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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #42635 [Ignore] 05,Feb,10 09:35
I noticed a lot of you have great clear Full size photo's and mine in full size are blurry. i tried different sizes and resolutions but couldn't get the pictures just the way i want them. i have a high end cannon digital camera and I'm trying different settings. anyone have a suggestion on how to get a clear pic and what size should i use

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By #23212 06,Feb,10 23:22
I am repeating, somewhat, what others have said here, but trying with examples. Yes, do read the manual, especially about using the 'close-up' (macro?) button, the one with the little flower on it. If you look at your last photo posted, the hardwood flooring is in focus, and your dick is blurred! The same with several others, where the wall, etc. behind is in focus, and dick blurred. All decent digital cameras have a close-up setting, and all have a focus lock--hold the shutter button down half-way, to make sure what you want is in focus. I would advise you to keep your camera at the highest resolution setting, and the highest 'quality' setting, since with today's very inexpensive, high capacity memory cards, and most emails and other sites accepting high resolution photos, there's usually no reason to use lower settings. You can always make photos smaller, but can never add resolution that wasn't there!

By MoeJoe [Ignore] 06,Feb,10 06:25 other posts 
I'm sure you already know this, but make sure that your camera is in "Macro" mode when doing the closeups. I have a Canon and most of their models all have the Macro setting.

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