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Is it just me, or...

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by JustWill [Ignore] 12,Apr,16 18:51  other posts
...have things gotten relatively polite and non-"bickery" around here lately?

I wonder why that could be?

(This is not a COMPLAINT, btw, just an observation. I LIKE non-bickery.)

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By #496814 01,May,16 06:02
Fuck you, JustWill!


By JustWill [Ignore] 29,Apr,16 12:27 other posts 
A Note to JohnS (Because you are a Crazy Person, and we know you obsessively check out the forum every day since your banning...which is exactly what a Crazy Person would do.):

The place is much nicer without you. Things have been much more pleasant.
You are not missed. By anyone.
Not a single tear was shed over your banning; not a single objection was raised. None of your "friends" posted a comment on how sad they were to see you booted.
You contributed nothing of value to the site, and greatly overestimated your worth here.
Have a Nice Day!
By mr_blue [Ignore] 29,Apr,16 12:42 other posts 
Very esoteric
By JustWill [Ignore] 29,Apr,16 13:10 other posts 
I imagine him reading that and foaming at the mouth like a rabid asshat.
By Sickboy [Ignore] 30,Apr,16 18:23 other posts 
JohnS has been banned! Have to say I didn't notice!
By JustWill [Ignore] 30,Apr,16 21:38 other posts 
How could you NOT notice?
The and emoticons haven't been used much at all since he left.
By #208346 01,May,16 05:18
I was kind of wondering where he went.don't care tho.

By bella! [Ignore] 12,Apr,16 21:40 other posts 
C'mon, don't you even miss member X just a little bit? I will admit it, I do! Who is going to say the things that made your bl00d boil, those stoopid things that made you smack yourself in the head while you said to yourself, "I can't believe that asshat said that!". Don't you miss that member X said certain things that were unique to member X? Things like member X would "not concern myself....." but in reality, member X did. OR when member X would comment that [s]he wasn't going to comment on something. That always made me chuckle, hey, too late, you already commented on something you weren't going to comment on! That's another, I hit myself in the head moment!

Don't you worry that the hounds are being cared for properly? I do! I worry that member X is not imploding or spending too much time trying to seek retribution and retaliation.
By JustWill [Ignore] 12,Apr,16 22:22 other posts 
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Apr,16 22:28 other posts 
No to everything? You are so cold!
By #415959 15,Apr,16 09:49
I have to agree with Will.
By JustWill [Ignore] 15,Apr,16 12:28 other posts 
Experience has shown that agreeing with Will is normally the best course of action.
By #460385 15,Apr,16 09:56
I miss all the daily PMs from him about how bad, awful, fake, corrupt, evil, and pathetic you all are. NOT!!!!!!!!!!
By JustWill [Ignore] 15,Apr,16 12:27 other posts 
How odd.
Now that John isn't here to remind me, I keep forgetting to be bad, awful, fake, corrupt, evil and pathetic.
I'll have to work on that.
By #460385 15,Apr,16 13:24
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Apr,16 13:50 other posts 
@,JustWill, puh-lease, you can't always get what you want and you've already called dibs on being the Unholy Ghost! I don't think you were thought of as fake or corrupt, just the constant pain in the ass.
By JustWill [Ignore] 15,Apr,16 14:37 other posts 
Why CAN'T I always get what I want? Whyyyyyyy? I'm the Unholy Ghost, dammit! (Boo! btw) What I want should just magically appear at my Unholy feet.

(And that "constant pain in the ass" bit kinda hurt my feeling. )
By #494679 15,Apr,16 14:39
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Apr,16 15:03 other posts 
Hey, JustWill, Father Mersey granted us absolution. Amen.
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Apr,16 15:01 other posts 
Don't go getting your knickers in a bunch mister, you do wear them, don't you? Although he blacklisted you first, you've got to recognize that I was a constant pain in the old guy's old ass as well as "the bitch" long before you.

By #147052 14,Apr,16 10:44
Maybe we are fed up with the kind of talk that we see in American politics and just want some sensible conversations without the bullshit frosting.

By spermkiss [Ignore] 13,Apr,16 16:10 other posts 
No, I don't think it's just you. You have touched on a topic dear to my heart. You (and others) might want to bring up my Forum topic "A Request for Civilized Conduct on the Forum" posted more than five years ago. (An easy way to do this is to click on the "other posts" next to my name.)

I strongly suspect that the site administrator is cracking down on abusive people here on the site. Sir, is this true.
By admin [Ignore] 13,Apr,16 18:04 other posts 
I do not pursue them specifically if this is what you are asking about. Just trying to keep monkeys in a cage when I happen to see them running around.

Actually, except few troublemakers this site never had so many abusive people as some might imagine. It's just that they are usually very loud. Remove a couple of them and it gets quiet.
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 14,Apr,16 09:28 other posts 
and I thank you for all that you do

By #493281 14,Apr,16 08:53
Well at least his little doggies will get more fresh air and longer walks along the beach if he's spending less time fanatically and hyterically trying to find "web-derived-images, web-derived images, WDIs....blah blah!

By Ray10754 [Ignore] 12,Apr,16 18:57 other posts 
Excellent observation But could it just be the quiet before the storm? One never knows what is happening behind the screen. I agree it has been rather tranquil around here
By milesbferry [Ignore] 12,Apr,16 19:08 other posts 
I, for one, just got tired and brassed off with it.
By JustWill [Ignore] 12,Apr,16 22:23 other posts 
Just enjoying it while it lasts, Ray. I've been here long enough to know that someone will always step in to fill the void...

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