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A history of my circumcision as an adult

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By CutBritDude [Ignore] 25,Apr,24 08:23   Pageviews: 54

I hated my foreskin growing up. Nudity wasn’t an issue in our house so I was well aware my dad looked different to me but just assumed my ‘acorn’ would grow when I became a man. Sadly this wasn’t to be, only when I started to have issues did I realise that my foreskin was defective. My foreskin hadn’t separated from my glans which didn’t seem to affect my ability to jerk off as it was quite long despite still being attached but posed more issues later, any attempt to retract struck fear into me due to the searing pain. This made using condoms and having sex problematic at best but usually impossible, at least to enjoy. It sounds odd but I felt kind of cursed or punished and desperately ashamed and definitely too ashamed to say anything, it didn’t seem the thing guys did.

Why was I being made to suffer? What had I done wrong? Why didn’t my dad have me cut like him?

They always take about the harm of cutting boys but never the harm of not, there was definite harm to me by not cutting.

I put up with my issues until I was 20, when despite being desperate to be cut but crapping my pants about it (everything from the op to the recovery and embarrassment and shame) I decided to try and fix it myself, not a DIY circ (thank god, that would’ve been stupid). So, I began a strict regime that I stuck to religiously of daily stretching for an hour or so in the bath. First though, I had to separate my foreskin from my glans and I won’t go into much detail here other than to say 🤢

After separating my foreskin, which was an overwhelming mindfuck alone, I began the painstaking and slow process of stretching my foreskin each day in a bathtub of hot (warm) water. It took many months before I had stretched it enough to almost get half way over my glans. Once I got to this point I was experiencing pain, bearing in mind as painful as it was, I also found it highly erotic and pretty much had a semi chub on while stretching which made it even harder to retract.

Eventually after about 18 months I achieved full retraction of my foreskin, under water and it was literally breathtaking. Nothing had ever touched this newly exposed part of me before and it was hypersensitive. The water stung. Everything stung. I didn’t leave it back for long for fear of it getting stuck and then having to explain to someone what was going on. I would’ve died! I spent another 6 months regularly stretching and ensuring I fully retracted my foreskin every time I had a pee to make sure it stayed as mobile as possible. I think I must’ve had some scarring as it was never the smooth motion that you see in porn. Once I was confident it wasn’t going to cause any issues I began my skin back all the time and fantasising I was a circumcised man. Sex felt much better but there was still the odd issue, a minor tear etc. It was better but not fixed.

Still, It felt so good to feel the fabric of my underwear on my now exposed dick. I was a new level of aware. I’d always wanted to be circumcised and finally being able to retract mine I knew right then and there I never wanted it covering my dick ever again. After some persistent training my foreskin stayed retracted at all times, I could roll it forward and it would retract back behind my glans, which was just ace. I would swear on my life that my foreskin either shrunk or my dick got bigger but I couldn’t get my foreskin half way up my glans without serious effort and never so there was an overhang.

Still, I couldn’t muster up the courage to get the snip until I was 30 after I had to have another op for something completely unrelated. So, on 8th May 2017 age 30 I got myself circumcised, FINALLY. Boy, what a treat! Wish I’d done it sooner! Op was a breeze and so was the recovery bar a few moments which are to be expected, I would do it again in a heartbeat. I was worried about loss of sensation but it’s not loss it’s just different and in my opinion, better. Much better. I have more control now and the sensations are intensely pleasurable not painful. When I do cum it’s mind blowing, actually earth shatteringly good and for me, better than before in every way. I couldn’t recommended it enough, If you’re thinking about doing it, what are you waiting for...?! MEN ARE CIRCUMCISED. I would absolutely get my sons circumcised, if not at birth then before puberty.

Best thing about being circumcised; hard to choose as there’s so many things but my body confidence went through the roof, finally I had the dick I was meant to have, that the men in my family had all had before me. I reclaimed my male birthright. It looks better, it feels better, cleaner, streamlined, built to fuck. REAL MEN ARE CIRCUMCISED.

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By nekekal [Ignore] 26,Apr,24 16:03
I was circumcised at birth. And for me it has been perfect. Looks good, easy to play with, no pain or problems at all. Until I was older I had never seen an uncircumcised penis. And probably half of the ones that I saw gave the guys problems. Like, too tight to get his erect head through the opening, would not retract, the newly exposed cock head was too sensiitive, etc. I never understood why they had this problem cock.

By CircPlay [Ignore] 26,Apr,24 13:09
Living in the cut happy US, my wife and I believe that all men should remain intact (our 3 sons are intact) to his own experiences giving the decisions on their own to decide when and what styles they would want if so decided. In your case you tried to make it work and at 30 could have done at 25 to finally decide to do something about it and get circumcised. Growing up intact in my era being the only one and born into a family where all siblings were cut but me including step brothers and fathers etc. I was born too early and parents were going through a divorce missing all my appointments. It was tough here not like today where my sons report a total opposite experience where women are into natural organic things including no harm not that they knew what they would get when first encountering a real love intact foreskin on a guy but moreover being okay with it.

By furluvr [Ignore] 25,Apr,24 12:25
Yours is a very special case, my supremely sexy friend. I’m glad you were liberated by the experience!
By CutBritDude [Ignore] 25,Apr,24 12:30
I was kind of apprehensive about posting this after our chat but I really appreciate the comment. It is absolutely from my particular perspective and I think that context is important. But again thank you for the comment my friend ✌🏻😘

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