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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #303133 [Ignore] 02,Sep,14 22:39
Forget about the cut/uncut debate.
How about taking the time and learn how to string a coherent sentence together?

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By bella! [Ignore] 03,Sep,14 20:00 other posts 
Since my other comment was buried in the other thread, I will post it here.

I would like to suggest to JustWill to start another thread and call it something like; Just English With JustWill. Because he has such an exceptional command of the English language, he would select an obscure word, provide the meaning and use it in a sentence with a JustWill spin. I think the concept sounds fun and we could build our language and spelling skills as well!
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 03,Sep,14 20:11 other posts 
how about this....



adjective \äb-ˈtüs, əb-, -ˈtyüs\

: stupid or unintelligent : not able to think clearly or to understand what is obvious or simple

a : lacking sharpness or quickness of sensibility or intellect : insensitive, stupid

b : difficult to comprehend : not clear or precise in thought or expression

Examples of OBTUSE

He is too obtuse to take a hint.

Edit: now before you get in a fit.. I am just kidding with you

or is that to obtuse?
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Sep,14 20:18 other posts 
JohnS uses obtuse quite frequently. There was a member that used the word privet, he meant private. Me, the dumbass said something about it and JustWill came back to say it related to shrubbery. Geez-o-pete! He has a wild mind and obviously an extensive vocabulary.

I asked a question in the forum yesterday, I asked what is a 9-letter word that contained only one vowel. Do you know what it is? He answered in less than one hour and it took that long because the first 55 minutes, he was not even signed on!
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 03,Sep,14 20:26 other posts 
Privet.. it is a hedge or a bush... so yes it is shrubbery, Just go ask Roger the shrubber

What English word has 9 letters and only one vowel?
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Sep,14 20:30 other posts 

Geez-us! And I just knew there was no such word in the English language, Polish, yes!
By **FlyingCum** [Ignore] 03,Sep,14 22:52 other posts 
There is quite a few more words then just strengths - rhythmics, skylights, sprightly to name a few more. There's about 30 words that I have found, some seem more credible than others though.
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 03,Sep,14 23:02 other posts 
but "Y" is some times a vowel.... is it not?
By **FlyingCum** [Ignore] 03,Sep,14 23:45 other posts 
In my school days it wasn't....
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Sep,14 00:14 other posts 
There are differences between the way words are spelled in proper English versus the way we were taught in American schools. In Australia, I believe you follow the way things are spelled in England. Forgive me, I am not sure how I would refer to that other than the Queen's English.

I remember when I was initially taught the vowels in school, we would always recite; A - E - I - O - U and sometimes Y

Heck, if Y is sometimes a vowel what is the rule of thumb when the letter Y not considered a vowel?
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 04,Sep,14 00:35 other posts 
These letters are vowels in English:

A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y

The letter Y can be a vowel (as in the word "cry" or "candy"), or it can be a consonant (as in "yellow").
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Sep,14 00:47 other posts 
Holy crap, I would be put to shame if I was ever on that Jeff Foxworthy game show, Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader

Thanks for responding, my friend!
By johnp [Ignore] 08,Sep,14 00:39 other posts 
Hmmm ... That sounds familiar ....

By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,14 22:44 other posts 
I kind of like it when the sentences aren't coherent, then I can answer them however I interpret it!

I've often wondered why some guys want members to rat their dicks.
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 02,Sep,14 23:30 other posts 
OMG Bella!!!

My research shows a Rat's penis to be 8MM in length.
is that a coherent Sentence?
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,14 23:50 other posts 
Hell yeah, that's a coherent thought.

In the event that I'm on Jeopardy and the answer is 8mm, how do I phrase the question to Alex Trebeck? What is the length of a rat's flaccid penis or what is the length of a rat's erection? Please, inquiring minds want to know!

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