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By yoursecretagent [Ignore] 29,Aug,18 17:20   Pageviews: 201

I do a bit of sewing as a hobby, and I enjoy making new things. A little while back I toyed with some pants alteration ideas and I took an old pair of pants and cut away the zipper area and the butt, leaving behind a bit on the sides and the seam up the back.

With a long t-shirt or a coat I can still be covered

But I did cut away a lot and a normal shirt would leave me completely exposed.

But I went outside today to get a few pictures of the new pants. I'll try to get more soon.

Meanwhile I'm also working on another pair of pants. More about that later.

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By knewbi [Ignore] 14,Jan,22 15:11
I do something like this in a way. Not cutting up my jeans but I tend to whip out my cock and balls through the opened zipper of my pants. I wear a long t shirt of jacket. No undies. Then while driving I am fully exposed. When I go out and walk around I am still out but the shirt or jacket covers me somewhat. I will sit and when I feel it is just right might open up some so others might get a shot. My other thing is no underwear and loose pants with no inner pocket lining. I wear a coat that has pockets but also no inner pocket liner. Then I can reach in and stroke at my whim. I have had a few times where I did blow my load with others around. As far as I know, nobody has caught me. If so, they never let on. Sure would love some guy to catch me and make me an offer... While driving I have blown many a load. Sometimes with a condom and some without. Until I get an offer I will just live in my own little sexy world.

By mikeinaz [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 13:00
Is your idea to be able to 'flash' someone when you want them to see your butt or cock?
I like to wear loose, short gym shorts.. or swim trunks with the inner lining removed, so I can sit and flash people by spreading my legs just right and hoisting up the leg of the shorts a bit... all just very 'casually', of course

By nakedjim [Ignore] 14,Mar,21 17:53
Wearing a long shirt hat can be pulled up as needed would be my way to go shopping.

By #4617 [Ignore] 05,Mar,21 09:33
I like it exposed like that...luv to meet you on a backwoods trail

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