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Are we not all prostitutes

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #127626 [Ignore] 10,Feb,11 22:19
The other day I was with a woman friend going for a walk. We were talking about how our welfare system is way to easy on lazy asshole who abuse it. I stated that I have far more respect for women who prostituted themselves then mooching off working people. She got enraged saying they are sluts degrading all women and I shouldn't compare the two. I on the other hand disagreed stating they are smart and its the guys who spend all that money on them that are degrading themselves. I also stated what is the differnce between them and all other working people. They are paid to use their body yes but are we as working people not also paid to use our bodies at work. How many of as have had to endure a crappy job with verbal and mental abuse at a physical job to keep food on the table or a roof over our heads. We take this abuse or face being laid off or fired. We work using our bodies as do prostitutes at alot lower pay. So you tell me am I wrong or are we not prostituting ourselves

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Dec,17 18:54 other posts 
Interesting posting. I agree with you.

By #6568 11,Feb,11 06:17
Interesting,...and yes, attitudes to prosititution are always fascinating and frequently very illuminating. Personally, I have never been interested in finding sexual outlet with prostitutes,..and that has extended to not wanting to be exploited by ANY woman sexually, especially not in a relationship. This leads me on to something I have noticed over the years;....that married women who highly prized their virtue frequently had 'sold' themselves to men who they perceived would offer the best deal of a life. So, in my experience, prostitution is widely present under several names and descriptions.........

.........Indeed, it's curious how many women who are 'outraged' by prostitutes, have themselves a very mercenary attitude to their husbands or boyfriends! Perhaps they don't like the competition!

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