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comparison between young and older cocks

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Started by #76852 [Ignore] 07,Mar,11 03:55
compared many cock photos! I made folders with pics of cocks
20 yo and young
20 - 30 years
30 -40 years
40 - 50 years
50 -60 years
60 - 70 years
older than 70 years
What did I find out:
1. Cocks usually begin to look older after the age of 40.
But there are some that look young till the age of 60, some begin to look older at the age of 30. It depends on the fitness of the person I think

2. Young men have more photos with their cock really hard
Men after the age of 40 have many photos with semi erect cocks. I know its difficult to keep it hard and to make photos!
But the semihard older cocks often look really awesome!

3. The angle of the erection gets lower
The older than man is and the bigger the cock is the lower is the angle of the erection
It seems that is difficult to keep a big older cock in a high erection angle

4. Usually you could see more veins on older cocks

5. The colour of the glans changes for purpur red to blue red and the gland seems to shrink a bit

5. The quote of men with cockrings rises with age.

Between the age of 20 and 42 my erection angle got down from 45? to 110? (90? on very very good days)
The hardness of the erection changed from steel hard to gum hard sometimes marshmellow hard
But often it gets still " rock hard"

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By Lvphose [Ignore] 07,Sep,20 18:48 other posts 
Younger in 30’s same time frame older late 50’s

By Bratwurst [Ignore] 27,Mar,20 06:41 other posts 
That was me who made that Topic Long time ago. I was 42 years old!

So here are updates! Now I'm 50 years old! I slowly lost a lot of erection hardness and erection angle!
By #620582 29,Jul,20 14:50
If I understand correctly, you are, who started this topic many years ago. I appreciate the scientific thoroughness and research with which you set up your thesis. I completely agree with them, I also experience some of your comments on myself. I’m glad I read the comments because I see others aging like me, and that’s so completely natural. Congratulations!

By fatcock66 [Ignore] 28,Jul,20 21:04 other posts 
I'm 71

By LGA6969 [Ignore] 28,Jul,20 20:51 other posts 

By #463848 28,Jul,20 06:57
"3. The angle of the erection gets lower
The older than man is and the bigger the cock is the lower is the angle of the erection
It seems that is difficult to keep a big older cock in a high erection angle."

As you get older, the blood supply to the pubic area is not as good or strong. It is usually OK for it to get your dick to semi. If you have a big cock at that age, then the lower blood supply is enough to get it to semi but gravity allows it to fall below the horizontal
By Bratwurst [Ignore] 28,Jul,20 12:19 other posts 

you are right!

By MoeJoe [Ignore] 14,Mar,11 14:07 other posts 
Where does mine fit into your age analysis ??
By #463848 12,Oct,19 04:37
At 72 it is fine. I think that mine could achieve that state when I was 70.
By #622014 28,Jul,20 07:48
I don't care abut age analysis! If it fits in my mouth I suck!

By #621517 28,Jul,20 02:59
So guess my age from this:

[deleted image]d

By #622304 27,Jul,20 14:24
[deleted image]

36 yo

By overeight [Ignore] 27,Mar,20 07:41 other posts 
Well I have no problem getting very hard and quick if I have a partner. However I have found that mastubating I dont get very erect until I'm just before ejeculation unless I go slow and watch porn that really gets me excited. However I did have a nice beautiful 29yo come live with me for a little while and she was amazed at how hard I got once while she strutted around in front of me in nothing but her panties. I'm not modest and she noticed I had a boner and said something about it and I took it out stripped naked and she said oh my god your hot. You look as good as a 30yo man your body is great wow. So honestly its more for me when you have a very erotic situation. The last girl was 38 and she really enjoyed the way my cock got harder and bigger once I started fucking her and it started pulsating and had vigorous stimulation. I went awhile back to get waxed. The young girl around 25 while she prepared me for the wax talked to me about my cock. She admired it and said wow you have a nice impressive cock its nice big and beautiful. Then she asked me questions about it getting hard and if I got as hard as I did when younger and next thing she knew I was stiff as a board pulsating and precum dripping down my shaft. She said wow I like that it looks nice and I bet its fun. She actually got me very excited so its more how stimulating the situation is.

By #583141 15,Oct,19 11:02
41 here
[deleted image]

By #518391 15,Oct,19 04:03
Here;s my 75 year-old cum-gun..[deleted image]

By Alwaysnude [Ignore] 13,Oct,19 10:23 other posts 
[deleted image] here I am at 59

By #6568 05,Oct,11 11:27
A 64 year old specimen...

[deleted image]

[deleted image]
By #76852 06,Oct,11 08:08
Not bad for your age!!!!!
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 06,Oct,11 09:05 other posts 
not bad for any age !
By #6568 06,Oct,11 12:03
By #463848 12,Oct,19 04:35
How long does it take to get to that state from soft?
By #6568 13,Oct,19 08:53
That pic was made 8 years ago, and I'm now does take longer to get hard as one ages, generally, however, for me it's all about psychological stimulation as much as anything and even now it can get hard quite quckly......if the situation is right!

.....Then again there were times when I was in my 30's when it took a long time to get hard and then not very hard, but they were bad years for me and the mental stimulus was completely missing.

By Dickventures [Ignore] 13,Oct,19 04:30 other posts 
Wish I woulda kept my old account. Had tons of pics of my younger cock. So much harder and smoother.

