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New Pants

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By yoursecretagent [Ignore] 21,Sep,18 16:44   Pageviews: 242

My outdoor play continues.

So I've been toying with some ideas of what to wear while outside. Experimenting with different pants ideas has been on my mind for a while, and I retailored a couple pair to make them more fun to wear when outside or on the trails.

My first attempt really didn't turn out as planned, but the second turned out better. I cut away a lot from the top. In front I went below the pockets and took out the fly, and in back I cut down to the tops of the pockets. Then I resewed on the upper loops so I'd have some way to still hold them up.

They didn't stay up on their own before the loops, and they hardly stay up even with the loops.

But with a belt I can still hold them up. And now they hang much lower. Without a shirt, they barely cover my shaft and in the back there is some cheek (and if I bend over pretty much full ass).

I wore them out a little bit today around the house, but I'm looking forward to a bit more travel in them.

If they'll stay up.

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By cruz69696969 [Ignore] 25,Oct,19 21:06
Sounds interesting, heck if we were around each other we wouldn't be wearing anything and driving with no pants would be a must

By #523015 [Ignore] 05,Jul,19 02:46
Soon freaking hot I would love to see you in some of my cute little panties just bulging out of the crotch waiting for a warm mouth to wrap around it and start sucking you off.... Yummy

By #567803 [Ignore] 21,Sep,18 22:25
Would love to see you in public with those pants with your cock out.

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