway!” - the female private uploads always make me think it’s a man sending them, regardless).
Women need to be tough to survive on here; so f’ the weak-SOBs that blacklist. You haven’t done shit wrong; you just know how a woman needs to carry themself on here. The rest of us wouldn’t like you as much if you weren’t the strong woman you are. Now send me some private uploads of that thing we both like to do x

By #700461 [Ignore] 12,Aug,23 17:11
I've had a few exchanges with you in the past and I must say - you are savvy and very fun.... keep being you.
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 14,Aug,23 20:08
Thank you so much

By #691488 [Ignore] 27,Jun,23 03:37

Blair & I think its because they don't have a perdy doll or perdy gurl like you to fuck & they are sexually frustrated, taking out their frustrations on perdy gurls like you & perdy dolls like us because they cant have us 🤭

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 18,Jun,23 11:54
Weak fragile cunts here for sure lollol

bignhard10 - and I mean YOU cunt

This member has blacklisted you. Apologize?
Your Notes

Blacklist this member too. [Report Copyright Violation]
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 20,Jun,23 01:31
He needs a weak cup of tea and a lay down

By Renmah69 [Ignore] 19,Jun,23 17:50
Well sweetheart I think your the bomb,sexy shaved or hairy,the dude is a fucktard,stand your,be strong and keep showing of your beautiful body

By buckeyefan0025 [Ignore] 01,May,23 07:59
Hi Sexy, You are assuming that all men know how to read, and not simply look at the "pitchers". Please continue to provide us with your gorgeous sexy images. You are very sexy and "stimulating" in your photos, I hope to see more images from you. I haven't decided if I like the shaven or hairy photos the most, perhaps you should submit some additional photos LOL. Take care.
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 03,May,23 03:49

By #692000 [Ignore] 27,Apr,23 23:40
not only men, women too,

By tencem [Ignore] 04,Apr,23 12:33
Hey I'm not fragile 🙂 not one bit! I'm as well mannered as can be and I have nothing but love and good vibes to share 🥰 and I think you're absolutely amazing 👏

By DeepThroatThis [Ignore] 29,Mar,23 22:59
Read the blog guys a loser time for a shaved pussy pic
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 30,Mar,23 17:33
Smooth as anything atm with a nice landing strip
By DeepThroatThis [Ignore] 31,Mar,23 07:21
I saw it nice

By Jamie [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 17:08
Most people don't read your page
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 17:16
So many here can't even read at all
By Jamie [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 17:21
O i for got. I Can't read.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 17:26
I will write you a novella cunty
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 17:40
The irony is I was just thanking him for reminding me to reblock incoming picture message, I didn't say a word about his dick or the image....he just jumped to conclusions (wrongly) and went on a rant.
By tecsan [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 19:47
Yeah, I know what you mean. I had a very similar situation with another member and then they blocked me and created other names.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 30,Mar,23 22:08
LEOPOLDIJ FUCK OFF ... Go on a diet for fucks sake

By Virgin [Ignore] 29,Mar,23 05:33
Please don't let this become a witch hunt. You don't need that. Is ignoring each other not enough? Seeing comments 'also blocked him' because he wants to support you is not ok, you have tons of friends. Do you really want to crush him for what started as a misunderstanding? "Seeing your dick reminded me why i block pics" can be seen neutral, but i would be hurt, too. Then both of you didn't find the exit of the spiral.
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 29,Mar,23 17:16
I don't block anyone.....he blocked me and called me a troll, how am I a troll from this conversation????
By Virgin [Ignore] 30,Mar,23 03:54
Just don't waste your time being mad at somebody, life is too short for that.

By willy11 [Ignore] 29,Mar,23 20:45
Angel, you can send me all the pics of you, you would like!!!
Really enjoy your pics and your attitude

By #677384 [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 16:04
I am an exhibitionist, and I come here to show off, not compare and measure cock size. I get blown up with dicpics too, and guys like that have very fragile egos in my experience. It's always like "suck my big cock" or "how big is your cock?" right? There is more to a man than just a cock. Look at my page lol....I show my face, my ass in panties, and I try to be a little creative with my posts. Those of us that truly appreciate the beauty of a naked human body get that. Mr 10 must be sexually frustrated or something. Ohh, and BTW my ass is fkn hott in panties lol
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 16:35
I'll post you some of my panties
By #677384 [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 17:20
awww, thank you...that is very nice of you. What do you think about this pic?
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 29,Mar,23 02:25
They look VERY tight!!!! Lol
By #677384 [Ignore] 29,Mar,23 17:42
Awww, TY my Angel....your ass is beyond compare sweetie

By overeight [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 09:20
I'll say this I am on a few sites like this and I have a few female friends who are also on one of them. These are people I personally know away from the internet. Now they have all seen mine,hard,soft being held,ejaculating, hell theve watched me give them video tributes in thanks for certain photos. But I'll say this each and every time I get permission to send a picture, video,etc. I mean yes I know these ladies but only one has ever actually seen me nude in person. And that was basically a fluke.
But I know what one to ask to look at my dic pics and tell me if they look nice. She does from time to time take a look and give me her opinion on the photo.
But it's always best to ask if shes in the mood to get a dic pic no matter how tight you are.

