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Has a girlfriend or sex partner ever commented on your circumcision status?

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Started by #41858 [Ignore] 21,Nov,12 01:10
What did she (or he) say about it?

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By #599768 15,Sep,19 16:20
Never had that. But then I have left over frenulum. When soft you might not be able to know.

By littlegazg [Ignore] 22,May,19 18:01 other posts 
I know my wife prefers sucking a cut cock - she has tried enough of them. she does like to be able to tug on my foreskin and pull me off, bit of a toy cock for her as she has had much bigger in her time

By #586324 22,May,19 17:44
My wife is a "circumcised only" type of women. She's never seen an uncut cock in person. My buddy's wife feels the same way and told my wife that her first husband had an ugly dick (uncut) and that she hated uncut dick, I think that she had a lot of influence my wife regarding circumcision.

By Greek18cm [Ignore] 11,Apr,19 15:39 other posts 
I was about 16, she was 12 and also my second cousin. Much more advanced than me she came from Germany for vacation every summer.

So she teach me many things. And at the beginning when she demand to see my cock she mentioned that this is unusual and that she prefer it bold.

She forced me to my first ever retrieval of the skin and order me to have it this way when she is around because that's how she likes to see it.

Of course so many years later it seems so... I don't know. We both have not a clue, she just had more experiences.

By spermkiss [Ignore] 11,Apr,19 15:28 other posts 
My very first sex partner commented in it. He was uncircumcised.

By #584942 10,Apr,19 17:06
I've had plenty of really positive compliments on my circumcised dick over the years from girls and women. I am forever thankful to my mom for making sure I was circumcised so high and tight.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 11,Apr,19 15:26 other posts 
Better penises thru surgery. And you do indeed have a really fine penis with a stunningly attractive glans.

By bjuk [Ignore] 02,Jan,18 15:14 other posts 

By #542941 01,Jan,18 19:01
yea she said it would suck so bad if u were circumcised becuz then i couldnt lick ur clit.

By Greek18cm [Ignore] 01,Jan,18 15:56 other posts 
When very young a female cousin from germany assked me why my cock look diffetend. Then a year later she learn and inform me and...taech me

By nekekal [Ignore] 21,Oct,17 13:24 other posts 
Nope. No one ever said anything about my cock being circumcised. I got a lot of "OMG, how big is that thing?" Or " I don't think that will fit in me, how about I just suck it? " I don't think they even noticed that it was cut.

By #542381 21,Oct,17 05:15
[deleted image]

Hi, all! The only woman who didn't like me being uncut was my late wife. She made derogatory comments about my dick here and there and never swallowed in the nearly eighteen years we were together.

My new GF loves my foreskin. Plays with it all the time AND she swallows my jizz every time....

By #174339 12,Oct,17 19:17
I like both but I prefer uncut cock it's the best Of both worlds open or closed I like either well groomed hygiene is very important

By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 12,Oct,17 06:47 other posts 
Just felt like saying I think it's important to make the distinction when people talk about this - whether or not you're from the US or Canada. Especially if you're straight. Girls from these two countries have different standards than the rest of the world. Considering well over 95% of guys are circumcised here, seeing a cock that isn't is not something a girl expects to see without a heads up beforehand.

By veryshyguy [Ignore] 11,Oct,17 10:53 other posts 
Oh yes! When I was 16 I was making out with a girl. She eventually went down in my pants to pull out my cock when she saw I was uncut she said it was ugly and didn't look like a "normal" cock!

I have found most of the women really don't find an uncut good looking. Most of the women think we are not "clean".

I was also bullied and teased about my uncut cock when I was in high school. Being uncut back in the early '60s was not very common and became something that others would make fun of and be critical of.
By #539358 11,Oct,17 12:55
I think if someone pulled down my underwear and said my natural (as nature intended) cock was ugly I'd be pretty scathing in my reply!
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 11,Oct,17 15:28 other posts 
I just left. Had nothing to say, way too embarrassed and dejected...

I was then and pretty much now a very insecure individual. Such is life...
By #539358 11,Oct,17 18:11
Be proud of what you are. I was embarrassed of my dick when I was young but nowadays I don't care what it looks like!
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 12,Oct,17 04:15 other posts 
I must admit I am not and never have been that secure. In many ways I am still like that pimply faced, ugly, insecure, socially awkward, sexually inadequate 16 year old ****.

By #6568 11,Oct,17 09:25
As I remember, she said it revolted her..."like something on a butchers slab"....that the foreskin was "horrible and squidgy"

....Oh yes, she said it looked "deformed" & "bent".......

By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 11,Oct,17 04:49 other posts 
Yes... many have thanked god (I think it's just an expression, they weren't religious) that I was.

