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Gun **** in America

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Started by leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Oct,15 19:27  other posts
So many people die annually from gunfire in the US that the death toll between 1968 and 2011 eclipses all wars ever fought by the US. According to research by Politifact, there were about 1.4 million firearm deaths in that period, compared with 1.2 million US deaths in every conflict from the Revolutionary War to Iraq.

It is true that gun ownership is in the US constitution and it is true that most people argue that guns are not the problem. The problem is those who use the guns irresponsibly. If 1.4 million deaths occurred by, say, a million people in the US, what does it take to make those people responsible gun owners?

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Dec,15 08:56 other posts 
Because most people measure everything in terms of money, take a look at this to see how much a random shooting that leaves someone paralyzed costs. Merry Christmas!
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By #57759 13,Oct,15 13:45
Each of you should sit down and read the U S Constitution and Bill o Rights before you attempt to argue either. And if you do not like our laws go to anothner country like Russia or Iran.
By JustWill [Ignore] 13,Oct,15 14:42 other posts 
"And if you do not like our laws go to anothner country like Russia or Iran."

Damn...I can't help but laugh whenever someone says something like that. They are always people who forget that the US Constitution was designed to be a LIVING document. The intent of the original drafters was to provide for the PEOPLE to be able to change/modify its contents...through the democratic process...when it was warranted.
If that were not so, slavery would still be legal, women would not be allowed to vote, and equal rights under the law would not be guaranteed to all citizens.
The "Love it or Leave it" attitude is probably the most UN-American concept that a US citizen could express.
By #497672 15,Oct,15 12:24
Much as I admire the way the authors of American Constitution thought deeply and by philosophically attempted to avoid the mistakes made by other more established nation, I am also aware that it was written more than two hundred years ago and was based on the constitutions of the various States existing at the time. The "wild west" had not begun yet, guns seemed relevant at the time in a dangerous mostly wild and unexplored world. Does having a gun for self-defence have the same relevance today?
By #435701 03,Dec,15 15:37
I had SO much trouble concentrating on your comment about the American Constitution. Your cock kept distracting me as it came OVER AND OVER in my peripheral vision!...But after reading your comment OVER AND OVER, I have to agree with you!
By #497672 11,Dec,15 12:32
Thanks on both counts and I am flattered.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Dec,15 21:23 other posts 
You speak this way (using elementary logic) because you don't live in the US. Most people on that side of the Atlantic argue that they can't have democracy without guns. They also argue that they can't be good without going to church.
By #23212 06,Dec,15 02:45
By "Most people on that side of the Atlantic ..." you are also referring to Canada, Mexico, and all of Central and South America. Those 'guns' and 'church' arguments don't apply much there, even close to the amount of those in the USA.
By #497672 11,Dec,15 12:42
Yes, these seem mixed messages, though there is logic in both. If criminals are armed, then it is natural to want to balance things by being armed for defence. That argument doesn't necessarily make going to church less sincere. And yes, more and more criminals are becoming armed in the UK. But, here we are still not paranoid about being shot either individually or en masse. Such events are still rare. However, as Mr Obama says, a civilised country cannot see over one gun outrage a day for a year and feel this is right.
By _avg_ [Ignore] 06,Dec,15 03:13 other posts 
For context, I *have* read the US Constitution, particularly the 2nd Amendment, the portion relevant to the debate on gun ownership. Here's the exact wording:

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

What I read was that states have the right to armed militias as a check on the power of federal institution, not that unaffiliated citizens have the right to lethal weapons as a check against one another.

Indeed, that was the general reading until the Reagan administration; I'll let Supreme Court Justice Stevens explain further: only registered users can see external links

What makes either reading correct? Who says anyone has the right to deprive another of life, in any context?

Further, I would suggest that an armed society is NOT a more FREE society, as more eloquently elaborated here: only registered users can see external links

The division of people into 'good' and 'bad' is a shamefully gross oversimplification that glosses reality and contributes to the marginalization that results in vioIence. Anyone who suggests that dissenters are unwelcome denies the democratic process its place and creates two classes of citizens. "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable."

By most accounts, America owes its success to its inclusiveness and willingness to give grand ideas a chance.

Is that wrong??

By botanic [Ignore] 09,Dec,15 05:02 other posts 
Legal ownership of self loading rifles was banned in the UK in 1988 and pistols in 1996 . Nevertheless the criminal use of both these types of guns has risen in the UK since those dates .

