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And now, for something completely different....

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By lovetolickyou [Ignore] 28,Jun,23 01:10   Pageviews: 74

This blog entry's a bit different from most of the things I've posted.....It's still about sex, but it's not the recounting of a past experience. I think it'll probably be of interest to a lot of guys. I'm older, and like anybody else, I'm not the same person I was when I was young. I've been fortunate in that I haven't lost the ability to have sex and enjoy it, but, quite honestly, as time goes on, nature takes it's toll....Erections, although adequate, aren't as large or as steel-hard as they were when I was a teenager. For about fifteen years, since my body totally stopped producing testosterone, my doctor's had me on hormone replacement therapy - I get a testosterone inject once every two weeks. And, because I suffer from the typical old-man disease - benign prostatic hyperplasia - enlarged prostate. Annoyingly, it leaves you dependent on frequent bathroom trips to pee. I've avoided the standard medical remedies such as FloMax because they have deleterious affects on your ability to have sex. Searching online, I discovered something my doctor didn't even know - That an alternative treatment treatment for BPH is tadalafil (aka Cialis). Tadalafil's ability to relax smooth muscle tissue, which is an ED treatment at higher (20-40 mg) dosages, also works to deal with BPH (at lower 5 mg daily dosages). You'll actually see pharmacists selling tadalafil in boxes of thirty pills designed for this application. So, I also take 5 mg tadalafil daily, in addition to my bi-weekly testosterone injections. I'm sure it helps my performance - I've had situations where I had to do without, and things still work, but at a more typical old-man's reduced performance level. So, I've been doing the tadalafil/testosterone supplementation for several years. It allows me to jerk off (several times a day sometime. lol) but sex is such a big part of my life that I've always wanted to find a way to recapture the way it was when I was a kid. Well, I finally reached a point financially where I could address it.

A few years back, reading online, I discovered a treatment available known as acoustic shockwave therapy. It uses electrical pulses that promote the development of new blood vessels in your cock, resulting in stiffer, higher quality erections. It's not cheap, but it represents one of the only treatments that doesn't treat erection disorders with a band-aid....It actually is a path to regaining sexual health that nothing else will do. This isn't just snake-oil......The treatment is recognized by the FDA in the US and Health Canada north of the border. For me, the potential benefits are huge.....So, I've decided to take the plunge. I'm booked for my half-hour consultation with their physician/therapist in a couple of days, and I'll be starting my treatment program (six visits, each 15 minutes in length, spaced a week apart) sometime in the coming month.

I'm excited about the prospects.....Mainly, recovering sexual performance that I enjoyed as a young man). And, to be completely honest, the prospect of experiencing this level of intimate treatment with a female technician handling my cock and delivering the shockwave therapy, really appeals to my slightly kinky sexual tastes. I've done enough research in this to understand all the pros and cons, and I'm ready to take the plunge. I figure, for basically the cost of a home theater setup, I'm going to get something that will make life a whole lot better. If there's a positive response from people who read this blog entry, and interest in knowing how it goes, I'll make additional entries to this thread and tell you more about it. I love my cock...And this I do for me!

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By cockforcock [Ignore] 30,Jun,23 02:58
for shure i would love to hear about the results. please keep us posted

By onthelose [Ignore] 28,Jun,23 16:13
I have also been reading about the sonic treatment. You can buy the implement they use on line. I suppose you get what you pay for. I do miss being able to get hard as easy as I used to.

By Tempp [Ignore] 28,Jun,23 10:50
If your doctor didn’t know Tadalfil treats BPH, he/she is uninformed. It’s listed in the patient info under “Uses”.
By lovetolickyou [Ignore] 28,Jun,23 14:33
My guess is that since Cialis is generally treated as an ED medication, it was something a lot of people never became aware of. Plus, in this jurisdiction, government pharmaceutical coverage only pays for the cheapest generic drug that will treat a condition.....As far as BHP goes, that would be Flomax at 16.00/month - Not Tadalafil at 132.99/month. So, it's not commonly used in instances where there's a more economical alternative

By #628350 [Ignore] 28,Jun,23 06:37
I wish you well with the treatment. I have a very enlarged prostate but fortunately it has never caused me to get up frequently in the night but I did find that I didn't get too much warnning if I needed a pee during the daytime, this resulted in a couple of embarrassing incidents. As a retired pharmacist I still keep up to date with the latest treatments and read a few years ago that Tadalafil (cialis) eas recommended and approved by the FDA for the treatment of enlarged prostate. I have been taking 5mg daily ever since and my urgency problems during the day are almost non existant, my PSA levels are down and the side effect even at the low dosage gives me the ability to get an erection whenever I need it, even several times a day. A couple of year ago a much younger woman friend with whom I have very infrequent sex remarked that she was surprised at my age that I don't need pills to get hard. I didn't let her in on the secret.

By #677384 [Ignore] 28,Jun,23 02:29
I wish you nothing but happiness, I love my cock too and ty for sharing yourself ..I really respect you for your honesty...pls feel free to PM me anytime

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