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By JackinKing [Ignore] 10,Dec,23 17:00   Pageviews: 51

Day six today and I’m feeling a lot better. Put on a mask and ventured out of my isolation room. Man the first few days were pretty brutal. I had zero energy or interest in jacking off that’s how bad I felt. But yesterday! Yesterday I finally rubbed one out! Felt so good to release all that pent up tension even made a video to post

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By t-rex [Ignore] 10,Dec,23 17:22
Did the nurse film it for you ? 😃
By JackinKing [Ignore] 10,Dec,23 17:50
Hahaha no. In fact I just went to upload it and it was 0.1% to large for this site. I know I need to keep them short and I do try. I must have got a little carried away with myself
By bud_de2001 [Ignore] 03,Mar,24 09:14
I'm sure cutting 0.1% will still make it one of the hottest videos on this site
By CutBritDude [Ignore] 28,Jul,24 14:25
Trick for reducing the size of the video, email it to yourself and it’s compressed when sent which reduces the size you can upload it. This works with pictures too if they are too large (never used to be an issue but with all the HiRes camera phones out there these days they (the pics that is) seem unreasonably large!
By JackinKing [Ignore] 28,Jul,24 14:32
Thanks man, I did not know this!
By CutBritDude [Ignore] 28,Jul,24 14:56
Anytime bud 👍🏻

By german_guy [Ignore] 18,Dec,23 16:52
hope you are feeling well soon
By JackinKing [Ignore] 18,Dec,23 19:00
Thank you man I am well now!

By oldgray69 [Ignore] 11,Dec,23 13:20
if you use Filmora you can edit you moves easy.

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