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The CAUSE of SCHOOL SHOOTINGS in the US has finally been found.

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Started by leopoldij [Ignore] 30,May,18 13:06  other posts

Some other causes, according to the NRA and many conservatives, include:

● intense news coverage of mass shootings,
● video games,
● abortion
● lack of religion,
● inadequate control of entry into schools,
● the act of going to school itself.

People used to think that guns are responsible for killing. We now know that it's pornography that's responsible for killings.

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By #435701 30,May,18 13:27
Of COURSE it is! Even Ted Bundy told us pornography is the cause! And he should know, after all! One of the bestest ever serial killers
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 30,May,18 17:17 other posts 
Ted Bundy was a serial killer the school shootings are carried out by mass murderers there is a totally different psychology and reasoning involved.
By #435701 31,May,18 14:34
Tongue in cheek statement and I even said he was a serial killer So...what EXACTLY does it MATTER that the psychology of certain 'types' of murderers are different?? Killing is killing so the psychology of the killer is TOTALLY irrelevant...But, the 'humanoid' race is just a race of killers. Even pacifists kill when inducted into the Military. Very few have refused to go into battle and kill the 'enemy'. Which is, in actuality, themselves. All things being equal (human), of course....That Movie 'Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody Came' is exactly right. Wars are created by just the very FEW in power @ the particular time in history. So it's ALWAYS FEWER than the number of countries extant on the Planet. 200 or so? Against a World population of 7.5 BILLION!...Next war I say nobody should go.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 01,Jun,18 07:23 other posts 
I suppose my point was that the reasons that Ted bundy had for his killings were in part domination and sexual, the school killings have totally different motivations- rejection, social alienation, failure... we need to understand the reasons if we are to try to reduce if not prevent these type of killings.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Jun,18 08:36 other posts 
The reasons you listed are the 1's most likely to be given if the shooters told the truth.
Questions that could be ask if we could get the truth,

Why is the k1d alienated? The shooters have been white,so they were not a minority race. You would expect to hear that from a minority.
Why was the k1d rejected? Didn't speak English well? Didn't wear the latest clothes? Most reasons k1ds are rejected are for stupid shit.Like their shoes are last years style or they don't wear the latest clothes.Thus looking different.
Why did the k1d fail? Was to much expected of them? Calculus is not for everyone. Was the k1d not tutored well at a young enough age to really make a difference?

Or you could ask the k1d if they had been bullied.This 1 hits home for me in more ways than 1 because I was used as a punching bag by 2 guys on the wrestling team while riding the bus to and from school. Even the coach wouldn't do anything about it. I was not the plumb guy i am now.I was skinny,and a electronics geek.Not a fighter. But it did my self esteem no good at all. But I never thought about finding a gun and killing them.

