NEVER accept to be circumscribed because you'll find yourself in the center, regardless of whether you like it or not. We used to do this sort of thing at school: we'd tell a boy standing still to hold a piece of string tight. We'd then stretch it and walk around him a few times, holding the string tight, until our feet had traced a circle on the ground. At this point, the boy would find himself circumscribed and was pissed off. But he could do nothing about it.
Watch your language mate. I know you **** being circumcised but I doubt it you don't like being circumscribed. I'm not sure whether you like being circumnavigated though.
Maybe someone will buy you a straight jacket for your birthday or Christmas. Blue with horizontal stripes perhaps. You don't strike me as someone who wants to be controlled though.
I just worry that being circumscribed would cause me to become less sensitive.
And, though I do like to live by my own rules as much as possible, there are some occasions/situations where giving up a control can be really fun!
surrounded by a circle.
Just as you described the matter.
Everyone should get circumcised.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes
Sorry, I thought you said circumcised, haha
And, though I do like to live by my own rules as much as possible, there are some occasions/situations where giving up a control can be really fun!
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