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do you feel the same about gay kissing

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #454258 [Ignore] 08,Feb,15 23:09
as a bisexual i don't mind watching two guys fuck. as well as having guy sex myself. however out of all of the sexual things we can do, sucking, fucking, etc. I find KISSING, or any other mouth to mouth contact, going to far.

example. i just watched a porn clip of two guys. one was fucking the other. but after the climax, the guy on top leaned in and kissed the other guy. it was at that point i was disgusted.

anyone else feel this way?

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Similar topics: 1.Same Sex Kissing   2.kissing men   3.men kissing men   4.No kissing dudes for me!!   5.Cum kissing  

By spermkiss [Ignore] 09,Feb,15 10:57 other posts 
An interesting point. You might want to pull up my Forum topic "Same Sex Kissing" posted back in April, 2011 on this very subject.

As I said in that post, the mouth is a gender neutral part of the body. Everybody has one. It would seem to me that any two people of either sex and any orientation can kiss each other. So what's the big deal about two men kissing?
By #454258 10,Feb,15 00:36
I don't know, i think at that point, it becomes less about pleasure, and more about love. And I do NOT want it to get that far.

my best friend and I have been having guy sex for awhile, and I love him like a ****. but i don't love him quite THAT much.

am I making sense?
By spermkiss [Ignore] 10,Feb,15 01:43 other posts 
Yes, you are making sense. Sure, two men (or any two people, for that matter) can have sex and it can be only for the pleasure of the sex. But a kiss carries the baggage of emotional intimacy. A lot of straight (and bisexual) men are quite willing to have sexual contact with another man, but they're just not prepared to have a loving relationship (except in a bro-therly kind of way) with another man. I understand what you're saying. A kiss is indeed the most intimate contact between two people.
By #454258 10,Feb,15 08:46
i'm glad you understand. the person i kiss will be the person i fall in love with. given the choice, id prefer it to be a woman.
By #454258 10,Feb,15 00:37
br ther

By #424385 09,Feb,15 09:12
Yea, I have to say I agree, it's just not a pretty thing to see.
By tb1 [Ignore] 10,Feb,15 00:10 other posts 
hmmm, I agree with spermkiss, when it feels right and the chemistry is there and he's hot looking, kissing is awesome and very enjoyable

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