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What's happening in US

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Started by #604890 [Ignore] 02,Jun,20 11:31
What's happening in US. Please give some real informations. Can't trust media network. Comments open for US friends

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By curvy8 [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 01:16 other posts 
Trumpocolypse. End of days for failed leadership.

By phart [Ignore] 02,Jun,20 14:52 other posts 
A virus was brought here by folks that were in China,it has killed alot of people. The country shut down.Millions of jobs lost,people shut up at home. JUST as things were starting to look up, a cop puts his knee into a man in cuffs neck and he dies. Groups of people that have no idea what is really going are taking to the streets and burning buildings and cars and hurting people just because they can get away with it. Meanwhile the family burys the dead victum and ask for peaceful demonstrations instead of violence.It falls on deaf ears as our President had to be put in a bunker to insure his safety the other night.
Our President is having to overstep the govenors because they are to damn dumb to use their National Gaurdsman to protect their citys and law abiding citizens.
Meanwhile,the vast majority of Americans are sitting at home wondering if there is any sanity left on earth and looking forward to all this shit coming to a end so we can get on with life.
Readers digest version.
By #551147 02,Jun,20 16:30
Wow! Well said readers digest version to boot.
By #604890 03,Jun,20 09:55
Yeah buddy. This is not only in America. This is all for politics. This is not People's opinion
By #188992 03,Jun,20 12:52
Reader's Digest version? Interesting!

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Phart asserts that the people protesting "have no idea what is really going" (sic) - he has no evidence for that whatsoever.

He also asserts that people are doing stuff "just because they can get away with it" - he has no evidence for that either.

He also asserts that "the vast majority of Americans are sitting at home wondering if there is any sanity left on earth and looking forward to all this shit coming to a end so we can get on with life." - guess what? No evidence presented for that either.

The Governors might not just be "damn dumb". They might, I just put it out there as a possibility, think that further violence/use of force would be counter-productive.

There's also the possibility that things are being further exacerbated by Accelerationists.

I suspect, however, that Skeetersk (from his semi-literate comment) just wants his views confirmed, and not challenged.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 13:40 other posts 
Well as usual,Huxley adds so much to a topic.His news media feeds him .
He presents all the proof needed to defend his postition.
If you would bring your happy ass over here you would find the looters are stealing because no one is stopping them.Thus getting away with it. Find arrest records of looters. YOu will only find arrest records of folks that refused to disperse,like the city councilman in Charlotte or the New York Mayors daughter.

Also,why is it everyone I met in town this morning,everyone I have spoke today as a matter of fact,all are wondering when the shit will end so we can get back to a normal life.
Your media HUx,does not show what goes on in average town USA, you can not sit way over there and tell me what effects this is having and what I can see with my own eyes.
By #188992 03,Jun,20 13:45
Fuck you. Find me one instance where I condoned law-breaking. You assert all sorts of stuff without proof, phart. I'm happy to say that the US is off my vacation list for the time-being.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 13:46 other posts 
well,there are plenty of places to travel to other than the US.Pic 1 and be safe. And I did not say you condoned law breaking.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 14:03 other posts 
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Ok, so you break in a store,you steal,you are arrested and turned back out next day. What does that amount to Hux? A death sentance? Hardly,it means they can break in,steal,and get away with it. THis is just 1 city.LA I think is doing it as well.

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By #188992 03,Jun,20 14:40
So... are you telling me that as well as being a racist society, the US has a fucked-up legal system?

Tell me one I don't know. Watch "Filthy Rich" on Netflix - the feds give out great deals to law breakers. Usually rich, white ones to be honest but your legal system does seem strange to foreigners (putting it mildly).

I apologise if I inferred (incorrectly) that you thought I condoned law-breaking. I still think you're a good guy, even when we disagree.

Your second link is super-interesting and, I would dare to suggest, backs up MY point that the motives of the rioters for participating vary greatly. Which is NOT what you asserted - you lumped them all in together and said the primary reason was "just because they can get away with it".

As a more general point I would say that the world is more nuanced than you generally make out. Strong/simple messages, however, are more easily-fed to a gullible, ill-informed electorate.

MAGA is, in my opinion, just as brainless as "Yes, we can". People, specifically American people, were fooled (just enough) to buy both those empty phrases.

