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By smallcockboy [Ignore] 07,Sep,17 05:15   Pageviews: 157

Leo67 must have retired, he has far too much time on his hands.

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By HotFuckerBoy [Ignore] 30,Nov,20 16:23
Leo67 is long gone from the site now, but do I remember how frustating he was. You spend a bunch of time preparing a nice blog, post it, then, WHAM, he buries it under 30 of his bullshit member link blogs and no one sees your work. He was such and idiot...

By kebmo [Ignore] 07,Sep,17 21:53
Soooooo, he worked hard all his life and now he is taking the time to do what he wants because he deserves to? To that I say: Way to go Leo!!!
By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 23,Jul,20 21:31
But not at someone else's expense! If he wants to be an asshole fine but he does not have the right to fuck up someone else that is just here to have their fun. You are having fun or you should just go away to a site that likes ass holes!

By smallcockboy [Ignore] 10,Sep,17 15:58
Thanks Admin worked like a charm.

By admin [Ignore] 07,Sep,17 13:31
Just hit a cross on a side of any of his blog entries title or blacklist him entirely and you will not see them anymore.
By #523720 [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 14:48
i wish he get ugly face on him page. I block him! He fuck up whole blog page!

By #511878 [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 00:31
He's out of control and doesn't understand the workings of this site

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