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What is the longest you have gonna without cumming?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #519943 [Ignore] 27,Mar,17 15:35
I have gone 7 days without cumming, although I going for my recorded right now which is 10 days.

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 15,Apr,18 20:23 other posts 
Many hours

By #543717 15,Apr,18 19:57
Just after my circumcision: about 2 weeks. Stitches were still in, but I couldnīt stand it any longer. Carefully rubbed my precum wet dickhead without touching the scar, and had the stongest orgasm in my whole life, not counting the first one at age 11. Shot my cum over my left shoulder on the pillow. A little more to the middle, and Iīd have squirted right into my face.

By #537175 10,Mar,18 07:31
I was trying to go for a week , but on the 5the night I had the most amazing wet dream .. so messy .

By #550094 10,Mar,18 05:40
24 days... only to have it wasted by a "Pigeon"
(an idiot who sucked my cock TOO FAST).
I stopped him and sent him home.
After he left I was so angry I jerked off just to get
it out of me.
It was such a waste of a long horny Abstinence.

By #455846 17,May,17 14:19
just made three weeks and still haven t had the chance, anyone wanna hep me

By #332336 14,May,17 08:17
4 hours, and that was difficult.
By #455846 17,May,17 14:18

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 27,Mar,17 20:27 other posts 
15 weeks
By Silverfur [Ignore] 15,Apr,17 22:29 other posts 
Not now

By #526707 15,Apr,17 20:44
maybe a week. if I'm on a trip, longer.

By #289712 15,Apr,17 11:49
A week. Only because I was on a trip with friends and couldn't find an opportunity. Other than that 2-3 days Max.

By #502711 12,Apr,17 04:13
12 years

By 4everanedger [Ignore] 11,Apr,17 00:53 other posts 
14 days with no sexual touching, 7 days with multiples daily edging sessions.

By #496814 10,Apr,17 14:59
10 days, done twice. Once on purpose to see how long I could, once due to a heavy stressful period having lost most of my libido in this time.

Luckily that was fixed ever after.

By Hrnyboy90 [Ignore] 04,Apr,17 19:02 other posts 
Longest for me was about 10 days.. I was trying to see if I could go 2 weeks but literally couldn't.. by that 10th day I was getting boners like crazy..I was so horny I watched a little porn and tried not to touch myself but I didn't have to.. the sensation got too overwhelming and I felt an orgasm coming.. I was fully clothed not touching myself but I couldn't stop it.. I managed to hide in the bathroom just in time and lean on the sink as my 10 days worth of cum came shooting out into my underwear uncontrollably.. it's fun holding off cause the orgasms are so intense but if I go too long I just get so horny my dick cums on it's own
By #64328 10,Apr,17 12:12
That Hot.

By #46165 09,Apr,17 19:25
2 months

By #372855 02,Apr,17 16:34
Week and a half

By #3711 02,Apr,17 07:12
i was 12 weeks without cumming

[deleted image]

By #281008 29,Mar,17 01:17
60 now still havent cum
By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Mar,17 18:43 other posts 
60 days?
By #485312 31,Mar,17 04:05
holy crap, your balls must be so sore *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 31,Mar,17 19:04 other posts 
Not me, the guy above. I was wondering about the same thing. I personally can't let a day go by without emptying my balls at least once.
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 01,Apr,17 00:44 other posts 
Yeah, I already mentioned this, but I did that once (went a whole day).

By Nevermore [Ignore] 31,Mar,17 09:26 other posts 
Until I was about 11 or 12.

By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 31,Mar,17 04:34 other posts 
I once went an entire day.
By #485312 31,Mar,17 06:36
lol, l bet it was really hard *lix*

By #529708 27,Mar,17 15:56
Why? It's healthy to cum.
By #511804 30,Mar,17 21:00
It is good for your prostrate which helps in getting a good hard on. Trust me you want to keep it healthy. My wife was told by her OB/GTN that she needed to have sex twice a week. Sex is a healthy thing to do if you do it safely

By #64328 28,Mar,17 12:32
I dont think i have ever gone a whole week without. Started at 8 yo and had dry orgasms till 13 and a half,usually 3 to 5 times a day. I still average 7 to 10 times a week. Sometimes i may skip a day but make up for it with the days i do it 2 or 3 times. My record was 13 times in 24 hours when i was about 14, but after the 3rd or 4th times nothing came out but maybe 1 drop. I have always wondered what the average fequency for other guys is and when they first learned to masturbate. I find it funny that we all do it but rarely talk about it in real life as adults
By #529708 28,Mar,17 13:22
I always found it funny, too. I started at 10 and for the longest time didn't think anyone else did it. I tried not to in middle school (could never go more than a week and half the time I would spontaneously combust if I tried).
By #511804 30,Mar,17 20:58
I wanked to much, that never happened.

By #510842 28,Mar,17 22:45
I'm at three weeks right now and it's driving me crazy

By #509938 28,Mar,17 12:48
Usually when I've got 20 minutes before the local shop is gonna close!

By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,Mar,17 20:58 other posts 
1 day maximum

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