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My first time with the new doctor

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By lovetolickyou [Ignore] 02,Aug,20 03:57   Pageviews: 222

One of the things I've discovered I was enjoying over the years is going to the doctor. In the late 80's, I changed doctors and knew that I wanted the next one to be a woman. I ended up with a great older lady who was friendly and attractive, but most decidely gay, so I knew there were some limits on what might come to pass. I'd had a few incidents over the years where I'd had issues of a more intimate nature, and had been naked and handled by the doctor. It was enjoyable, and I had to discipline myself to keep it in perspective. She was a doctor, undoubtedly got to see lots of people naked, and whatever was happening in my mind was bound to be very one-sided. That didn't stop me from fantasizing afterward about it, and I've had lots of intense orgasms from it. I found that for a few years, our relationship was very mundane doctor/patient stuff with nothing notable taking place. There came a time when her office was busier, and she had an associate, a nurse-practitioner, join her practice. From time to time, when my doctor took holidays or appointment scheduling meant she wasn't available, I was dealing with the nurse practitioner. I found her extremely likable....she was closer to my age and still very attractive, and I found I became comfortable with her quickly. At one point, I booked in just to get a prescription renewal, and it was one of those times when things were quiet, it was later in the day, and the NP seemed inclined to talk about my health in a broader perspective. I don't know quite what prompted me to blurt it out toward the end of the appointment, but I told her that I felt that as I got older, I felt my libido had diminished, and wasn't sure what could be done, but wanted to find out. She immediately said that she was pleased I'd chosen to discuss it with her, and it was definitely something that could be investigated. She booked me for a variety of lab tests, and asked that I make an appointment to see her in about a week. She came out to the reception area and made a point of asking the clerk booking the appointment to make it for 'a longer appointment' at the end of the day. I did the lab tests a couple of days later, and a week after the first appointment, I was back at the doctor's office to see the NP. She spent some time going over the test results, which generally were great for a mature cholesterol problems, no diabetes, no issues with kidneys, etc. Just a textbook healthy older guy, with one notable issue. My testosterone level was low....not just low like an older guy might experience, but alarmingly low.....She explained the range of numbers that came out of the test, and at one point said "A young man of 18 at the peak of his sexuality would probably score 30 on this particular test, and an older man, perhaps around 10. Your score was 6". I was shocked. I knew things weren't what they used to be, but I still wanted to jerk off a couple of times a day, could maintain an erection, and climaxed regularly. She asked me a few leading questions, and I tried to be very direct in my answers although there were times that I felt embarassed. I discussed masturbation with her, how often I like to do it, how the quality of my erections was, how much precum I produced, whether I climaxed, and how big were my loads. She was extremely sensitive to evrything I said and was obviously trying to make it easy for me to say what I had to say. She took notes, seemed to be listening closely, made frequent eye contact and I found my cock getting harder and harder as the conversation went on. The appointment had gone on for an unusually long time, but it was late enough that she asked me to come back in about a week to finish our discussion. She did the same thing as last time....asked the booking clerk for 'a long one at the end of the day'. From the moment we'd stood up to leave in her office, I'd had a really obvious hard cock but didn't see any point in trying to conceal it after the things we'd been talking about. Going out to the reception are to make the appointment was easy, because it was late enough that there were no other patients to see the big lump in my jeans. When I went home, I started to stroke myself, and edged so long that my balls were starting to ache. It didn't taking much coaxing (gently) to shoot the biggest load I'd made in years. I could hardly wait to go back and see the NP again, and for a week, it was almost my exclusive fantasy that just seemed to get better each time.
It seemed to take forever for that week to go by, and when the time came, I took the day off work so I'd have lots of time to get ready. I didn't know exactly what to expect, but I wanted to be at my best. I spent lots of time in the shower, shaving my face, scrubbing everywhere inside and out, and finished by freshening up the shave process below. For many years, I'd shaved my balls and the little bit of hair at the base of the shaft of my cock. I made sure I was perfect, shaving all the way between my legs to my ass. And, of course, I did a second scrub in my ass. It was already clean, but it gave me an excuse to rub my prostate some more. I didn't do that often, but I'd resisted jerking off that day and it was cool to watch my finger wiggling in my butt and a lot more precum than I could normally generate producing a steady stream from the tip of my glans. When I was finally dressed and fully groomed, I went to the doctor's office to see the nurse practitioner. She was warmly friendly, and seemed to just pick up talking where we'd left off a week ago. Then, she said, we'll probably send you to see a specialist in_____ (about thirty miles away), but before we make an appointment, we should do a physical exam, just to make sure there aren't any other issues. She did a few standard tests, including heart, blood pressure, and reflexes, and then said she needed to exam my genitals. I removed my pants and then my underwear, and when requested, layed on my back on the examination table. At this point, my cock was still soft and layed down cocoperatively on my scrotum. (I was grateful for this because I thought it would be embarassing to get a boner right off the bat. However, I could tell that even though my cock was soft, it was starting to get that full feeling that meant it was just a matter of time before I was erect. The NP started by doing a series of pressure point presses at my chest ("Does this hurt", etc) that got gradually lower. By the time she was pressing into my pubic hair, I was starting to harden a bit. As she moved lower and it was obvious that she was going examine my balls, my half-hard cock had surged off to one