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Got a Girlfriend, Broke Up (6 Months), Got a New Boyfriend

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By Domino [Ignore] 14,Jan,24 02:25   Pageviews: 93

Hey, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve been around but figured I’d upload a little something for fun. As the title states, I got a girlfriend that I was with for about six months before we broke up and now I’m in a new relationship (with a very lovely guy that makes me feel good in all sorts of ways lol).

Speaking of him, I’m no longer a virgin (haven’t been since about October when he and I fucked for the first time)! I don’t have anyone to talk to about my experiences with him in real life but I wanted to gush about him somewhere.

Obviously, we don’t fuck all the time but it’s often. He makes me feel seen and pretty and loved. It’s an amazing feeling. He’s also just a nice person that shares my sense of humor, taste in games, and shows. I’m super lucky to have him in my life.

I don’t know how he’d feel about me having this account but I doubt he’d ever come across this. Maybe I’ll upload some more stuff, maybe not. Either way, I hope everyone is doing well

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By PITBULL [Ignore] 14,Jan,24 08:46
Honey, you are one lucky woman. It's hard to find good man these days.

By berlinstud83 [Ignore] 14,Jan,24 08:10
Congrats... enjoy the sex!

By duece [Ignore] 14,Jan,24 05:46
Welcome Back!, great News! Enjoy it!!

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