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Rediscovering Exhibitionism

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By yoursecretagent [Ignore] 25,Jan,23 15:37   Pageviews: 78

There was a period in my life where after my teen my life was pretty, well, normal. Work, travel, etc. I actually forgot about exhibitionism for a while.

But then it quickly came back.

I was living in a apartment complex around many similar complexes on a road along a freeway on the edge of a city. It was the very edge of the urban sprawl, the freeway cutting it off more or less. One side of the road was just apartments with a school on the end of the street and a park on the other. There was a few tiny businesses between the road and the freeway.

At night I'd sneak out the patio doors of my apartment. There was a fence trail between the apartments, and I'd walk down that towards the road.

There I'd begin the strip.

I'd typically wear a t-shirt, a hoodie, and shorts. I'd slip off the shorts, the t-shirt more or less hiding my growing cock. The more it grows the less its hidden though, as it pokes out.

Nights are usually quiet as I walk. There is the occasional car, but with parked cars along the road I'm not in obvious vision. My cock bobs freely with each step.

As things progress I'd push myself to take off my t-shirt, putting back on my hoodie to keep myself from being completely exposed. But leaving it unzipped I am exposed. Outdoors. Walking along in public.

It is a thrill.

Eventually I'd take off the hoodie and tie it around my waist. My butt would be covered and my cock hanging between the tied sleeves.

The hotter I got the more daring I'd become. Sometimes I'd untie the sleeves and just pull the hoodie up around my neck, revealing everything. Or just let it fall, walk a few steps, and then go back and pick it up. If it was quiet enough I'd just continue completely naked towards the school or park. Both were usually deserted at night, so I could show up naked with little worry.

Those were some of my best nights, usually climaxing at my destination.

Many good memories.

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By #690323 [Ignore] 24,Mar,23 15:13
I fucked ina parking lot in front of the police when I was a teen. They just watched then told us to watch out for young kids. Haha!

I also have fucked in the forest, walk around naked with my blinds open every day, with over 50 people passing by per day, sometimes up to 1000 per day. So many have seen my tiny tits, it makes me drip with happiness.

By watcha [Ignore] 02,Feb,23 12:31
Loved this. Just the sort of thing I've done, be it in different ways/styles and in daytime.

By #668890 [Ignore] 26,Jan,23 15:04
Got so hot and aroused reading this sexy blog with delicious pics! Haven't done ths as an adult but loved doing similarly back whenI was younger. Never caught or evenobserved as far as I know but WOW what a thrill it was,,,esp, jerking off just thinking someonwas watching.

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