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First time in many years

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By lovetolickyou [Ignore] 16,Apr,21 01:20   Pageviews: 161

I had a short adventure earlier. It wasn't at all what I was expecting. I'm not sorry it happened, but I realized fairly quickly that his expectations were a lot different than mine. He was intent on quick, fast, and intense. I haven't been with another guy for almost twenty years, but I had imagined someone more into the same thing I envisioned....Slow, sensuous, and more interested in a slow, erotic thing than in a fast, high-powered thing that happened quick and was over fast. My previous partner was very much into the long loving licks and a slow build-up to an eventual climax that felt huge. He's the only person I've ever had a simultaneous orgasm with from oral sex. It still stands out as one of the most memorable events I've ever been part of. Tonight was enjoyable in a lot of ways. It's the first time I've ever been with someone uncut, and it was fun, although I've realized that, for me, oral sex with someone less endowed is more comfortable. I found myself gagging and had trouble doing the fuck-the-mouth thing. I ended the evening feeling bad to a certain extent, because I doubt that I lived up to his expectations of what he wanted from the whole thing. And, I wasn't at my best....I get rock hard when I look at regular porn, but I didn't get nearly as aroused this time. I'm not sure at this point whether I'll feel inclined to do it again. But, I'm gratified that I had a chance to experience it. I suspect that if I decide to get naked with someone in the future, it'll likely be a conventional relationship with a girl.

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By #463848 [Ignore] 01,Jun,22 08:01
You have to be brave enough to say, "Stop, I don't like it this way." Sex is for pleasure, not pain or discomfort, humiliation and aggression.

By Tempp [Ignore] 17,Apr,21 14:04
Wait for the right circumstance. I'm looking for an opportunity with a man, and I'd also prefer a longer time together. And doing multiple things.
By Tempp [Ignore] 20,Apr,21 00:08
Too bad you're on the other side of the continent. I think we could enjoy it, you learning and me re-learning.

By Raypark [Ignore] 16,Apr,21 15:11
May not have been the best circumstances for both parties in this adventure but it could be considered a reintroduction after so many years to something that appears to be yearned for by you. I’m sure you will find someone to share your passion with in time, don’t give up hope.

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