Schools need to take reports of bulling serious and deal with them.Bully's get bigger and do more harm later.Notice I didn't say grow up because that would mean they matured.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 03,Jun,18 11:18 other posts 
I totally agree about bullying it is often not properly dealt with.
I dont recall the name or when this happened but i heard about a male teen who moved with his father to the West Coast because he was being bullied at his school. Sadly at his bew school he was once again repeatedly bullied, burnt with cigarettes, books put down toilet etc.
Finally he had had enough and took one of his fathers guns to school and shot and killed a number of pupils.(I don't recall if they were the bullies or not.)
Even more sadly despite still being **** he was sentenced to something like 50 years. here was a clear case where theschools failure to address serious bullying had catastrophic results.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Jun,18 11:55 other posts 
Of course it didn't occur to you to pick up a gin and kill. This is natural for the vast majority of human beings. It takes a sick mind to do that and the sickness can be either natural or caused by the society.
By #435701 05,Jun,18 14:43
Sorry to disagree with you, Leopoldij-Human 'Beans' are use a movie title...Natural Born Killers You just have to look at our warfaring history to prove my point. More 'Beans' have died that way than in any other fashion. Killings in between (the headline grabbers) just serve to satiate our murderous urges until the next big 'purge' (war)...there is a natural balance that must keep human population in check because we live on a planet with finite means to feed our gigantic population. As time has progressed and we have completely become an overwhelming 'plague' on Earth's surface...polluting, eating other life forms and defecating our way into well as medicine increasing our lifespans and there being no other natural predators to control our population...we have to kill ourselves off or face the inevitable...Thirst and Starvation (meteors?) being Nature's way of re creating the natural balance of a dominate species We cannot help ourselves. It's Nature's way of Worldly Balance...School shootings and shooters are the worst of our race...but it and they...are just a microcosm of the much bigger picture...'Life sucks and then you die' has more truth than Americans can admit or want to know. Look outside this country...or in the deepest, darkest parts of ANY American city...and you will see just how sucky life truly is for the vast majority for us 'Beans'.
By #435701 05,Jun,18 13:37
Andthisisme- School shootings are EASY to figure out, even if you are right about their motivations. If one just eliminates the politics, money and a certain US of A organization (WHICH one IS that?!) 'shootings' would cease to exist...Mix guns and CHIL DREN (had to separate the word or get censored) running around rampant with youthful hormones, no life experiences and a BUNCH of other stuff (bullying is the other stuff)...and voila (need that little doo hicky over the 'a') you get dead teachers and students...See? Really easy to figure out. It's all the assholes in power and gun makers making SO much GREEN STUFF they can buy politicians. They LOVE their fantastical lifestyles so much it does not MATTER the number of dead kids required to pay for it. Or the around 10,000 other Americans killed yearly by GUNS...We are the ONLY 'civilized' (titter titter) country with such stupidly high gun deaths Yay for us!...Did you also know your country sells the MOST weapons to the rest of the World? Because we make the BEST killing machines this planet has EVER known! Yay for us! ...I am waiting for the America 'uber Alles' crowd to chime in...
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 05,Jun,18 15:48 other posts 
I didn't want to go down the control route but I have a great deal of sympathy with what you are saying. However, the reasons I put forward still hold true it is just that in the US it is easy for an alienated individual to get such weapons and take action.
Both issues the motivation and the gun control are issues that need dealing with.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Jun,18 22:52 other posts 
Well it is not the cause of the nut case actually taking a weapon to do harm but as a example, it seems there was a shooting in Florida that folks had warned everybody but the Pope that the shooter was a nut case and needed help-arresting,whatever.AND NOTHING WAS DONE!
WHY< I have a theory. Job security for all those alphabet groups,FBI,CIA,NRA,etc.
BUT here is another sad thing, Had the Fbi went and got the little bastard before he hurt anyone,what could they have done legally without the same liberals hollering gun control saying "HE HAS RIGHTS, he is innocent, you can't hold him,you can't question him,why is his coffee not warm?"?
You can't have nut cases running around and have a safe environment to live in.Regardless of the tools laying around.Hell a shovel can kill for petes sake..
If you are found to be a nut case, you need to be in a Nut house until you are no longer a nut case or you are dead.
1 nutcase locked up somewhere with shelter,food,and water,would have saved those lives in Florida.
But no, let enough of these tragedys happen and the government can use the fear to further control the population. Without fear among the people,without crimes unsolved,without nuts running around causing suffering,the Fbi and other alphabet groups are out of work.

By #551226 31,May,18 11:53
More people are killed every year by drunk drivers but you don't see them banning the cause which is alcohol, plus over 50% of gun deaths per year are the result of suicide, and the majority of shootings occur in ghettos.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 31,May,18 13:05 other posts 
You miss the point dude.

I was just making fun of those stupid republicans
who claim that pornography causes school shootings.
But you are just repeating your mantra.

Go ahead and arm yourself from head to toe.
But don't shoot they k1ds--I'm sure you won't -- and watch as much
pornogaphy as you wish. Ignore those stupid republican politicians -- I'm sure you do.
By phart [Ignore] 31,May,18 15:35 other posts 
I am a Independent.I decided a long time ago not to follow the majority into the toilet drain. Pick the best from the pile that I can so I can **** at night knowing I tried.

I have enough sense to know looking at pussy to long shouldn't be blamed for school shootings.
I also feel like it is a double standard for the government to sell liquor ,making a pile of money off it in taxes.Only for the users to wind up killing people while under it's influence.

