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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #12964 [Ignore] 26,May,09 09:58
How often do you do self examine for Testicular Cancer?

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Similar topics: 1.stretching your testicles   2.Size of testicles. (I've got big balls)   3.retracting testicles   4.You like testicles with a what kind of size the small one or the big one?   5.Twisted testicles  

By niginni [Ignore] 25,Sep,09 09:32 other posts 
hi everyone i check most weeks .. google search testical self examination video shows you what to do

By #5532 03,Jun,09 17:31
I check my SO's at least weekly, he likes the oral exam the best.
By #3997 08,Sep,09 12:12
I would like an oral exam from you luvmyclit, and vice versa to give you an oral exam, up close and personal,

By #7976 26,May,09 19:13
Can't say I have any worries about the problem. If I find something that seems wrong when I shower, I'll know it's time to see the Doc. Otherwise, it seems a waste of time to worry about it. No family history for me.
By #12964 01,Jun,09 20:35
Bushpilot, please read fredbutz.
By #7976 02,Jun,09 18:36
Sorry unkut. I read the story and it is very is compelling but for me, I am still not worried about testicular or any other type of cancer. I get scoped for colon cancer at regular intervals as my father died of it but anything else; you only live once and I have not intentions of doing it in fear of dieing. I understand your and others desire to be diligent and respect your opinions and actions. Keep checking and I sincerely hope you never have the problem. Thanks for responding to my comment. It's good to know folks are paying attention. Keep well friend.

By #12820 30,May,09 08:01
I actually had testicular cancer. Both testicles have been removed.

I never did find a lump. For me my testicles felt "heavy." When I bumped them unexpectantly like sitting down too hard or sliding out of a pickup truck bench seat and dragging them over the corner of the seat I noticed a increased feeling. Not pain, but almost a good sensation.

When I had testicles I used to like to have them sucked and massaged. This may have injured them and led to the cancer.

So, anyway, the "sensation" and heavy feelings increased so that I would notice feeling in my testicles just walking. I went and saw a doctor and he never even did an exam, he just sent me out for a ultrasound.

At the ultrasound the technition covered my penis with a towel just leaving the testicles hanging out and performed the ultrasound exam. She left the room and about 20 minutes later a doctor came in and said I had cancer and that I needed surgery immediately. 4 hours later I had no testicles.

To make sure the cancer didn't spread, after surgery I had multiple CT scans and blood tests. I ended up getting radiation therapy and now I seem to be free of cancer. btw: I don't recommend radiation.

You can see in my pics, my scrotum is just an empty bag. I've been considering getting jingle bells implanted there just for fun. You can get fake silicon testicles, but I've passed so far on that.

I still have orgasms, though the feel much different and are hard to obtained without prostate or anal massage. I do take testosterone injections to keep up male hormones. I didn't want my penis to shrival up and to grow breasts.

So, don't wait for a lump, if your testicles "feel funny" go see a doctor. A simple ultrasound is all it takes to find out for sure.
By #8288 31,May,09 04:08
......thank you for sharing your story & experience.
By #14216 31,May,09 04:11
By #3997 01,Jun,09 21:10
Yes thank you,

By #3997 27,May,09 15:19
pretty often i check them

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