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Naked in the Woods

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By HardAtWork [Ignore] 15,Aug,16 21:38   Pageviews: 238

Just found a nice piece of woods near our camp to walk around naked...Had a nice stroll, took some videos of myself. Perhaps I'll share some stuff. Need a camera person to go with me next time!

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By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 07,Aug,20 13:48
I bet if you asked nice and promised some naked time you would share you would get lots of people to volunteer to do the camera stuff with you gal!
By HardAtWork [Ignore] 07,Aug,20 21:47
My next door neighbor met me in the woods near our houses once. I got naked while she videoed me walking around naked.....She wasn't quite ready to be naked with meat that point but she did stroke and suck me...
By HardAtWork [Ignore] 07,Aug,20 21:49
By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 09,Aug,20 21:03
Did you ever get her naked and put your tool balls deep in some place for her fun as well as yours?
By HardAtWork [Ignore] 10,Aug,20 07:58
Still working on it.....I think she is trying to be a "good girl" with her boyfriend at this point....Still very flirty and suggestive stuff between us but haven't gotten her naked in the woods with me....
By HardAtWork [Ignore] 10,Aug,20 08:00
By HardAtWork [Ignore] 10,Aug,20 08:00
By HardAtWork [Ignore] 10,Aug,20 08:00
That's her.
By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 10,Aug,20 22:01
Maybe she wants to have her BF there with the 2 of you. So he can have some fun as well. Or maybe she just likes the play part and will never go for anything more naked ever! Good luck and have as much fun as possible with this gal. Just keep telling her how good looking she must be naked. Also she might be afraid of loosing her BF if he finds out about the things you 2 do even now! Have some fun and keep an eye out for some other person to actually enjoy some naked time with at least!
By HardAtWork [Ignore] 11,Aug,20 08:46
Well, as a matter of fact the neighbor on the other side of my house has been acting a bit flirt lately....About 30...single mother...Not much to look at but she has a tight little body on her. She made it a point to tell me a couple of weeks ago that she hasn't had sex in three years....I know she likes to go to the trails in the woods down the road here...walks with her kids...Maybe she'd like to play a little hide and seek with me out there like my other neighbor did.....
By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 13,Aug,20 20:45
The trouble with all this is not easy to get pix for the rest of us to see but nice of you to tell us what actually happens!
By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 13,Aug,20 20:51
What do you think would happen if you just come right out and ask her for some sexy fun time with you and yu promised to pleasure her a few times to start with?
By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 27,Mar,21 20:45
Do not have to be in the woods to be naked with this gl! Maybe just some place U both can be tight and close! Maybe a good 69 position for that much fun. Yu get her off a few times and I bet she will start agreeing to more naked time sir!
By HardAtWork [Ignore] 27,Mar,21 22:44
She actually just let me know that she would have the house to herself for the next week while the rest of her family goes to Florida. Except she'll have her kids, which I imagine would be something to be worked around....She was over here 2 evenings ago while we were having a small party in my backyard and made it a point to invite me over to party with her while she had the place to herself....Sad thing is that my wife was THIS close to being gone this week to South Carolina but plans fell through...Not sure how anything will be able to happen.....I wish I had a way to contact her right now though...FB message or something....Failed to think that through!...Wife is asleep....
By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 28,Mar,21 19:40
Find some direct way to contact this gal not FB. Too many people can search and find what FB saves behind your back!
But show her or teach her how to remove all things in her email or whatever that lead back to anyone so her people can not trace what she is doing even by mistake!
Best is to talk over the fence with no kids there,
No place or time at your house to get together naked for some sexy fun time? Lift her skirt and eat her pussy and give her few Os. That will certainly give her more incentive to let you see and touch her in that naked space.
She sounds ready just needs a push to get her there and feel safe about it.
Are her kids young and takes naps or older and go to a friends place to play in the after noon. 1 gal we knew made a deal with a friend. They each sent their kids to the others house 2x a week for play time. That way each could have a lover over for the afternoon for any type of sexual fun. They each knew about the lover the other had but never met up with them.
It worked very well and the 1 I talked with said he did this for almost 2 years for the fun of it until the other gal moved away and she did not find a replacement gal

By pipcock [Ignore] 27,Dec,18 16:03
Love being naked in the outdoors. Especially if you can wank!
By HardAtWork [Ignore] 27,Dec,18 20:57

By CreativeOne [Ignore] 23,Apr,18 04:15
I walk around my property in the nude all the time . Well ... When its warm out that is . No neighbors ... So no chane of anyone seeing me do what I enjoy . I've been a nudist ever since I was ten . I have no shame about being naked around others , like at the gym or taking showers at a camp .

By #485312 [Ignore] 17,Aug,16 06:03
its always nice to outdoors a selfie stick and a tripod...these could be helpful tools *lix*

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