By #551147 12,Oct,19 04:49
73 year old cock (left) vs 49 year old cock (right)

[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 21 hours

RealScorpio3 left / Scorps right

By niginni [Ignore] 15,Mar,11 10:22 other posts 
heres mine almost fifty now
By #463848 12,Oct,19 04:36
Nice and what I would expect at 50.

By #337566 07,Jan,13 13:26
[deleted image]

[deleted image]

Visit my page for other pics!! I'm 18 yo
By #463848 12,Oct,19 04:34
Your page describes you as being 23! But still a very nice and viable organ.

By #221907 08,Jan,13 05:39
Ohhhh I know! I know! And all the young girls who crave their daddy, I mean older mean listen up. The difference is this : I am capable of have afull erection as hard as any cock you will find whenever, wherever at the drop of a hat. And a few minutes after cumming. Or if she is good enough I can keep it up for round two.

Older men (lets say 55 and above) : statistically 2 3/⁴suffer from some form of sexual dysfunction or are completely impotent. 20% are no longer sexually active. And the rest desperately search for a **** cure. So as grandpa pops his viagra so he can get his dick unwrinkled for the first time in gos knows how long, he is at a 30% greater chance of heart attack and or stroke and this goes up dramatically if he had health issues before his boner pill. And let's just be real, most Americans are grossly unhealthy, especially the elderly so your boner is actually a pretty high stakes wager with your life. No let's just assume that gramps didn't die, or throw his back out, boning the 20 college girl, after the chick helps him up, he will be **** within 5 minutes. So no round 2 for you sweetheart. And considering the having to stop to.catch his breath and.making sure not to break a hip, was there really even.a round 1?
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

BTW all stats are legit and so is the logic but it was more of my sartorial rant making fun of old dudes and young girls who never read anything by Freud. Probably the young ones more honestly.
By #390248 03,Sep,13 19:22
your lack of life experience reveals itself as ignorant pomposity! You will be that grandpa you just made fun of, before you know it. And with your attitude you will also be part of the 20% sexually inactive statistic. Youth is not a virtue, it's a burden. You should file this comment away somewhere and read it back to yourself in about 30 years. You probably won't like the little snot it reveals to you. just sayin'... Now I'm off to take my meds....
By #463848 12,Oct,19 04:33
We are all different but it is nothing new for someone your age or younger to be able to have three orgasms in an hour by whatever means is your pleasure.

Older men are less able because their blood circulation fails to provide a full erection (certainly not without physical stimulation). We awaken with a semi rather than a morning wood.

What matters is that we can usually get an orgasm one way or another.

By #463848 12,Oct,19 04:28
We are all different and apart from changes due to age, there are changes due to sexual activity.

Not sure what you make of mine?

[deleted image]

By #208346 04,Sep,13 02:40
I have no problem getting hard and staying hard.Sometimes squirt myself on the chin too.Maybe just a more relaxed attitude.I'm 56,Days away from 57.

By #176420 13,Aug,11 18:45
No comparison sport older cocks are by far better,Just hate to older guys shaves their pubers off to look younger.That's fucking sad.
By #326467 07,Jan,13 22:36
don't believe it's to look younger..more so to make it look bigger..
By #244348 08,Jan,13 07:06
so why is older better ?
By #147052 08,Jan,13 10:50
Because we have a more mature attitude in regard to pleasing our partners. Age may limit quantity but if quality is what you want, always go for the older man/woman.
By #159671 01,Sep,13 02:41
Some of us never thought of looking younger or bigger, our women are fine with it as it is. Maybe I just think it feels better...yes, in fact it does. THATS why I like to shave my balls - comfort. Has nothing to do with my vanity & ego!
To me, sad is somebody ignorant enough to fool themselves into thinking that they know the motivations of total strangers!

By #303133 08,Jan,13 13:17
What I found out is that some people have WAAAAAAY too much time on their hands...
By #159671 01,Sep,13 02:37
Go ahead and continue to make a veiled attempt at an insult, but I found this to be interesting reading. Good work mystery poster, too bad you couldn't do a similar study on pussies. Hmmm, I seem to have too much time on my hands too...

By #220845 08,Jan,13 05:08
I'm getting depressed

By #226523 08,Jan,13 00:46
Well worn with very high mileage

[deleted image]

Just like Johnny Walker still going strong

By james73 [Ignore] 07,Jan,13 22:58 other posts 
Did you notice any difference in aging between cut and uncut? Anecdotally, the uncut glans seems to age more slowly.

By stickshift6x5 [Ignore] 07,Jan,13 18:18 other posts 
52 and still hard after all these years of long wacking sessions

By #5546 13,Aug,11 08:16
Here's a pic of my 65 year old dick for you:

[deleted image]
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 13,Aug,11 09:57 other posts 
and it's a damn nice looking dick - dating back to the 1940s. They produced some great dicks in that decade - yours especially.

By #135735 11,Apr,11 14:48
[deleted image]

my young cock
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 13,Aug,11 09:55 other posts 
great cock !

By #116569 13,Aug,11 05:21
there is no difference.. mine is the same as i was in my 20's and i am 47

By #61033 13,Aug,11 03:00
How old do you think I am?
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 12325 hours

OK - this is a 51 year old cock!

By #177288 13,Aug,11 00:26
this is a 49 years old cock, what do you think

[deleted image]

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