By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Dec,15 18:22 other posts 
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By cumonme1 [Ignore] 08,Oct,15 19:29 other posts 
I own guns and have never killed or hurt anyone with them I would never ever give them up. People use guns in their violent activities and when the Idiots in DC ban gun ownership the violent people will find other ways to kill or hurt others, there are many other countries that ban gun ownership but you always hear about gun **** in those countries too. When people want to hurt others they will find away to do it. And the way things are going around the world world with isis and other groups i would recommend buying a gun Because I believe we will see more terror activities here in the united states
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

hey admin why are you blocking the word **** in my post
By #444412 08,Oct,15 23:04
Get out the aluminum foil! It's time to make hats!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Oct,15 01:48 other posts 
Two things to consider: who created isis? has a terrorist activity ever been deterred because people had guns?
By #495452 15,Oct,15 19:00
Bush created ISIS... by invading Iraq for no reason other than to steal oil.. Destroy IRAQ's govt.... then leave the country in anarchy,,,, thus create ISIS>.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 16,Oct,15 16:49 other posts 
Well, then, if your statement

"Bush created ISIS... by invading Iraq for no reason other than to steal oil.. Destroy IRAQ's govt.... then leave the country in anarchy,,,, thus create ISIS"

is true and if the statement of cumonme1 above

"And the way things are going around the world world with isis and other groups i would recommend buying a gun Because I believe we will see more terror activities here in the united states"

is also true, who do you think the gun owners should target?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 29,Oct,15 11:56 other posts 
Any replies yet?
By _avg_ [Ignore] 06,Dec,15 03:59 other posts 
I suspect you're asking for replies to your statements: "who created ISIS?" and "has a terrorist activity ever been deterred because people had guns?"

The answers are that ISIS created ISIS. It doesn't matter that coalition forces created a power vacuum in territories now controlled by ISIS (though I do not wish to marginalize the culpability said coalition has in the [most recent] destabilization of the region).

That a terrorist attack has been 'thwarted' by the threat of retaliation by armed, non-military citizens is similarly inconsequential, in the near terms. It could equally (and just as validly) be argued that the characteristics of the attack would change in response; the threat of an armed public would be countered by weaponry or tactics which would render that moot.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Dec,15 07:11 other posts 

By leopoldij [Ignore] 14,Nov,15 18:27 other posts 
Thera are also sperm guns: only registered users can see external links
By #143536 03,Dec,15 13:04
I got a sperm gun already

By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,Nov,15 06:49 other posts 
Here's a funny (=ridiculous) page: only registered users can see external links
The picture only registered users can see external links on top left reminds me of the 9-year old girl who shot her instructor with an uzi. only registered users can see external links She had gone with her parents to a fast food joint called Bullets and Burgers only registered users can see external links and was given an uzi to shoot, for fun. But she shot her instructor because an uzi shoots 600 rounds per minute.

By #460385 09,Oct,15 11:51
There is no purpose to a gun ban. That only takes the guns out of the hands of the people who need them to rightfully protect themselves, their family, and their property. Criminals will always have a way to get guns, as they do now. Criminals don't walk into a gun shop and purchase weapons. They can't pass background checks as law abiding citizens do. They will buy them off the street as they do now. What everyone should be looking at as you all give stats on the deaths each year. Is look at how many of those shooting deaths actually were caused by a registered weapon. I think you will be suprised. So if the shootings are being done by non registered guns, why in the Hell would anyone want a gun ban. They'll take my guns when they take them from my grandpa and daddy. Just saying.
By #444412 21,Oct,15 01:16
I think you've missed something... I don't believe anybody has said anything about a gun "ban".

By #23575 10,Oct,15 00:07
Guns were intended to kill humans. The humans who might try to kill me. When I'm out with friends or family, or by myself...I'm much more likely to live with my glock .40 cal pistol safely tucked away were I to be attacked. And yes it's nearly happened to me. Two **** men once tried to carjack my vehicle from me but I was able to drive it away. Were I pulled from my vehicle there would have been two more to add to the list of those shot and killed. You can believe that. But it didnt come to that because I knew my options based on simple training and preparedness.

