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By up-for-it [Ignore] 16,Sep,18 12:19   Pageviews: 70

I seem to have had contact with a ghost again

Made some comments on some of his blog entries and had a chat with greatwally47. He asks me to become friends and when i try to react to his last message i get the notification "this member doesn't exist"

That's the second time that happens to me,people just disappearing after first contact

I seem to have an effect on people that makes them disappear

So be carefull people who chat wih me, you might just vanish

Sorry if that happens to you!
I hope you will go to a nice place!

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By bella! [Ignore] 16,Sep,18 12:54
My guess is that it had more to do with the recent assault, the personal attack(s) waged against him. Maybe he's got more going on in his life that he doesn't feel any need to be here. Don't take it personally.
By up-for-it [Ignore] 16,Sep,18 14:24
I didn't know about attacks against him

As long as he is ok i'm fine with it, but would have loved some more chats with him!
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Sep,18 15:13
Well, I thought you understood since you posted in the blog he authored which I believe was yesterday. I posted in it and I'm certain that you did, too. If I'm mistaken, I sincerely apologize.
By up-for-it [Ignore] 16,Sep,18 15:57
Yes i posted in it too, just didn't realise it was that bad
I just hope he is alright
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Sep,18 16:18
I'm confident that he's fine, he probably weighed his options and just said; "fck it, I don't need this drama!"
By up-for-it [Ignore] 16,Sep,18 16:52
I think i would do the same!

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