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The fear of WHITE people

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Started by bigone21 [Ignore] 19,Jul,13 17:36  other posts
Why is it that WHITE people allways feel threatened by minoraties that gain rights? The group with the MOST rights, allways and for centuries, are the ones that feel the most threatened (historically) by blacks/coloured and (at this time) by samesex couples...

Same-sex couples can marry know also in France and England! Hallelujah! The Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, some states in Brazil and USA, and some more that don't come to mind now..!

But back to the question: why do (heterosexual) WHITE people, that allways enjoyed all rights to the max, are so loud on this? Nothing is ever taken away from them, and yet, at all kinds of subjects, they scream murder if any other group gets granted the same rights!

For the record: I'm white! (and don't understand this reflex)!

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By #315550 19,Jul,13 21:08
I don't get why some people feel the need to demand that others see things their way. Frankly I could care less if gays get married, etc. but as an individual I am tired of this whole thing that I must conform to other people's thinking.

As for blacks getting rights...what rights do they not have that others are upset that they are getting? Last I checked they can eat anywhere they want, sit on the bus anywhere they want, get a job anywhere they want, go to college anywhere they want, vote for anyone they want, shop anywhere they want and buy anything they want, live anywhere they want...what new rights have they gotten that white people are upset they are getting?
By #360973 20,Jul,13 00:05
Firstly, not everyone on this site is American. Secondly, when it comes to an ignorant standpoint and a rational and fair standpoint, there is always a correct answer / way of thinking. Lastly, bigone21 prefaced what he said with "historically" - historically, African-Americans have received the same basic human rights as Caucasian-Americans, is that what you are suggesting?
As a side note, have you Americans noticed yet that since you elected an African-American President, anti-American sentiment is no longer as widespread in the rest of the world. A few more rational and progressive changes - gun laws, gay marriage, learning that there's a whole world outside of your borders, etc and your image might even improve further. I'm not suggesting Australia's any better, by the way, as i said in my comment in this thread: stupidity/ignorance/xenophobia are not nationality/ethnicity/all other sub-groups of society exclusive.
By #315550 21,Jul,13 16:55
No I have no noticed anti-American sentiments declining at all. Admittedly I am not living outside of the US, so I am dependent on the US media which tells what it wants to tell, but I don't see any indicators that suddenly non-Americans are pro-USA.

As for the OP saying "historically", so what? Are you suggesting that anti-black rights sentiments from 200 years ago are relevant now? Maybe you didn't notice, but we elected a black president TWICE. The OP may have used "historically", but his goal was to create a discussion about now , so using anti-black aspects from 100 or more years before I was even borrn to justify some pseudo-racist sentiment now is anti-intellectual.
By bigone21 [Ignore] 22,Jul,13 18:51 other posts 
@ PartyWife: 100 or more years before you were even born??

You are 39, so, born in 1972 or 1973. And you think it's anti-intellectual to have some regard to the fact that american was VERY racist in the 100 years before you were born?

One way or another, americans might THINK they are not racist, but if one has a look at the composition of jail-inmates, everyone from outerspace knows better at first view...
By #410754 22,Jul,13 19:42
150 years ago most of the world was racist, yes? As for who is in prison, blacks commit seven times the murders per capita than whites do. This idea that racism is so very common is unsupported by statistics.
By bigone21 [Ignore] 23,Jul,13 14:50 other posts 
you are probably right that black people get CONVICTED seven times more than white people! do i have to mention the name: Zimmerman..?
By #238807 21,Jul,13 17:11
"As a side note, have you Americans noticed yet that since you elected an African-American President, anti-American sentiment is no longer as widespread in the rest of the world"

HUH??? Just because the guy is black doesn't mean he is any different than the rest of the criminal pieces of excrement that hold the reins in Washington DC. This guy is every bit the warmonger and liar that Bush was. In some ways, he's even worse, because of the blatantly false marketing that put him in office. I find it hard to believe our world standing has improved. I believe it is the exact opposite. We are at war in more places since he took office, his drone murders are loathed far and wide, we are still rendering and torturing, and he regularly spits on the rule of law, such as hgis ciontention that the courts need not be involved if the Executive decides to assasinate an American citizen, or anyone else. And he is an utter and complete fraud as it applies to his infamous "Cairo Speech". He wimped out on bringing Israel to heel, and he anfd Kerry are working on betraying the Palestinians. He won't sign off on banning cluster bombs and landmines, and his fear mongering about Iran's supposed "nuclear weapons program" is just as disingenuous as Bush's garbage about Saddam's WMDs. This is how you improve yopur credibility with the global community???? Hardly.