And who created Isis? They've been around beheading people and reading their single book they're allowed to which says it's ok....for 3000 years. So who really creates them? US policies or Colt 1871 single action revolvers? Or the Russian AK rifle developed in the 50's? Every man 21 and older is required to own a rifle. The one they received in the mandatory 1 year military service. Not much crime there.
By #444412 21,Oct,15 01:13
Gun deaths in Russia nearly dwarf the statistics in the United States...

By #23575 10,Oct,15 00:10
You think Carson made a dumb statement???? Ever read Mao-Obamas laundry list of dumb statements??? Was he put on the ballot just because he's black? Get real. Are you racist? Carson put HIMSELF on the ballot. And Carson handed Obama his ass at the national prayer breakfast a few years ago. Take a look.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Oct,15 04:04 other posts 
The fact that Obama makes stupid statements doesn't contradict the fact that Carson does too. It is perfectly rational (and factual) that they both do.
By #444412 21,Oct,15 01:09
It honestly confounds me how such stupid shit can come out of the mouth of a man that was a practicing Neurosurgeon.

By #491909 10,Oct,15 13:01
Didn't someone else already start this same exact thread???
By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Oct,15 13:35 other posts 
Looks like it. The other guy was , however, blacklisting everyone who disagreed with him or everybody who would post comments on behalf of blacklisted members. Feel free to express any opinion here. You won't be blacklisted.
By #444412 21,Oct,15 01:06
We see through you leo.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Oct,15 19:35 other posts 
Clearly, it's education. Starting from common sense. I have friends who taught their toddlers how to shoot guns. At some point, the 5 year old girl was playing with her cousin with a gun. Turns out that the gun was loaded and she blew the 6 year old boy's brains out. The girl is now 18 and a dru.g addict. The parents have bought more guns.
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Oct,15 20:29 other posts 
Undoubtedly, these must be Americans because no where else in this whole wide and wild world would this happen.

Get your head out of your ass and open your eyes, this shit is not just synonymous with the United States!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Oct,15 01:45 other posts 
They're Finns.
By #435701 08,Oct,15 13:12
Well...yes it is synonymous with the United States...Unless you are talking actual wars...then you are absolutely right! If you are talking about gun deaths and a countrie's citizenry/personal gun ownership...then you are just totally wrong.
By #495452 12,Oct,15 10:58
I have my own shotgun... I shoot it 2 times a day..with accuracy..
By leopoldij [Ignore] 12,Oct,15 13:05 other posts 
But be careful not to leave it unattended. Why do you have a gun? Are you afraid of someone?
By #495452 12,Oct,15 13:07
I hunt Beavers...I shoot with great aim..
By leopoldij [Ignore] 12,Oct,15 14:08 other posts 
That's brutal. What did beavers do to you?
By mr_blue [Ignore] 13,Oct,15 12:37 other posts 
'beaver', Leo, I am surprised you don't know this alternative name for pussy...
By #455846 15,Oct,15 18:31
they tempt and torment him
By #455846 15,Oct,15 18:30
as a matter of interest whats your prefered load for beaver lol
By #495452 15,Oct,15 18:35
A double shotgun..
By #444412 21,Oct,15 01:05
But that's an actual issue. I've lived in rural Canada my entire life. I was muzzleloading on the weekend and dropped a 5x5. But nobody I know would have the audacity to claim they used a gun for self defense.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Oct,15 15:42 other posts 
Look how stupid this guy is:
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His name is Ben Carson and he's a candidate for one of the parties in the USA. I guess the put him on the list to get votes from blacks. His statement is .... to die for. ... Of laughter. He's supposed to be an educated person, but, clearly, not in history. Oh well. Whatever works. Whatever will attract votes. ...
By #57759 13,Oct,15 13:40
He will get my vote.
By #444412 21,Oct,15 00:48
Carson Trump 2016!

By #455846 15,Oct,15 18:38
i think its a point on its own that the less guns sold means job loss in so many businesses etc. I think to campaighn for gun free societys is stupidity at it s worst. In fact more people all over the world should be able to 'legaly' own them and use them for protection. In the UK it is a disgrace how one has to rely on the corrupt police **** for protection. And how its always the 'yobs' and more heavily armed in society that are safer. At the end of the day they try to ban knives, but even that is something that can t be done. Also anything can be used as a weapon and more often in most homicides it IS things like hammers and big spanners axes etc. All of wich can be bought at Aldi or anywhere.
By #444412 21,Oct,15 00:46
I think your profile pic is false advertising.

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