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My Tongue

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By Huglord [Ignore] 14,May,24 14:49   Pageviews: 75

I didn't realize my tongue was bigger than normal until I was a teenager-- it's funny, I guess I just never really stuck it out when I was a kid. The first time I made out with my first girlfriend, she asked me after a while to use my tongue. I thought that sounded fun, so when we got back into it I just stuck it out and slipped it in without really thinking about it. As soon as it was in her mouth she made this funny kind of yelping sound, pulled back and said "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" I'm like "uh, my tongue? I thought you said to put my tongue in!" I was so confused

She ended up loving it once she got past the initial surprise. She'd have me slip her some tongue any time we made out, and she would even suck it for me. This was when I came to realize another thing about my tongue: not only is it unusually large, it's also unusually sensitive.

Everybody has erogenous zones in different places-- those weird spots that can give you intense arousal if they are touched in the right way. The neck, the ears, the small of the back, the feet, whatever. For me, one of the biggest ones is my tongue. That's why I love to use it so much, why I love to lick and tease and give head. It's not just that my tongue can make my partner feel good, although that will always be the most fun thing about it-- it's also that my partner can make my tongue feel good. SO, so good. When I'm licking somebody I swear I feel almost as good as they do. And when I get my tongue sucked... I just melt. I will do anything for you after that.

It's even gotten somewhat more sensitive over time as I have come to use and appreciate it more and more. It's a little embarrassing to admit this, but I even get turned on when I brush & clean it. Something about the feeling of the toothbrush and the tongue cleaner just gets me. I can get hard just from that, and sometimes I can't get through it without moaning a little or at least breathing heavy

Anyway, there's not a larger point to this, I just thought I'd share a few words about why I like to post my tongue so much. I know it's not everyone's thing, but I have fun doing it. It makes me unique. I love my tongue

--If you read this far, I hope you enjoyed! Not sure if people really read the blogs here, but I've been on the site a little while now and figured I'd give it a shot. Let me know if you liked this or have any questions or would like to hear more

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By Minnbtm [Ignore] 04,Jun,24 12:25
I would definitely suck on your tongue...and every other part of your body too.

By cruz69696969 [Ignore] 19,May,24 11:23
Wow that is some tongue. Let me look at your pics to compare it with your other body parts.

By Roadie_is_back [Ignore] 15,May,24 23:57
Thanks for sharing that. Now I understand more about the tongue pics You are one hot sexy man, awesome dick and the MOST amazing tongue! Keep posting

By JackinKing [Ignore] 15,May,24 09:16
How unique and awesome too! 👅

By nekwid [Ignore] 15,May,24 08:53
Enjoyed the story. The visual is my favorite, the tongue, the cock, the whole package! and just a nice guy all around!

By pifad [Ignore] 15,May,24 07:38
I really enjoy sucking tongue and yours would be enough to make me cum

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 14,May,24 16:49
w0w! YOU are one genetically lucky guy.
By DarkMax [Ignore] 15,May,24 04:36
Definitely he is!

By DarkMax [Ignore] 15,May,24 04:34

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