By #214409 22,Jul,13 10:11
Same-sex marriage has been legal in Canada since 2005, and in some provinces since 2004.

By admin [Ignore] 19,Jul,13 21:02 other posts 
About marriages the right question that you should be asking is: Why the fuck government is involved in marriage registration at all?

It's not a human right that should be protected by government. Basically it's a contract. And as a contract it can be made willingly between any count of adult people of any sex. Why the fuck it's regulated? The only thing that should be regulated in it is that people who make it do this willingly, not forced to.

As for the minorities, the right question that you should be asking is: do they fight for the rights or for the privileges? Most minorities these days do not fight for the rights, they have all the rights already. They get privileges. Which usually violates other people's rights. Like when they select students in universities not on their knowledge but on their skin color which violates rights of people who are smarter and studied harder. When something is given to people who did not earn it, it's usually taken from someone who actually earned it. That is the reason why you should be worried.

Modern western society is screwed today. If you belong to some minority for some reason people think it's OK for you to demand some privileges. If you are white straight man - you belong to the majority. That means you have no rights to demand privileges and lose to those who belong to minorities. Which means you are screwed.

For the record: Personally I don't care. Most of the time I do not live in western world anyway.
By #170523 19,Jul,13 21:42
Goverments collect taxes and marriage effects taxes,in short money rules the whole world.
Your other points are very interesting and to the point, a voice I have never heard from you in my roughly two years here.
By admin [Ignore] 19,Jul,13 23:05 other posts 
>marriage effects taxes

Again, why?
By #409137 20,Jul,13 03:51
I think our friend is trying to say as a married couple they would be in a different tax band as a single person
By Sickboy [Ignore] 20,Jul,13 14:55 other posts 
Here it is better to married. Than not ....and its a tax thing!
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And no I'm not!...
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Been 15 years tho!..(with my missis!)
By bigone21 [Ignore] 20,Jul,13 17:13 other posts 
@admin: Take it easy man! "...the fuck..." in your first sentence?

Let me TRY to explain, (in a language that is not mine, if we could change to Dutch, you're welcome!)

The government regulates the rules about what consequences of a (marriage-)contract by two parties (my bf and I) are to be submitted by THIRD parties: pension-funds; hospitals; legal consequences and of cours, the government itself.

If governement does NOT regulate this, and verify our contract, I could be in the situation that if my bf has a car accident and is in a coma, I have no say about his medication or therapy, might loose custody over an eventual c h i l d, and if he dies, loose his pension.

Heterosexual marriage regulates all that, and that is just what gays also want from marriage! Not please ask... WANT!!

Because: have you ever seen a contract between two parties (buy a house, lease a car etc.) and the consequences of that contract are different for men and women?

And all that is not a privilage asked for or taken away from somebody else, that's same situation / same rights!
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 20,Jul,13 19:08 other posts 
Well stated, Admin! "Democracy" has long been dysfunctional for the non-lobbyist-connected

By #360973 19,Jul,13 23:15
Pretty simple answer: 95% of all people are stupid, 95% of all people are ignorant (stupidity and ignorance are not mutually exclusive) and 95% of all people are xenophobic. It might be more noticeable in straight Caucasian people, but i would put forth that it's a wide spread phenomenon that exist across, and within, all sub-classes of society...and hyper-religiousness plays a big part in this. Unfortunately, none of these phenomenons are changeable and they will therefore always be prevalent.

P.S.: You forgot Australia.


Any straight person who gives an iota of a flying fuck whether or not gay people marry each other is tweaked. Gay people are gay and aren't going to produce **** regardless of whether they are married to a same sex partner or not - so if this is the only rationale behind not legalising same sex marriage, i'm surprised it's not already legal everywhere in the Western World (but i'm not really surprised at all, because as i said above: 95% stupid/ignorant/xenophobic; religious and hyper-moralistic nutcases...)
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**** = c h i l d r e n
By Dalecash [Ignore] 20,Jul,13 03:55 other posts 
Here here 100%. I just wish all the world, especially Australia had this same view.

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