May as well put the government to selling all the damn bullets. Same difference.
By #551226 04,Jun,18 12:24
I like watching porn while I'm doing target save more time multi tasking.

By phart [Ignore] 02,Jun,18 22:04 other posts 
We as a group of anonymous people hashing it out in a civil manner have a much better chance of determining the real reasons for school shootings than these bozos did.

By #455846 31,May,18 08:08
I think it s terrorists. It s their fault. Not the guns and stuff. Cars don t cause crashes neither do pencils make spelling mistakes. Obviously

By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,May,18 18:58 other posts 
And Of Course Pornography is not the cause of shootings. I Just posted this to show how stupid people can be (I'm pretty sure that these were the religious types...)
By #502711 31,May,18 05:24
I'm certain of it

By kebmo [Ignore] 31,May,18 00:19 other posts 
The US population is about 10X the Canadian. We have many cultural and economic similarities. We are very similar people. Our gun laws in Canada are very tight in comparison.

Because of that, we have had 7 high school and post secondary shootings in 43 years. This has resulted in 31 deaths.

If I look at just high school shootings there are 4 shootings causing 10 deaths in the same 43 years. only registered users can see external links

The number of guns in the US is substantially higher of course. There are 101 per 100 people while Canada has 31 per 100 people. (2007 stats)

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My conclusion: Guns kill people.

By Dong69 [Ignore] 30,May,18 21:28 other posts 
If pornogrphy was the cause of these shootings, then why are the people on this site or any other site not committing mass murder on a grand scale!!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,May,18 22:38 other posts 
Ask the brainy stupid woman politician who claimed such a thing in public

By Dong69 [Ignore] 30,May,18 21:26 other posts 
If pornogrphy was the cause of these shootings, then why are the people on this site or any other site not committing mass murder on a grand scale!!@

By stiffone4u [Ignore] 30,May,18 21:24 other posts 
The only shots I fire from pron smear on impact!

By #502711 30,May,18 17:45
I think the cause is all of these medications kids are on these days & slack parenting. Parents are too scared to be PARENTS to their kids, & instead are trying to be their friends, they don't spank them, they spoil them, they don't spend enough time with them while they're young & teaching them good values. Not to mention all the crap kids eat nowadays, I'm sure that contributes to mental health. But the biggest problem is the system. There's a sickness in the modern world with capitalism affecting the self esteem of modern humans... Maybe I'm wrong, but that's my thinking on the subject. There's a lot of guns in America, twice as many as the population of America, I believe, & a small percentage of that population commit to these attacks. But making guns not so easily accessible, I'm sure, would prevent many killings. I'm not against people having guns, I'm just saying that people should keep their guns locked up better.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,May,18 18:56 other posts 
Yes. Kids should be disciplined. They're too loose these days and they're allowed to do anything with no consequences. Spanking is not bad either.
By #502711 30,May,18 21:17
All these 'social justice warriors' that think spanking your kids leads to psychological damage are idiots. What causes psychological damage is not being disciplined for being a little cunt. These kids run amok these days, parents let them run wild at all hours of the night, let them smoke & drink, or are just weak parents that don't put enough effort into controlling their kids & are controlled by them. Then when they decide to step up & try to discipline them then it's already too late & these kids kill their parents because they took their video game off them. These things happen. You have to start early & show them who the boss is. They're like puppies. You let a dog slee.p in your bed, then they think they're equal to their master & that's why people get mauled by dogs.

By onthelose [Ignore] 30,May,18 18:52 other posts 
the explosion of school shootings is related to how much coverage is given to the shooters. If you paid attention you would see that lately the shooters don't kill themselves like so many others in the past. Kids are all about media nowadays. They live their lives on media platforms. I was bullied as a **** but never thought about murdering a bunch of my fellow students because of it. These people have one thing in common, that's mental illness. Strange that everyone wants to ban guns but no one wants to commit people who are obviously mentally unbalanced. By the way more people are killed in Chicago in one month then in a year in the military.

By DeepThroatThis [Ignore] 30,May,18 15:45 other posts 
Sad but a fact....there are more people killed in schools in the states then in the military.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 30,May,18 17:12 other posts 
That really is a truly terrifying fact.

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