So I signed up on this website two days ago. It was recommended by a friend on another site. You night say I have been in sort of a rut. Busy with work, personal issue, familty issues, the typical stuff.
So far, things have not turned out as I had hoped. I'm still in a rut. Only it's a different one. This one is more fun. The way it turns out I find myself very distracted by the many member and their cocks and pussies!
So many sexy wonderful cocks/pussies, it's like I fell into a BiSexuals cand store.
You are probably thinking, "so how is that a new rut?" That would be a good question to which the answer is fairly simple. It is that many of the things that had me in a rut are still there preventing me from fully enjoying all of my newly dicovered possibilities.
Despite my tone, I am optomistic
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