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A Question

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By Leilani [Ignore] 24,Sep,20 03:06   Pageviews: 179

You don't log into this site for __ days and as a consequence your whole profile automatically gets deleted permanently.
Please fill in the blank.

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By #450957 [Ignore] 26,Oct,20 07:54
On more than one occasion I have left my account unattended for over six months to almost a year. When I return after those long absences I find my account intact.

By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 10,Oct,20 22:25
Your comment in this seems completely wrong. I have talked with folks that have not been logged on for a long time but the profile is still here! So what do you mean???

By #539634 [Ignore] 25,Sep,20 01:40
I still have the gifts that you very kindly donated to me,i cant understand how this would be possible if your account/profile page had been deleted?

By #485312 [Ignore] 24,Sep,20 16:04
I'm not sure, but it could about 180 days. the best person to ask would be admin, he writes the program and he would have filled in that blank *lix*
By Leilani [Ignore] 24,Sep,20 19:20
Thank you!
I thought it was actually only at or near the number of 30 days.
Hope I'm very far off and wrong!

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