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3 people blacklisted me?

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By Looki [Ignore] 29,Nov,22 22:12   Pageviews: 68

Just found out that 3 profiles has me in there blacklist, but i just knew about one, why didn't they tell me? Should i worry?

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By stgoguy [Ignore] 13,Mar,23 10:26
It is common, they blacklist you to block you, for whatever reason. There is no way to block someone from doing this. I have been blacklisted because I put a 'Hot' on some guy's pic who didn't like a fat older guy saying he had a nice cock. I don't get it, it is a site to show off your cock, with girls and guys so everyone should be more mellow about comments and likes, but they're not. Relax and let life happen.

By cruz69696969 [Ignore] 30,Nov,22 06:38
so let them get fucked elsewhere
By Looki [Ignore] 30,Nov,22 07:33
At least i wanna know who and why? If there's a good reason i don't wanna do it again
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 11,Dec,22 13:37
Become a paying member and you can see who blocked you.

By oldgray69 [Ignore] 02,Dec,22 17:29
why should you care
By Looki [Ignore] 02,Dec,22 17:33
I wanna know why, if they have a good reason, i don't wanna do the same thing again
By oldgray69 [Ignore] 05,Dec,22 01:36
sometimes people are jerks. Maybe I am just old enough not to care what people think.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 30,Nov,22 09:17
Welcome to the land of imbeciles and morons
By Dev01 [Ignore] 01,Dec,22 14:23

By wycowboy [Ignore] 01,Dec,22 13:24
I don't know if I have ever been blacklisted and I don't care either. If someone feels the need to blacklist me well......whatever, I didn't need them in my life.

By #634216 [Ignore] 30,Nov,22 07:40
dont worry. ive been blacklised, un blacklisted . who knows whats going on in peoples brains,

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