The rest of the world is imperfect too, before I get accused of anti-Americanism, and the UK has institutional racism on a worrying scale. However, after (finally) getting rid of slavery and (finally) making some concessions after the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, your US society is still not at peace with itself. It's still racist and, too often, resorts to violence/force to further it's interests. Global superpowers, which the US most definitely still is, should provide moral guidance and compassion to the less fortunate parts of the world. Sadly, you are more likely to bomb the shit out of somewhere (without having made adequate provision for "winning the peace") than seek a solution that doesn't necessitate the need for more young Americans to die in some foreign field. Vietnam, Afghanistan, Korea, Libya, Nicaragua, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Russia, Laos, Cuba, Thailand, Bolivia, Cambodia, Zaire, Iraq, Somalia - to say your record of success in foreign matters is a bit sketchy is probably erring on the side of generous.#
By phart [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 15:49 other posts 
Just be thankful you are not typing in German right now thanks to the flawed USA.
Where was the concern for the veteran that a black man posted videos of himself beating a couple weeks ago while in a nursing home SUPPOSEDLY recovering from the wuhan virus?
Also,this thread of another way off topic forum has 2 pictures in in it that you should see.
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By #188992 03,Jun,20 16:27
Ha ha ha!! I nearly added a footnote to my previous post to say "Don't come up with the: without us you'd be speaking German" trope!! You're flawlessly predictable, and hilarious!

Have you seen the Doug Stanhope clip on that? I'll try and find it for you.

I missed that vid, phart. Sounds awful.

You can hold a view on more than one topic, you know? I hate the fact that so many kids die each day for the lack of clean water - ponder that for a moment, bro. Global capitalism has delivered us a world where kids can't drink fucking clean water, and die as a result!! I'm superfly, in-the-red furious about that. Can I still have a view on parts of The Land of the Free being under curfew in the 21st Century because of (at least partially) racism? Fuck yeah.

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By phart [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 16:48 other posts 
Well,uh,just what would have been the outcome without us over there?
There is so many variables in regards to water.Yes,it is terriable that everyone can't have clean water and basic food.But to fix the problem in alot of countrys you have to get rid of dictatoral governments and get something else started.And the PEOPLE motivated to join in to help.
I know for at least 30 years on our tvs there have been ads wanting 19 dollars a month to help with kids starving in a 3rd world country.But mention sending some birth control pills and those same folks start screaming violation of rights. Not realizing,as you said,the kid,can't even get a clean glass of water because there is NONE to be had.
Turn out the chairty would have ceo's out of a job if the problem was fixed.
By #188992 03,Jun,20 17:35
Who knows, phart? But for you, personally, to claim any credit for it (75 years later) is laughable! My personal bet is that a lot more Russians would have died, the "Iron Curtain" would have been a lot further West than it was, Hitler would still have lost, and I would be speaking Russian. The US would still, probably, be a racist Country struggling with it's identity and purpose.

I'm glad to see that you agree with me that Capitalism is leaving massive scars on humankind.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 17:48 other posts 
Not claiming credit,just saying We as in America.
Of course I can see issues of the kind you are talking about.But solutions are not simple.capitolism,does NOT have to include greed.

By #551147 02,Jun,20 16:36
@ Skeetersk you are quite wise to ask your question in other places and pretty much ignore the vast majority of garbage media. They only tell you what they think you should hear. My site buddy Phart has summed it up pretty good. I have more that I will add in a lil while as I'm pressed for time at the moment. I applaud you for asking nevertheless.
--------------------------------------- added after 10 hours

A black guy (George Floyd) who had been accused of committing a crime was apprehended by the police. During the course of them placing him under arrest (in handcuffs) and then moving him to a police car, something happened (NO ONE KNOWS WHAT IT WAS AS OF YET), but the guy ends up on the ground with a policeman (a white cop) kneeling on his neck for approximately 9 mins. During which time someone was videotaping what was going on. The man can be heard saying he can't breath, calling out for his mother, you can hear him struggling to breathe. It was actually disturbing to watch. Anyway, the guy died. The video goes viral and not one single person has denied that the action was overboard and that the policeman shouldn't be held accountable for his actions. Despite that, there's this bullshit race baiting game going on in America. If the loons would have there way, they would have you believe there's rampant unchecked racism all over this country. Here's the catch! What we witnessed was nothing more than Police Brutality by perhaps a power greedy, bad officer. There is absolutely NO evidence whatsoever that it had a racial component. None! But, since it was a white cop on an unarmed black man, BAM! He's a racist. The media, B.L.M., ANTIFA, takes that narrative and runs with it, next thing you know they are hijacking peaceful protests and inserting agitators to attack and destroy people and property that had nothing to do with the death of the black guy. The liberal trash over here in the United States #1 objective generally always are to fan the flames of racial divisions between white and black. Practically anything you do is "RACIST"! The protests are in relatively small pockets in America, coincidentally all liberal run cities. So, it's not quite as spread out within the U.S. as some make it out to be. The officer was fired, then arrested and charged with murder and yet this shit continues day after day after day. Just to give you an example of the dishonest piece of shit media in this country. They refer to the thugs, low lifes, criminals, as "mostly peaceful protesters". They wouldn't dare call them what they are. I think I covered most of it. Any other questions?
By #604890 03,Jun,20 09:48
I thought that buddy. This is all fukcing politics. I hate it bro

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