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By covas [Ignore] 01,Jul,15 06:49   Pageviews: 343

Hey there! I'm a bit disappointed. Each time I try to start a conversation, especially with women, there is almost no response! I just want to talk a bit! No dirtytalk or such stuff, except you want it...So let me know.

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By mywusch [Ignore] 02,Jan,19 09:47
schreib mich an

By cheltenham [Ignore] 16,Oct,15 08:20
In my experience you will never get a woman interested in chatting.......even the ones that post the icon indicating they are up for a chat. I like you find it very strange. I thought this was a social site??????

By #494960 [Ignore] 06,Oct,15 07:02
Unfortunately a lot of people here promise lots and deliver very little! Drop me a line, I am always keen to chat when I am online.

By admin [Ignore] 01,Jul,15 16:56
Women are overwhelmed by messages on this site. It's worse than 1 woman to 20 men ratio. So don't be surprised if they don't reply.
By covas [Ignore] 04,Jul,15 01:17
Thank you for your response. I know that women stand under permanently messagefire. It's no surprise for me. I didn't want to complain. It's just my personal statement, this site is great. Thank you for putting it online.

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