side. She casually picked up my cock, placed it upright so it was pointing at my belly-button and she had clear access to my scrotum. One at a time, she very gently felt my balls, carefully checking all around each testicle, and then holding the loose skin of my sack between her fingers and doing a slow exploratory that covered every inch. That progressd into her fingers pushing against sides of the perineum, tracing the hard shaft from the base of my balls to my ass. When she lifted her hand off, I felt a brief sense of disappointment, thinking it was over. She moved her fingers to the top of my balls, and began doing the same unhurriedly exam to my cock. At times, she lifted it and used her fingers to explore the top of the shaft which was by now clenched tight against my belly. She'd return to the sides again, and worked her fingers slowly to the top of the shaft, coming tantalizingly close to touch my glans, but not quite. Then she used her fingers to trace what would normally be the bottom of my cock, which had a long pulsing lump that just seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. Her fingers messaged that part of me, running up and down enough times that I almost felt like I was being jerked off. For the first time, I began to wonder if there was a chance I was going to orgasm. Just at the point where I'd become ready to give myself up to it, she held the shaft with one hand while the fingertips of her other hand started exploring my glans. After stroking the head a couple of times, she began to run her finger around the ridge of my cockhead. I've always found that the bottom edge of my glans was unusually sensitive, and I was back to wondering what I'd do if I reached the point of no return. She stopped for a moment with her thumb and forefinger pinching my frenulum and stretching it out. All this time, she was fairly quiet, not much being said, but I'm sure she could measure how I was feeling as my breathing quickened a bit. Then she went back to stroking the smooth part of my glans for a moment before zeroing in on my pee slit. She used both hands to spread my ureathra as wide open as it would go, and used one fingertip to graze me as far in as she could. My cock was throbbing. Any pretense of remaining detached was gone for me, and although we didn't have that typical "Sorry it's hard"-"That's okay it happens often to men" conversation, it was unspoken. She knew I was going to react and I knew it wouldn't be anything she hadn't seen before. A lot faster than I wanted to, it seemed to be over. She laid my cock back down on my belly, and I could feel it clenching and trying to defy gravity, thrusting itself into the air, flopping down, over and over. I figured we were done, and waited for her to say "Okay, you can get dressed". Then she turned away for a moment, and when she turned back she had a surgical glove and lubricant. She said there was one more thing to check, and pulled the glove on. She gently pushed my legs further apart, and as she started to move, she said very softly that most men were wary about the procedure but it was important to do a digital exam. She lubed one gloved finger and I could feel a sudden cool rush as she touched my ass. When she was satisfied that I was adequately prepared, she added more lube to her fingers and she softly penetrated me. It started with one finger, and then, although I couldn't see it from my perspective, it sddenly felt like two fingers. I had occasionally toyed with my prostate, but always felt it was uncomfortable to reach so I had trouble getting far enough in to do much exploring. Being in a different position obviously made it easier for her, and I was feeling something much different, and better, than I'd ever felt when I did it myself. In spite of myself, I felt myself involuntarily clenching around her fingers, and she murmured "relax". Then I felt her other hand pick up my penis, and just cradle it in her hand as she continued to probe me inside. It seemed to go on a lot longer, but it was probably under five minutes. I began to involuntarily feel climax coming, and as she slowly withdrew from my ass, semen started streaming out of me. It was one of the most exquisite orgasms I've ever had. There wasn't the clenching, pumping spasms that I was used to.....Just a deep electric feeling of warmth that I could feel at my prostate that went the entire length of my ureathra. I could feel every inch of that sweet burning as the cream poured out of my glans. That cum lasted much longer than usual, and when it was almost over and I could feel the hot wet load starting to diminish, I suddenly felt something bizarre. Without any warning, the long lump of cock muscle that ran from my ass into my balls contracted...really hard. I can only compare the feeling to the sensation of a charley-horse leg cramp, but this was doing it right from my prostate to the end of my cock. It went on so long that the intense pleasure began to become very painful. She had been standing back and waited until the process was complete. Then she smiled and handed me a disposable towel to clean up what was undoubtedly the biggest load I'd ever produced. While she entered some information into my file at the computer, I mopped up, shakily dressed, and tried to regain my composure. When I sat back down in the chair beside her desk, she said that everything appeared normal physically, and she told me she'd make an appointment from the specialist, and that the specialist would be in touch to let me know when. I thanked her, and started to get up to leave. She told me to stay in touch and let her know when I'd be going to the specialist. She said she'd be wanting to see me again after the visit to the specialist. I was almost on auto-pilot, having trouble coming back to planet earth, but managed to thank her and make a graceful exit. I was so shaky on my feet that I sat in my car and smoked a cigarette, not wanting to drive for about 15 minutes. By the time I got home, I was desperately horny again, with an erection that made it uncomfortable to drive. As soon as I got into the house, I immediately stripped off my clothes, had a drink, and layed down on my bed to relive the experience. It stood head and shoulders above anything that had happened to me sexually for years. I think I must have jerked myself off at least half a dozen times. I know that my cock felt raw for days, but I'd think about how I got that way and just glowed I was so happy.

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By surferharry [Ignore] 30,Aug,20 20:45

By bud_de2001 [Ignore] 02,Aug,20 08:14
Wow!!! Very hot blog and can't wait to hear whet the "specialist" did to you
By tb1 [Ignore] 02,Aug,20 09:09
I agree, hot indeed. I also await further cummimgs

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