By cruz69696969 [Ignore] 11,Oct,17 04:14 other posts 
My girlfriend always said that my pediatrician created a masterpiece

By fatcock66 [Ignore] 09,Oct,17 16:07 other posts 
great lover from way back there... "wow, never had one like this" Then proceeded to give me the best blow job ever.

By #311947 09,Oct,17 07:45
Yes, all of them. They all seem to like it very much.

By #528342 09,Oct,17 02:23
My uncut cock

By #528342 09,Oct,17 02:19
My uncut cock/iqrudjg7alj2pic.html

By #511925 07,Oct,17 23:10
In Australia there are less guys my age that are circumcised so I’ve found I’ve introduced cut cock for the first time to quite a number of girls I’ve had sex with.
I absolutely love the different reactions! One girlfriend had the biggest smile and said “I’ve always wanted to try a circumcised one” she’d had 4 partners beforehand but I won’t ever forget that smile
A year after I was circumcised I had sex with my first girlfriend who said, “Babe you have a really nice looking dick now”
Another woman said in a soft voice “I really like that your circumcised, there is less skin in the way” the next morning she was laying with her head on my stomach just admiring and stroking my dick. She said “I hope you don’t mind, I’m just learning how best to play with it”

Most partners haven’t mentioned it either way

The only negative reaction was from a tinder date on our first encounter after we’d had a few drinks and she said she prefers foreskin because circumcised reminds her of her twin brothers penis lol
I made sure I fucked her for 2 hours with one thought, don’t come don’t come don’t come you must change her Mind!
We had great sex a few more times so she mustn’t have disliked it to much.

By #311947 29,Aug,13 16:29
Ive had a few compliment me about it. My on again/ off again playmate loves it.
By #41858 31,Aug,13 14:24
Yours' is very tight and perfectly cut
By #311947 01,Sep,13 10:31
Thank you!

By #299195 28,Aug,13 20:51
my ex said my dick felt like a "big salad role"
By #41858 29,Aug,13 15:55
Because of the foreskin?

By #411478 13,Jul,13 11:41
I've had a few girlfriends comment on this topic during sex. One girlfriend was a doctor. She commented on what a neat job the surgeon did when he "clipped" me.
By #41858 29,Aug,13 15:54
That's extremely hot

By #381618 28,Aug,13 22:20
Haha, my ex actually though foreskin was some deformed skin growth, she thought it was due to me jacking off too much...
By soundsgreat87 [Ignore] 28,Aug,13 23:53 other posts 
Lol, wow.

By CreativeOne [Ignore] 28,Aug,13 22:35 other posts 
Sure thing ! Everyone says they like the way it looks !!!

[deleted image]

By #374501 10,Jul,13 12:34
interesting point...had a number of girlfriends that loved to play with my cock through my shorts or if I was wearing gym pants comando and just wondering if its the exposed head they like to tease...had a girl tell me once befor she new I was circumcised that she prefered it...but in genreal I find most girls love my dick the way it is
By #41858 12,Jul,13 17:08
Very hot story

By #285354 09,Jul,13 07:42
Yes, when I was dating. My gf asked why I had never been cut. (far more men are cut in this area of they US) I explained that my parents had a thoughtful conversation with the doctor. She just said "oh". I suspect that she preferred cut, although we had great sex, including lots of oral for quite some time.
By #41858 09,Jul,13 20:51
Hot! Thanks for sharing

By bigone21 [Ignore] 06,Jul,13 14:23 other posts 
no! and they love the foreskin that was left alone..!

By jocstfr [Ignore] 04,Jul,13 12:08 other posts 
growing up in eastern Europe being cut was not the norm and I remember one girl being infatuated with it as she had never been with someone without a foreskin. She kept examining it trying to figure out how or why someone would get their foreskin cut off.
By #41858 05,Jul,13 12:33
That's a very hot story
By jocstfr [Ignore] 06,Jul,13 10:06 other posts 
yes it was strange because she was experienced sexually and I thought it was odd that even there (Ukraine) she had not been exposed to a circumcised cock before me. She did enjoy it and we had great sex, but she was constantly questioning me on it, like pointing out the circ scar saying look you can see where they cut it or flicking my frenulum asking why they didn't cut that too. She also asked if other boys made fun of me in the shower, as she thought it was so unnatural to have my cockhead constantly exposed.
By #41858 06,Jul,13 13:00
I'd love to meet her

By #395571 02,Jul,13 16:13
every girlfriend i have had have loved the look of my cut cock, they say is the best looking one they have seen. what do others think?
[deleted image]
By #41858 02,Jul,13 23:08
Looks good!

By boc [Ignore] 02,Jul,13 12:45 other posts 
Yes, because I use to steal a joke from a comedian that "I keep my wallet and keys in my foreskin". My ex use to say "You don't have a foreskin."

By #277673 21,Nov,12 02:25
she told me my circ scar was unusual. i think it looks nice
By #41858 02,Jul,13 12:39
I think it looks nice

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