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The bad attitude strikes again - Save us from Gold Diggers!

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #7976 [Ignore] 21,Sep,10 21:11
I was scanning the Recent Comments log when I came across a photo with small print typed across the center of the lady in the picture. When I opened the photo to see what it said I read the following message;

?It is TRULY amazing how cheap so many guys are who refuse to vote or only vote once when they have tons of points. They don?t know how to treat a REAL woman. Not the type of ?men? who I would ever run with!!!?

Because it sounded very familiar from a recent insulting woman on the site (see: Great Looking Lady with a Truly Poor Attitude), I started to leave the following response;

"If you have to beg for it here, it's no different than being a gold digger in the rest of society. As for real women, they're out of your league".

The following message appeared when I tried to upload my comments;

"This member has banned you. You cannot post on his/her pages".

OK, if I can't comment privately on her page, I can at least do it publicly and let the rest of the SYC/SYD population know there is a gold digging *$@%$ on the site with grossly ill manners and a sleazy attitude. If as she says, we're not the type of men she would run with, then I'm sure as hell glad the honest, faithful, caring, and sharing women who are in my family and friends are nothing like her. And God help the poor suckers that she does run with in her everyday existence.

If you feel the need to facilitate this individual?s quest for self gratification through points, by all means give her points if you must. However, bear in mind; she wants nothing from any of us but the status she can gain through being gifted with points. She cares nothing about the people she gets them from.

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By #22632 24,Dec,10 17:39
why do you care about such a shit - it is more important to care on the pic quality - most pics are on the female side nowadays internet pics, and the real women are in the minority. Is that what you want here? It says: show YOUR cunt
By #7976 24,Dec,10 18:17
Actually, this post is ancient history and the individual that was so rude is apparently no longer on the site.

As for the rest of your comment, I don't agree with your assessment of the site. While there are many fool and fakes on the site I have also met some really nice people here that I enjoy chatting with. For myself, I'm here to meet people and get to know them. The photos are only a way of introducing ourselves in my book although I have no illusions that some, even many use the images for more basic delights. So be it.

In your case, I do enjoy your photos and have put a number of them in my Favorites folder. Your a beautiful woman with a terrific body. I do enjoy seeing your posts.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
By #59855 24,Dec,10 23:51
From Matt's Wife: I agree bush pilot

By pifad [Ignore] 23,Sep,10 09:07 other posts 
Ha ha ha who cares about points and votes. It's not like you can trade them in for something material and they really don't mean a damn thing. If that's what you think makes you "popular" you are sadly mistaken.

By #59855 23,Sep,10 00:09
From Matt's Wife: I'm the best.... forget the rest!
By #23212 23,Sep,10 00:17
OK, I always love being with "the best". Do you want your beautiful pussy and bum licked, while Matt is 'doing other things' together with us, or are you just asking for points and votes?
By #59855 23,Sep,10 00:33
From Matt's Wife: The hell with the points and votes
By #23212 23,Sep,10 00:45
I thought so.
By #59855 23,Sep,10 00:47
From Matt's Wife: I'm easy......well not that easy
By #23212 23,Sep,10 02:49
Easy? I'm doing all the licking. What's not at all "easy" about that?

By #6568 22,Sep,10 05:46
Hmnnn..... I notice her claimed reason to be here is to "show myself off" but she seems to have confused this with her marketing skills.....

.....While any parallels with 'the worlds oldest profession' are perhaps going too far, it does make one wonder how this person conducts herself with others in the real world.....I'm tempted to say 'Im glad I'm not there'...

.....Been exploited by women quite enough for one lifetime, thank you!
By #7976 22,Sep,10 05:49
Me too!

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