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members i added on my friends list that don't want to add me on theirs

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #42882 [Ignore] 15,Mar,11 06:16
i have some members that i added on my friend list so long ago that they don't want to add me on theirs ! i accept any one here who adds me to their list but those members i added so long ago that they don't want to add me to their friend list i don't see the point haven them on mine! but the problem is that i don't know how to delete ! can somebody tell me how to doit please

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Similar topics: 1.Friends of your friends [new feature]   2.Deleting friends you added on your "Friends List"   3.Great Looking Lady with a Truly Poor Attitude:   4.Deleted by "friends" here on SYD?   5.Small Additions  

By slipper [Ignore] 16,Mar,11 21:49 other posts 
I only add people to my "friends" when they ask to be. Some may not want the automatic up-sized pix, for example. I also never add anyone who specifically states being under 21y.o. since I cannot be privy to the legal statutes everywhere.

All the best.

By #7976 16,Mar,11 21:45
The friend's list is more a vehicle allowing you to keep track of people you like more than it is for making friends. I have numerous people on my friends list that have never responded in kind and I don't imagine they ever will. On the other hand, I enjoy checking out their pictures on the "Your Friends Recent Uploads" page.

Some people don't want to use the Friends feature; others may only befriend certain types (sex, race, age, etc.) and yes, it's crappy; but either way, befriending someone here is a compliment from you to them and doesn't need to be responded to.

Enjoy the friends you have and don't worry about the rest. It's their loss, not yours.

By fila1305 [Ignore] 16,Mar,11 06:32 other posts 
I think 1XSpurt gives some very good advise, in regard with reminders and permissions.

And if they still don't react after sending a reminder:

To delte a member from your list, selct the box infront of the particular member and then press the 'Remove Selected from Friends'-button on the bottom of the list.

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