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My public exposure fetish

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By Smallugly1 [Ignore] 13,Oct,23 06:55   Pageviews: 111

This how I usally walk around my fly open and the head poking out of my open fly. It looks like a honest case of leaving you fly open by mistake just if a person noticed it, and doesn't think it's on purpose. It give such a rush though going to a coffee shop , you see there yes goes wide and slient , as my order is taken and a quick turn around for a laugh. That gets me so turned on . A few times a co-worker will take over to get a peek. In the past 6 months I've never been called out. And have been getting more brazen in my fetish. I started wearing ladies shorts so the balls are millimeters from exposure and people behind me on a escalator get a good view.

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By SexIsLife [Ignore] 18,Oct,23 11:42
I've been flashing my dick to girls so many times. Most of the times they're ignored and away from me. But very fewer times I've had extremely exciting experiences which I never forget in rest of my lifetime. A very youngest girl was so curious once and played with my dick until I came so hard! It was her first time watching and touching a man's dick.

By girllyboi [Ignore] 13,Oct,23 20:01
dont stop shave it bald they like it better

By simplygood [Ignore] 13,Oct,23 08:28
A sight I would love to see!

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