By PoloFields [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 09:15
She says she doesn't want dick pics. If you can't respect that ...

By #590628 [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 08:52
Well I could never get enough pics of you!

By raider8 [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 08:11
We have been friends on here for a long time, I always treat you will respect. Thank you for being here and being a great friend.

By NebulaInHeat [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 01:58
we are on, i think everyone should STFU and send me all their pics, dicks, tits, pussy and i'll send you some back whether you want it or not.

and if you're in montreal we can fuck!

I love you all! Don't hate me! Bate me!
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 04:03
I'm here to show.... I'm on not
By #579784 [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 07:38
3 sites all lead to the same place

Do not everyone's here for dick

By SmoothShave [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 21:40
Did You Get His Permission To Send A Photo Of Just How Hairy Your Cunt Is And Another Photo Of Shaved Cunt??? You Clearly Stated That You Sent Him A Photo Of Your Very Hairy Cunt Then Another Of What Your Cunt Will Look Like Once It Is Shaved Bald… Then You Get Upset When He Sent A Photo In Return… Permission To Send Naked Photos Goes Both Ways… For You To Send 2 Photos, Then Get Upset At Him For Doing The Same Is Just Wrong, It Is Common Internet Courtesy To Ask An Individual If It Is OKAY Prior To Sending Photos, Especially Nudes… Regardless Of What Both Profiles Say Or Do Not Say In Regards To Photos… To Assume Everyone Has Read Your Profile, Is The ASSume Rule… This Is Just Common Knowledge And Courtesy… It’s Like You Set Him Up For Failure…
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 04:07
Point taken, I'll NEVER send another private picture again. Funny though in the years I've been here I've sent maybe 10,000 pictures and never once had a problem, he didn't say to stop after the first one and infact encouraged was only an issue after I THANKED him for reminding me to reblock incoming picture message's.....thanks all I said. He took it all wrong and lost his mind.
By #579784 [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 07:37
Tbh I'd really love yo see those pics.
Please don't let the bad experiences if 1 muppet control your actions.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 20:56
bignhard10 was trained by bella! to be a fucking imbecile just like her
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 04:09
100% straight from the pile of shit of camp Bella!

By #515633 [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 22:46
i am not fragile, i like you, and you know it, and i want that is is like for some days

By Paktax [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 18:10
I think it's just American and English men who are fragile, I would never send a picture to anyone that didn't request it and if someone sends me one I usually either leave a polite comment or just ignore them.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 18:45
I am American and I don't consider my self fragile.
I have read the words on her page but only after I had looked at everything else. I don't see the need to send a "special" pic anyway,when everything is already on the page to begin with?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 19:22
You're not just American. You're a super-conservative, reactionary, far-right in ideas, anti-abortionist, pro-gun, trump and his kin lover, backwards thinking, religious fundamentalist (you believe that your gods will punish you if you don't behave), unable to understand the existence of a society with a true social system, sex-hater, and a bella! lover.

Just quoting your skills and qualifications so that we understand that your basis of making any comments is already light-years away from people unlike you.
By Paktax [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 20:21
That sounds like a very fragile thing to say.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 20:36
Leo,you typed all that, As if you are some supreme being that we should all model our lives after?
At least I am not out fucking married women, violating their vows to their husband and such as you are leo.Plenty of single women out there to not being digging under someone's back fence.
Besides, all that typing you just did, shows the rest of us how out in far left feild you are from the rest of us.I don't love bella by the way , it just happens we get along well enough she hasn't banned me.
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 20:41
But what do you really think of him Leo? Lol
By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 21:44
I'm sorry I wasn't clear. Let me make it clearer:

He is a super-conservative, reactionary, far-right in ideas, anti-abortionist, pro-gun, trump and his kin lover, backwards thinking, religious fundamentalist (you believe that your gods will punish you if you don't behave), unable to understand the existence of a society with a true social system, sex-hater, and a bella! lover.
By Jseagull0403 [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 22:33
Boy, when you start trouble.........😱
By Paktax [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 20:22
Some people just love sending unsolicited pics.
By SmoothShave [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 21:42
She Sent 2 Unsolicited Nudes First, Which She Clearly States… Permission Goes Both Ways…
By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 21:45
Not quite. He says he likes her pussy and replied by sending him pics. She never said she likes his dick.

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